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  3. Immortality Some Ming DynastyDaoist sects believed that one way for men to achieve longevity or immortality is by having intercourse with virgins, particularly young virgins. Daoist sexual books, such as the HsuanweiHshin ("Mental Images of the Mysteries and Subtleties of Sexual Techniques") and San Feng Tan Cheueh ("Zhang Sanfeng's Instructions in the Physiological Alchemy"). According to Ge Hong, a 4th century Daoistalchemist, "those seeking immortality must perfect the absolute essentials. These consist of treasuring the jing, circulating the qi and consuming the great medicine."[20] The sexual arts concerned the first precept, treasuring the jing. This is partially because treasuring the jing involved sending it up into the brain. In order to send the jing into the brain, the male had to refrain from ejaculation during sex. According to some Daoists, if this was done, the semen would travel up the spine and nourish the brain instead of leaving the body.


  5. Sex Date: 14th century 1: either of the two major forms of individuals that occur in many species and that are distinguished respectively as female or male especially on the basis of their reproductive organs and structures2: the sum of the structural, functional, and behavioral characteristics of organisms that are involved in reproduction marked by the union of gametes and that distinguish males and females

  6. sexual intercourse Date: 1799 1 : heterosexual intercourse involving penetration of the vagina by the penis: coitus. 2 : intercourse (as anal or oral intercourse) that does not involve penetration of the vagina by the penis mo·nog·a·my Date: 1612 1archaic: the practice of marrying only once during a lifetime. 2: the state or custom of being married to one person at a time. 3: the condition or practice of having a single mate during a period of time po·lyg·a·my Date: circa 1591 1: marriage in which a spouse of either sex may have more than one mate at the same time — compare polygyny, polyandry.

  7. Merge Etymology: Latin mergere; akin to Sanskrit majjati he dives Date: 1636 transitive verb1archaic: to plunge or engulf in something :immerse2: to cause to combine, unite, or coalesce3: to blend gradually by stages that blur distinctions intransitive verb1: to become combined into one

  8. Mar·riage Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\ Function: noun Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry Date: 14th century 1 a (1): the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law b: the mutual relation of married persons :wedlockc: the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage2: an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected; especially: the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities3: an intimate or close union

  9. Within every human being lies a divine energy called Kundalini coiled 3 ½ times at the base of the spine half asleep. This energy has two aspects: One manifests this worldly existence, and the other leads us to the highest truth. The mundane aspect of this energy is functioning perfectly (10%), but the inner aspect is dormant, sleeping (90%). When the inner Kundalini energy is awakened, it leads us to the state of the Self. Kundalini is “the inner female soul of man (Aset).” This is why there is no knowledge more important than the knowledge of Kundalini.

  10. According to the "HOLY BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT Hebrews 7:1-2," states "For this Mel-chis'e-dec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him; 2. To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace.“ "AB-RA-HAM's "tenth part of all,“ symbolizes the linear 10% left hemisphere brain usage. Scientist claims a Hu(e)man Being only uses 10% of the brain. Therefore, AB-RA-HAM's alter ego is MEL-CHI-SEDEK. " MEL-CHI-SEDEK "blessed him," which, symbolizes the 90% of the brain that Hu[e]mans do NOT use, which, is the creative right hemisphere. Thus, together is 100% brain usage or the gift of Infinite Consciousness. A mental slave uses less than 10% of his/her entire brain. The other 90% remains undeveloped and unconscious. A Master uses the undeveloped sense receptors and brain cells. The subconscious mind functions and operates on the Astral Plane of existence. Since the conscious (voluntary) mind is considered to express only one-tenth of total mind power then the sub-conscious (involuntary) mind must represent the other nine-tenths. Therefore, other nine-tenth can surely account for the minds vast ability to reach far beyond the Physical Plane of existence, which operates partially, under the control of the conscious mind. For the Astral Plane is composed of what we know as ‘Thought.' Thus, to disregard or to ignore the effect of Astrological (study of the Stars) energies on the Astral (Star) Body and in Quantum Physics scientists states that the Human Body is composed of Star Dust Particles and 300,000 tons (tonnes) of Star Dust Energy falls to the planet Earth daily, thus, a person lacks understanding.

