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Global Business Emails. Powerful Business Email Skills for English as a Second Language (ESL) Writers. Welcome to Global Business Emails. Professor Dave Jaye www.davejaye.com dave.jaye55@gmail.com. Benefits of Emails. Emails break down barriers
Global Business Emails Powerful Business Email Skills for English as a Second Language (ESL) Writers
Welcome to Global Business Emails Professor Dave Jaye www.davejaye.com dave.jaye55@gmail.com
Benefits of Emails • Emails break down barriers • Email eliminates phone tag and charges associated with phone calls • Speed of communication 24-7 24 hours a day 7 days a week
Benefits of Emails • Email accelerates Team Work • Using email you and your co workers easily can work together and collaborate. You can send files with text, graphics, photos and sound. • You can keep different people updated on your progress.
Benefits of Emails • Email keeps businesses in touch with customers • Electronic newsletters, price changes, e auctions, product changes, e shopping, e billing • Education and training like our class.
Email concerns • Lack of Privacy • You can be fired for emails and Blogs with unflattering messages about bosses • SPAM: Unsolicited junk email • Too much wasted time playing games and surfing the internet sending/check SMS
Keep separate Academic, Business and Personal Emails You must establish a separate English Yahoo, Hotmail or Google account for this class with an English Name header. Keep your personal emails outside of your company’s email net work. Your Boss can legally read all your emails, even employing key word searches!
Why is email etiquette important? • People interact with printed words as though it has a personality. That ‘personality’ makes positive and negative impressions upon us. • Your document can easily be misinterpreted by your reader, so it is crucial that you follow the basic rules of etiquette to construct an appropriate tone.
General format Writing long messages Attachments The curse of surprises Flaming Delivering information Delivering bad news Electronic Mailing Lists The elements of email etiquette
Write a salutation for each new subject email. Try to keep the email brief (one screen length). Return emails within the same time you would a phone call. Check for punctuation, spelling, and grammatical errors General Format: The Basics
General Format: The Basics • Use Capital Letters when appropriate. • Format your email for plain text rather than HTML. • Use a font that has a professional or neutral look. Many Westerners use Times Roman 12 point.
General Format: Get English email For this Business English class and Global Business communications, use English Search Engines. Many Asian internet sites screen out my emails as spam. Yahoo! Does not service Korea any longer.
General Format: Character Spacing • Keep your subject line length at 80 characters or less. • If your message is likely to be forwarded, keep subject line to 60 characters or less. • Set your email preferences to automatically wrap outgoing plain text messages.
General Format: Lists and Bullets When you are writing directions or want to emphasize important points, number your directions or bullet your main points.
General Format: Lists and Bullets For example, You should start this project by placing paper materials in the drawer labeled A. Then after you place the paper materials in drawer labeled A, you should then go and click the button labeled green to start the machine. • Place the paper in drawer A. • Click the green “start” button.
General Format: Lists and Bullets We have to major corporate goals this year. Firstly, to improve customer satisfaction is our goal. Secondly we should empower our employees so they feel ownership and commitment. • Improve customer satisfaction. • Empower employees.
Write in a positive tone “When you complete the report.” instead of “If you complete the report.” Avoid negative words that begin with “un, non, ex” or that end with “less” (useless, non-existent, ex-employee, undecided). General Format: Tone
General Format: Tone Do not use smiles , winks ;), and other graphical symbols one business letters, only personal letters.
General Format: Tone In every form of business writing your tone is your personality on paper. Email is a serious business tool. Conduct your academic emails to Professors the same formal way of business writing.
General Format: Tone • Keep the message short and simple • Use active tone, not passive • Select positive words • Be courteous, direct, brief You will learn more about tone of English language later.
Best way to deliver the message? Sometimes you should not write, especially if you are angry or very tired. A phone call or personal visit sometimes is better.
When is it best to deliver message • Some messages are too late. If it is noon and a meeting is at 1pm don’t email, phone call people.
When is it best to deliver message Some messages are too early and people will forget or won’t give the issue much consideration.
Delivery Who should receive a copy of this message? Do you send copies because they need to see your paper or because you are Covering Your Anatomy (CYA), defending yourself against future criticism.
Information Overload Be considerate and send messages only to people who need to receive them. If you send people only the information they need to do their jobs well and don’t contribute to their overload, they will approach your messages with respect.
Your Subject line is Key The subject line determines if the reader reads your message. If the subject lines doesn’t jump off the screen and shout READ ME, your message may not get read. Make your subject lines informative, direct and brief.
