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Student Learning Initiatives. In this session. Support available for future decision making, build on current knowledge of: the Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) the Principles of Learning and Teaching Assessment and Reporting Advice
Student Learning Initiatives
In this session • Support available for future decision making, build on current knowledge of: • the Victorian Essential Learning Standards(VELS) • the Principles of Learning and Teaching • Assessment and Reporting Advice • A primary resource to support curriculum decisions: • an overview of the Curriculum Planning Guidelines • implementation of VELS
Student Learning Recognising and responding to diverse student needs Blueprint for Government Schools, 2003 (page 2)
Complexity of student diversity • To ensure that students reach their full potential, effective planning should: • consider student diversity while planning curriculum • acknowledge and use the rich learning community of the school where students learn from each other • identify and cater to the different needs of particular cohorts of students • ensure that multiple learning preferences are offered
Our Educative Purpose Who do we report to? What is powerful to learn? What is powerful learning and what promotes it? Learner Victorian Essential Learning Standards Principles of Learning and Teaching StudentsTeachers Parents Community System How do we know it has been learnt? Assessment Advice
Our Educative Purpose What is powerful to learn? Victorian Essential Learning Standards
What is it powerful to learn? Victorian Essential Learning Standards Interrelated Strands: Physical, Personal and Social Learning Discipline-based Learning Interdisciplinary Learning Domains Dimensions Standards Post Compulsory Education and Training VCE: Victorian Certificate of Education VCAL: Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Both certificates include VET (Vocational Education and Training) in Schools programs.
Structure of the Victorian Essential Learning Standards Domains Dimensions 4-7 domains, in each Strand. A learning focus statement for each domain includes suggestions for appropriate learning experiences. 2–3 dimensions for most domains, with standards provided for each, describing essential knowledge, skills and behaviours.
Victorian Essential Learning Standards Three core, interrelated strands: Physical, Personal and Social Learning Discipline-based Learning Interdisciplinary Learning Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview, 2005 (page 6)
Strand Physical, Personal and Social Learning • Knowledge, skills and behaviours in: • Health and Physical Education • Interpersonal Development • Personal Learning • Civics and Citizenship Domain
Strand Discipline-based Learning • Knowledge, skills and behaviours in: • The Arts • English • LOTE • The Humanities • Mathematics • Science Domain
Strand Interdisciplinary Learning • Knowledge, skills and behaviours in: • Communication • Design, Creativity and Technology • Information and Communications Technology • Thinking Processes Domain
Victorian Essential Learning Standards (VELS) • an example - • Physical, Personal and Social Learning • Personal Learning Strand Domain
Personal Learning Domain Activity 1: Familiarisation (see Activity 1 Worksheet) Each pair/group has been given an envelope with all the standards from across all levels of the Personal Learning domain enclosed in random order. Each pair/group is to sort all of the standards into their correct order from the Level 1 to Level 6.
Personal Learning Domain • This domain supports the development of autonomous learners, with a positive sense of themselves as learners, by providing all learners with the knowledge, skills and behaviours to: • develop an understanding of their strengths and potential • seek and respond appropriately to feedback from their teachers, peers and other members of the community • develop skills of goal setting and time and resource management • increasingly manage their own learning and growth by monitoring their learning, and setting and reflecting on their learning goals • learn to understand and to manage their own emotions • develop resilience and dispositions which support learning • recognise and enact learning principles within and beyond the school • prepare for lifelong learning (Victorian Essential Learning Standards website: Personal Learning Pages 4 and 5).
Personal Learning Dimensions • This domain has two dimensions • The individual learner • Managing personal learning
Personal Learning • - Learning focus - • This domain has a learning focus statement at each level which: • outlines the focus for the learning that students will need in order to meet the standards at that level and progress in the domain • suggests appropriate learning experiences rather than defining a syllabus or prescribing specific teaching methods. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards website: Personal Learning. Pages 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18)
Personal Learning Standards Note the progressive nature of the standard. Managing Personal Learning • Level 3 Students set short-term, achievable goals in relation to specific tasks, they: • complete short tasks by planning and allocating appropriate time and resources • undertake some multi-step, extended tasks independently • comment on task progress and achievements • manage their feelings in pursuit of goals and demonstrate a positive attitude towards their learning. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards website: Personal Learning http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/essential/personal/learning/level3.html)
Personal Learning Standards Note the progressive nature of the standard. Managing Personal Learning • Level 4 Students develop and implement plans to complete short-term and long-term tasks within timeframes set by the teacher, utilising appropriate resources they: • undertake some set tasks independently, identifying stages for completion • describe task progress and achievements, suggesting how outcomes may have been improved • persist when experiencing difficulty with learning tasks • seek and use learning support when needed from peers, teachers and other adults • practise positive self talk • demonstrate a positive attitude to learning within and outside the classroom. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Personal Learning doc. Page 15)
Personal Learning Standards Note the progressive nature of the standard. Managing Personal Learning • Level 5: Students set realistic short-term and long-term learning goals within a variety of tasks and describe their progress towards achieving these, they: • complete competing short, extended and group tasks within set timeframes, prioritising their available time, utilising appropriate resources and demonstrating motivation • initiate and undertake some tasks independently, within negotiated timeframes • review the effectiveness of the management of tasks, identifying successes and suggesting strategies that would improve outcomes • develop and use criteria to evaluate their work, and use these criteria to make appropriate refinements • demonstrate a positive and structured approach to learning, identifying and using effective strategies that assist with study, both at school and at home. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Personal Learning doc. Page 17)
Personal Learning Standards Note the progressive nature of the standard. Managing Personal Learning • Level 6 Students initiate personal short-term and long-term learning goals and negotiate appropriate courses of action to achieve them. Students allocate appropriate time and identify and utilise appropriate resources to manage competing priorities and complete tasks, including learner-directed projects, within set timeframes, they: • initiate and negotiate a range of independent activities with their teachers, providing progress and summary reports for teachers and stakeholders • monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of their task and resource management skills, reflecting on their progress and suggesting and implementing appropriate management strategies for improvement…….. (Victorian Essential Learning Standards: Personal Learning doc. Page 19)
Stages of Learning Prep to Year 4 (Early Years) - laying the foundations Years 5 to 8 (Middle Years) - building breadth and depth Years 9 & 10 (Later Years) - developing pathways Victorian Essential Learning Standards Overview, 2005 (page 2)
Stages of Learning • Activity 2: Stages of Learning • (see Activity 2 Handouts) • Focus on a particular stage of learning • Highlight the key points • What supports and challenges your values, beliefs and understandings about this stage of learning?