  11. The Higher Astral Body [Spiritual Body] is eternal: its life span is about 10e22 years, which is the equivalent to the lifetime of the Universe. It contains the electronic mass of 4e21 (4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons) would be to ignore the nine-tenth of your existence. In comparison, a normal Electric Light bulb gives off only 10% of its energy as Light, while 90% of its energy is wasted as heat. 90% heat from the body escapes at the top of the head (brain consist of 90% water), in the same manner only 10% of the body's energy is stored (unlike the "Fire Fly“ or "Lightening Bug" which, stores 90% of heat, transferring the heat into Light and only wastes 10% of its heat. The Pineal Gland reduces the production of the Light sensitive hormone Mel-ATON-in from 90% active at night to 10% inactive during the day, and Ser-ATON-in from 10% inactive at night and 90% active during the day. Uni-Verse, itself is 10% Visible Light Spectrum (Stars, Planets, Comets, Asteroids, Dusts, Gases, etc...) and 90% is Invisible Dark Matter, the glue that holds the Universe's contents together. Also, only 10% of the DNA is codons (active), while 90% of DNA is non-codons (Inactive).

  12. Y=10 YOD=10 (FIRE) RE YH=15 HE=5 (WATER) NUT YHW=21 WAW=6 (AIR) TEFNUT YHWH=26 HE=5 (EARTH) GEB 2+6=8 YHWH is YaHuWaH (Man = Mind) or/and YaHaWaH (Womb Man = Universal Mind)

  13. A.L.L.A.H. is A-rm, L-eg, L-eg, A-rm, supreme H-ead or ALLAHi (Man) ALLAHu (Womb Man); together ALLAHumma, ELOHim or ALpha – OMega (Beginning and Ending) or AL-OM (ALIM), meaning “Universe” or/and “ALL Knowing.”

  14. YHWH is the C. A. T. G. or Cytosine, Adenine, Thymine and Guanine, which are the Nucleic acids that determines the complicated process of heredity; The sequence of the four bases or nucleotides (each nucleotide consists of the sugar deoxyribose)—C. A.T. G. gives the genetic message code for ALL forms of life evolved. It forms the rungs of the DNA’s spiraling Ladder. DNA is another form of the“HOLY BIBLE OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 28:12”,“Behold a ladder set up on the Earth”, and the top of it reached to heaven: and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.” Jacob’s Ladder. DNA’s elliptical pattern is nearly identical to the Kundalini Shakti’s elliptical pattern, therefore Jacob’s Ladder also represents the Kundalini Shakti energy...

  15. Revelation 5 1And I saw in the right hand of him that sat on the throne a book written within and on the backside, sealed with seven seals.

  16. All four proteins are arranged three at a time as a double stranded helix. COMBINED = (72) Y H W H = 26 (2+6 = 8;

  17. Adam numeral value is 46. Therefore, this is an esoteric indication of the 23 chromosomes of Man and 23 chromosomes of Womb-Man, which, totals the 46 chromosomes that produce Life (Human Chromosomes) 23 Hexagram in the I CHING means “Break Apart.” and DNA irregularies occurs every 23rd Angstrom. Dr. Max Perutz says: “There are about one hundred million pairs of nucleotide bases distributed among the 46 chromosomes in a single Hu(e)man cell.” Take the ‘a’ (‘Adm’ to ‘Dm’) out of Adam equals 45; Eve equals 19, thus 45 + 19 = 64. (64) Sixty-four also, equal the 64 Permutation DNA or the 64 Hexagrams of the “I CHING”.

  18. The pineal gland is the master endocrine gland located in the center of the brain. The pineal, hypothalamus, and the pituitary glands comprise what is known as the third eye - the spiritual eye. From a metaphysical perspective it has been a known link between the physical and spiritual worlds. It functions as a link to prophecy and increased spiritual awareness and consciousness.