Telling a story with Email Headlines Take over by Ken-San Company
Your Subject line is Key The subject line of a letter, memo or email message is the most important headline because it gives your reader the big picture. Subject: Sales soar 25% Subject: Yes we can honor your request for 25 SM& cars Subject: HR Staff Meeting 2/15 Room 214 10am
Good news subject lines are easy Subject lines are the main headlines. If your reader doesn’t have time to read your entire message, she can look at the subject line and get all the information they need to know. Subject: Cean Ho, New VP of MIS Subject: Employee annual bonus of 5% salary
Your Subject line is Key There are 80 spaces on the Subject line of your email messages. Use the 80 spaces to convey information not: Hello Professor! It’s Me! How are you? This is Kim Better: Homework chapter 3 from Steven Kim
Your Subject line is Key Which would inspire you to read the message? • There’s going to be a meeting of MIS • MIS Meeting • MIS: Urgent Mtg. May/20/2013
Your Subject line is Key • There’s going to be a meeting of MI The last word got cut off. Even if the ‘S’ were visible, this subject line doesn’t give much information and wastes words
Your Subject line is Key 2. MIS Meeting This line is a little better, no wasted words. But this subject line gives little information and is not compelling.
Your Subject line is Key 3. MIS: Urgent Mtg. 5/20 This subject line gives you critical information. You know the meeting is Urgent and the date. However a room number, location and time should be added. 3. MIS: Urgent Mtg. May/20/2013 14:00 Rm 303 HSBC HQ
Subject Line Key Words Using a key word at the beginning of your subject line helps when forwarding a message or trying to locate an old message. IT, HR (Human Resources) Billing, New Products are key words.
Subject Line Key Words People who get lots of email messages often look for key words to determine what and when to read emails.
Subject Lines can be the message • The staff meeting scheduled for 6/2 is being moved to 6/3. All other information (time, location and agenda) remains the same. Use the subject line: Staff mtg chg to 6/3. All else same-END
Subject Lines can be the message You want to remind your team about the kick-off meeting on Friday, April 3, at noon, 4th floor conference room. Use the subject line: Kick-off mtg, 4/3/13 noon, 4th floor conf rm-End
Subject Lines can be the message You’ve attached a 15 page report that outlines the sales forecast for the second quarter. Even though you’re sending an attachment, you use the subject line: Sales to increase 15% Q2, 2005-End The reader doesn’t need to read the report.
Subject Lines can be the message • What if your system won’t send a message that doesn’t have a message? Type a single character into the message section. The subject line will let the reader know your message is complete.
Use English not Chinese as your personal header for Global Emails RE: syllabus for Fall Business... about tomorrow (Sunyoung Ahn) This is Hopper in KHU
Use English not Hangul as your personal header for Global Emails • Some Westerners will delete Chinese email as spam mail. Most Westerners cannot read Chinese and will wait until the end of the day to answer Chinese Prefix. Businesses have a choice with whomthey do business with and they will choose an English message first.
Use an English first name for business Plus your Chinese Last Name. Or English name in quotes “Richard” Lee. If you use just your first initials Westerners cannot understand if you are a man or woman. Westerners have trouble pronouncing and remembering Asian names. Some confuse Asian first and last names. Use Mr. or Ms. In front of your first name.
Many English Names to select There are formal and informal and baby-Irish-Southern USA versions of the same name of men. An unusual cultural tradition in the West is for fathers to give their oldest sons their identical names! www.babynames.com
Many English Names to select Girls are not usually named after their mother so there are fewer informal versions of the same female name. Mary formal, Mary informal Susan formal Sue informal Suzy little girl’s name
Patterns of English Names David Dave Davey Richard Rich Richie Thomas Tom Tommy Robert Rob Robby Bob Bobby William Will Willy Bill Billy James Jim Jimmy (Jimmy Carter former USA President)
Always use MS Word not Chinese Chinese Word processors and translate programs have some editing problems and not a complete English dictionary. Composing letters and messages on email boards is unstable. You may lose a lot of time retyping letters lost with system crashes. It is easier to store and documents on MS Word or Apple Pages than in email.
List the Global time and date Most of China’s economy is based on overseas sales. Therefore it is very important to list the location of a due date. The offer is good up to 5pm Friday Sept. 9 China time GMT +8. The offer is good up to 5pm Friday Sept. 9 EST (Eastern Standard Time).
List the Global time and date Utilize this great free web site: This site is the world time clock and time zones sorted by country and city name. http://www.timeanddate.com