Our Educative Purpose What is powerful learning and what promotes it? Principles of Learning and Teaching
What promotes powerful learning? • Principles of Learning and Teaching P-12 • The learning environment is supportive and productive • The learning environment promotes independence, interdependence and self-motivation • Students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program • Students are challenged and supported to develop deep levels of thinking and application • Assessment practices are an integral part of teaching and learning • Learning connects strongly with communities and practice beyond the classroom.
What promotes powerful learning? • Activity 3: Familiarisation, Principles of Learning and Teaching • (see Activity 3 Worksheet) • Read through all of the Principles of Learning and Teaching • Read through the descriptors on the handout, these descriptors are not in order • Draw a line linking each Principle to the matching descriptor.
What promotes powerful learning? Activity 4: Unpacking the Principles of Learning and Teaching (See Activity 4 Worksheet) Principle 3: Students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program. How is this principle demonstrated in your learning program?
What promotes powerful learning? Activity 4 continued Principle 3: Students’ needs, backgrounds, perspectives and interests are reflected in the learning program. In learning environments that reflect this principle the teacher: 3.1 uses strategies that are flexible and responsive to the values, needs and interests of individual students 3.2 uses a range of strategies that support the different ways of thinking and learning 3.3 builds on students’ prior experiences, knowledge and skills 3.4 capitalises on students’ experiences of a technology rich world.
What promotes powerful learning? Activity 4 continued 3.2 The teacher utilises a range of teaching strategies that support different ways of thinking and learning. This component is demonstrated by teachers: Providing variations in tasks to allow student choice on mode of presentation or type of approach ….. The component is NOT demonstrated when: All students cover the same material with few opportunities for varied work ….. Examples to illustrate the component: A teacher surveys students to determine their learning preferences and Styles...
Our Educative Purpose How do we know it has been learnt? Assessment Advice
How do we know if it has been learnt? • Assessment is the ongoing process of gathering, analysing and reflecting on evidence to make informed and consistent judgements to improve future student learning. • Assessment for learning– occurs when teachers use their inferences about student learning to inform their teaching(formative) • Assessment as learning- occurs when students reflect on and monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals (formative) • Assessment of learning– occurs when teachers use evidence of student learning to make judgments about student achievement against goals and standard(summative)
How do we know if it has been learnt? Achievement gains associated with the use of formative assessment have been characterised among the largest ever reported for educational interventions (OECD, 2005). The gains are usually greater for lower achieving students and so reduce the range of achievements while raising achievement overall (OECD, 2005).
Our Educative Purpose Who do we report to? Students Teachers Parents Community System
Who do we report to? • Reporting is the process by which assessment informationis communicated in ways that assist students, parents, teachers and the system in making decisions by providing information about what students know and can do, alongwith recommendations for their future learning.
What will reports address? • DoE will seek to promote school and sector reporting on student achievement which addresses: • the progress the student has made over the relevant • period(term, semester, year) • how well the student is progressing in relation to what • isexpected at that year level, including in terms of • any nationalbenchmarks which apply • what the student, the parent and the teacher need do • toimprove that student's performance. • (http://vels.vcaa.vic.edu.au/reporting/index.html)
Implementation of VELS requires whole school curriculum planning
Curriculum Planning Guidelines • construct curriculum in line with the Victorian Essential Learning Standards and the post compulsory education and training pathways • provide curriculum planning considerations – Principles of Learning and Teaching, assessment processes and reporting practices • ensure that curriculum planning takes into account student diversity, organisational arrangements and resourcing • promote discussion about curriculum issues and build on planning processes • provide tools to support curriculum planning in schools
Curriculum Planning Model http://www.education.vic.gov.au/studentlearning/curriculum/default.htm
Curriculum Planning Model Phase 1: Understanding the context Phase 2: Planning & resourcing Phase 3: Implementation Phase 4: Continuous monitoring Phase 5: Evaluation & review
Student Learning initiatives Key messages • Students are the focus of planning • Student diversity • Alignment between what is essential to learn, pedagogy, assessment and reporting. • VELS requires whole school planning