  19. The I Ching and the Genetic Code 64, the number of hexagramic symbols that make up the I Ching oracle, and also the number of possible DNA codons.  The way DNA, which is a sort of organic computer (there is even talk of building nano-computers using the DNA molecule), transmits information is through combining any of the four fundamental nucleotide bases (four again) in sets of three, hence 64 possible amino acid sequences.

  20. Kundalini (Uatcheta, Uraeus, Caduceus) is called Chiti, Universal Consciousness …The Great Black Mother Goddess Principle [Nun, Dalmanutha, Melanin] / Aset [Isis nurturing Heru [Horus] or Heru sa Aset; Black Madonna and Child [Babe Jesus] (Kundalini/Soul…Infant Christ/Lucifer or Horus, the Child called Harpocrates, a rendering from Egyptian Heru-pa-khered to become Horus, the Elder, Heru Ur or Ur Ra [Allah])…She doesn’t create this Universe the way a human being builds a house, using different kinds of materials and remaining different from those materials. She creates the universe (Yoni-verse) out of Her own being, and it is She Herself who becomes this Universe. She becomes all the elements (Air, Fire, Water, Earth combine Ether or all the elements on the periodical chart Hydro-gen = Water-Fire) of the Universe. And enters into all the different forms that we see around us. She becomes the Sun, the Moon, the stars, and fire to illuminate the cosmos which She creates (Nut). She become Prana (Chi, Ki, Holy Spirit), the Universal Life-Force, the Supreme Energy that animates all living things (Eve, Mother of All Living Things). She who, to quench our thirst, becomes water. To satisfy our hunger, She becomes food. Whatever, appears tangible or is intangible, (physical or spiritual) is nothing but Chiti, nothing but Kundalini. She enters everything She creates [Genesis/Gen-Isis], yet never loses Her identity or Her Immaculate Purity (Virginity).

  21. 1 Corinthians 3:16 “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you?” 17. If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are.” 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 “Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? 20. For you were brought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s.” 2 Corinthians 6:16-18 … “For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: “I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.”… “I will be a Father to you, and you shall be My sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty.”

  22. In the movie “MATRIX” Morpheus showed Neo a Duracell battery and told Neo that this is all we are to them…True you are a battery…A battery needs to be alkaline…when the battery is alive and out putting electrical charges it is alkaline, but when it is dead it is acidic. As our body is about 25% acidic and 75% alkaline; it is recommended that we consume roughly 25% acidic foods and 75% alkaline foods…As our bodies are 75% water and 25% mass (Earth). When the body is too acidic, you will feel ill, sick and suffer from ailments and dis-ease. Alkaline water and foods are electrical.

  23. Cleanses the Melanin Vitamin B Complex, specifically B2, B6, B12, Chlorella Green Leafy Vegetables

  24. Melanin "may be viewed as a battery that is partially charged and can always accept an electrical charge!" When sunlight or other energy comes in contact with the Melanin battery, it increases the charge of the battery to a certain degree. When the energy is captured, the battery has more energy to use in the body. "This means that the Hue-man Be-ing can charge up their MELANIN possesses the unique ability to absorb various energy sources and convert these absorbed energies in to re-usable energy, this includes mediums such as; Music vibration and sound waves, the sun rays, sun heat, light rays etc. In Dr. Frank Barr's theory, matter is shaped and structured by light: These molecular [Melanin] combinations "eat" light in order to maintain, expand and evolve matter. The more highly evolved a species, the more complex its biological capacity to use light.

  25. Professor Hilton Hotema says when man began the unnatural practice of eating and drinking, he introduced into his body foreign matter that had no place there. This forced the body into a defensive state, causing it to battle against the foreign matter and to develop internal adjustments to meet the destructive condition. That was the beginning of physical degeneration which reduced the life-span from 1,000 years to what it is today.

  26. Our Sun has a surface temperature of 6000 degrees, yet its corona (spirit or aura) exceeds 2 million degrees (Kundalini root to crown). Melanin the perfect super absorber of light and all energy frequencies. Melanin can rearrange its chemical structure to absorb ALL energy across the radiant energy spectrum (sunlight, X-rays, music, sound, radar, radio waves...) ­and can transmute and store this energy for later use!

  27. 1. LONG WAVE RAYS or ELECTRICAL RAYS; {Radio, T.V., Radar} 2. MICRO-WAVE RAYS; {Micro-Wave Ovens} 3. INFRARED RAYS; {Human body Radiation; in the Green House effect Infrared Rays becomes trapped in the atmosphere, thus, increasing} 4.VISIBLE SPECTRUM RAYS; it is the 3rd Dimension and is the part that our Eyes see [Optics]. RED; it is the slowest and lowest rate of vibration of the Visible Spectrum. Man evolves from the low gross color of red though the entire color spectrum to the highest of colors, Violet. Red projected on the body: Stimulates the Liver, the Automatic Nervous and the Circulatory System. A red aura indicates a strong Sexual Force. It awakens our Physical Life-Force. It strengthens the overall energy level. It attracts, magnetizes, stimulates and energizes. ORANGE; it gives life and promotes healing conditions of the Stomach, Intestines, Pancreas, Spleen, Adrenal Glands, Thyroid Glands and Muscular System. Orange stimulates the Lungs (Respiratory System) by increasing its oxygen flow. It balances the E-Motions. YELLOW(Its' higher form is GOLD); it stimulates the entire Eliminative System, Digestive System, Lymphatic Glands, Live[r], Gall Bladder, Bladder and the Nerves. It builds the Left Hemisphere of the brain, eyes, ears and bones. The gold shade of yellow is an excellent overall healing color. GREEN; the most predominating color in the Life-Force of Planet Earth. It balances our Energies. It heals ALL Heart ailments and increase the Circulatory System. It stimulates the Pituitary Gland. It raises the vibrations of the Physical Body above the vibrations of Dis-Ease - heals ALL infections and builds cells and tissues. Green is the color of healing, teaching and growth. A green auric field means that they are willing to work, in order to gain wealth in terms of educational, cultural or physical attainments.

  28. BLUE; it is a vitality builder and a creative force. It heals ailments of the Respiratory System, throat, nose, ears and eyes. It acts as an antibiotic. It relieves ALL itching, irritations, fevers and burns. Blue is very effective in easing ALL childhood dis-eases. It strengthens communication within relationships. It is used for Astral Projection and induces Prophetic dreams. INDIGO; it heals any hormonal imbalances that occur in the Endocrine System and balances the two hemispheres of the brain. It acts as an antibiotic. It is an excellent blood purifier. It stops hemorrhages [internal bleeding into the tissues and organs] and nosebleeds. It is an astringent - tightening, firming, and toning the flesh, skin and nerves. It depresses the Heart; shrinks an enlarged Heart. It can awaken the gift of intuition. VIOLET (PURPLE); it is also acts as an antibiotic. It stimulates the Spleen. It depresses the action of the appetite. It affects the Nerves, Heart, Lymphatic Glands and ALL over-active parts of the body [except the Spleen and the Para-Thyroid Gland]. It is the color of expansion, in ALL forms, love, health, business and money. The color Violet offers the gifts of Spiritual protection, know-ledge of the higher Realms of Magick, the becoming of your highest potential, and the enhancement of Prophetic Powers.} 5. ULTRA-VIOLET RAYS; the Sun is a source of Ultraviolet Radiation, "Black Light," Suntan, Germicidal; Melanin becomes a Super-Conductor of Electromagnetic energy and increases a person's sensitivity to Etheric beings (Spirit-u-AL entities). 6. X-RAYS; a Doctor uses them to look at bones and a Dentist looks at teeth. 7. GAMMA RAYS; the Uni-Verse generates the largest amounts of Gamma Rays. It is used in Cancer treatment. All colors, all vibratory energies were but a shade of Black. Moreover, it is through conscious meditation that we receive light particles (Phot-On/Ptah-On) through the Sun as step down transformed Cosmic Energy, via hair, skin Melanin, and the Pineal Gland.

  29. In the 3rd Dimension Melanin acts as a semiconductor to transform energy. .

  30. As a semiconductor, melanin has an energy gap. The absorption of energy is required before electrons can jump into the conduction band and make melanin conductive. An increase in conductivity increases the sensitivity of melanin to the electromagnetic world of etheric beings, astral projections and spiritual entities. At low frequencies, the conductivity of melanin is small, but at ultra high frequencies(UHF), melanin is a super conductor. Maximum current flows only on the skin, due to the skin-effect, at melanin's UHF resonant frequency. Melanin is the most important sub-stance in the human body

  31. What is Melanin essentially? It is Carbon!Carbon atoms link to form Melanin. Let’s dispelling all false notions and belief systems surrounding 666 ~ The Number of the Beast ... The Devil and so on ... The Truth is that 666 represents the material reality ... the physical universe made up of Carbon atoms ... which has 6 Protons, 6 Neutrons & 6 Electrons. In Arabic, Satan which is “Shaiytan” means “A Thing of Clay.” Genesis states, “Adam was made on the 6th day”

  32. Sata-n (Sata) • “OLD TESTAMENT Genesis 3:1-15,” “And he (Serpent) said unto the woman, Yea, hath God said, Yea shall not eat of every tree of the garden?…4. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5. For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil…13…And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me…14. And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life…” • “THE BOOK OF THE DEAD; THE PAPYRUS OF ANI” translated by E.A. Wallis Budge [The Chapter Of] Making The Transformation Into The Serpent Sata… A man could become immortal, like Sata, by repeating prayers to identify himself with the Neter (God) The Great Serpent Sata, Son of the Earth (Man) was immortal because he was regenerated every day in the womb of the Sky Neter (Goddess) Nut. Just like Sata, Jesus was called the “Son of Man.” Read the “NEW TESTAMENT John 3:14,” “And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the ‘Son of man’ be lifted up.”

  33. Genesis 2:7 the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.

  34. Atum, (Tem, Temu, Tum, Atem, Dem-On) the “Great He-She”, “Self Created One” was the first being to emerge from the waters of Nunon a mound of Earth (water and earth is clay). He embodied both the male and female aspects of life. Therefore, his semen contained all that was necessary to create new life and Neteru (Man’s sperm [serpent] still today determine the sex of the child). He spat Shu (air) and Tefnut (moisture) from his mouth. Originally, he was a serpent (sperm) in Nun (Waters of Life, Semen or Sea-Men) and will return to that form at the end of time.

  35. In Hebrew Nun = the 14th letter 50 or 700 meaning “Fish.” The Hebrew word for snake, Nachashbegins with a Nun and snake in Aramaic is Nun) or Eel. In the Holy Bible, Nun is the father of Joshua (Yeshua) the successor of Moses.

  36. Jesus came in the likeness of Jonah, and Jesus, a Fish[er]-Man, who walked on water and Jonah is often called the Whale-Man, physically, this is the Sun (Son), called the Sperm[s], which looks like "tad Pole[s]" that travels in Cerebral Fluid (River Jordan), Spinal Fluid (Nile River) and Prostate Fluid (Sea of Galilee) or astrologically, this is the Sun (Son) in the Zodiac Constellations CETUS, the Whale; for CETUS is directly behind PISCES, the Fish and directly in front of PISCES is AQUARIUS, the Man, thus, the actual origin of Jonah and Jesus. The Greek word for Fish, Ichthys, is the letters of the Greek of the phrase. In the "HOLY BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT John 21:13," Jesus, the Messiah is called the Dag "The Fish". Dag-ON = Dag+ON (Dag = Fish, On = Sun). In "HOLY BIBLE NEW TESTAMENT John 21:15,“ "Simon (Semen) Peter (Penis), Simon, Son (Sun) of Jonas (Sperm)." In the "OLD TESTAMENT Exodus 33:11" states... "Jo-Shua(breath), the Son (Sun) of Nun (Primeval Waters/Unformed Matter)..." Nun, the father of Joshua... for Nun is the Father of Shu, which is another form of YaHuShuWaH - Jesus: Nun-is pronounced and phonetically sounds like the word None. ‘Nun' is spelt exactly like Nun' as in a Womb-Man member of a religious order, like in the Catholic Church, who are celibate and wears black robes daily.

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