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Siapio’r dirwedd ddyfodol Addysg ol-16 yng Nghymru

Siapio’r dirwedd ddyfodol Addysg ol-16 yng Nghymru Shaping the future landscape of post 16 learning in Wales Andrew Clark Claire Maxwell Heather Davidson. Shaping the future landscape of post 16 learning in Wales

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Siapio’r dirwedd ddyfodol Addysg ol-16 yng Nghymru

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  1. Siapio’rdirweddddyfodolAddysg ol-16 yngNghymru Shaping the future landscape of post 16 learning in Wales Andrew Clark Claire Maxwell Heather Davidson

  2. Shaping the future landscape of post 16 learning in Wales • Wales has a strong and broad post 16 system that we continually need to refine in an ever changing environment.  This workshop aims to redefine the future policy direction of post 16 learning; to strengthen, simplify and better align all learning pathways across Wales. • We will: • Review the Welsh policy context including PCET reform over the coming years; • Consider external influences that are driving change including technical education reform in England and what it means for Wales; • Identify how learning pathways could be clarified and simplified and explore options for change up to and including degree Apprenticeships in Wales; and • Seek to secure an initial collaborative model for development. • Siapio’rdirweddddyfodolAddysg ol-16 yngNghymru • Mae ganGymru system ôl-16 gref ac eang y maeangeniniifireiniomewnamgylcheddsy'nnewid yn barhaus. Nod y gweithdyhwnywailddiffiniocyfeiriadpolisidysgu ôl-16 yn y dyfodol; cryfhau, symleiddio a chysonipobllwybrdysguledled Cymru yn well. • Byddwnyn: • Adolygucyd-destunpolisi Cymru gangynnwysdiwygio PCET dros y blynyddoeddnesaf; • Ystyrieddylanwadauallanolsy'ngyrrunewidgangynnwysdiwygioaddysgdechnegol yn Lloegra'rhyn y mae'neiolyguiGymru; • Nodisut y gellidegluro a symleiddiollwybraudysgu ac archwilioopsiynauargyfernewidhyd at a changynnwysPrentisiaethaugraddyngNghymru; • Cheisiosicrhau model cydweithredolcychwynnolargyferdatblygu.

  3. DylanwadauAllweddol / Key Influences • Lloegr: • Diwygio AddysgDechnegol yn Lloegr (Sainsbury) - Lefelau T a CymwysterauCyffredinolCymhwysol • Argymhellionyr Adolygiad o Addysg a Chyllido Ôl-18 (Augar) • Llywodraeth Cymru: • Diwygio PCET, AdolygiadACL, • Chwecheddosbarth, AdolygiadFframwaith Apps / Apps Gradd, • JSW, MesurauPerfformiad • Arall: • StrategaethAlwedigaetholCymwysterau Cymru - RhaglenAdolygiadau • Sector CynghrairColeg y PedairGwlad England: Technical Education Reform in England (Sainsbury) - T Levels & Applied General Qualifications Recommendations of the Review of Post-18 Education and Funding (Augar) Welsh Government: PCET Reform, Adult Learning Review, Sixth Forms, Apps Framework Review, Degree Apps, JSW, Performance Measures Other: Qualifications Wales Vocational Strategy –Sector Reviews Four Nations College Alliance

  4. Ai dymallerydymninawr? Ieuenctid (16-18 oed) Is this where we are now? Youth (16-18 year olds) Statwscyflogedig Employed Status Myfyrwyr a NEETS/ Students and NEETs Technegol: Prentisiaethau - dros 200 o fframweithiau (Lefel 3 ac uwch Technical: Apprenticeships – over 200 frameworks (Level 3+) Academaidd: Lefelau A (ysgolion / AB) Lefel 3 galwedigaetholmewn AB / Ysgolion Academic: A Levels (schools/FE) Vocational level 3 in FE/Schools ) E Lefelau/Levels 3 0 Levels 3 • Sylfaenol: • AB - prosiectau ESF • Prentisiaethau • TwfSwyddi Cymru • Foundational • FE – ESF projects • Apprenticeships • Jobs Growth Wales Cyflogadwyedd / CyflogadwyeddGalwedigaethol AB Lefel 1 a 2 / TGAU HyfforddeiaethauRhaglenniCyflogadwyedde.e. Prosiectau ESF Vocational / Employability FE vocational Level 1&2 / GCSE Traineeships Employability Programmes e.g. ESF projects Gweithgareddaugalwedigaethol NEETS / Ymadawyrysgolcyn-16 / NEETS/school leavers/pre-16 vocational activities Sectorau a nodwydgan RSPs Sectors indicated by RSPs

  5. Is this where we are now? Youth (16-18 year olds) Students and NEETs Employed Status • Technical • Apprenticeships – over 200 frameworks (Level 3 and above) • Academic • A Levels (schools/FE) • Vocational level 3 in FE/Schools 0 Levels 3 • Vocational / Employability • FE vocational Level 1&2 / GCSE • Traineeships • Employability Programmes e.g. ESF projects • Foundational • FE – ESF projects • Apprenticeships • Jobs Growth Wales NEETS/school leavers/pre-16 vocational activities Sectors indicated by RSPs

  6. Ai dime lle rydym ni nawr? Oedolion (19+) Is this where we are now? Adult (19+) Statws Di-waith Unemployed Status StatwsCyflogedig Employed Status Technegol / Technical: PrentisiaethauGradd / Degree Apprenticeships Addysg Uwch / Higher Education PrentisiaethauUwch/ Higher Apprenticeships PrentisiaethauTechnegol / Technical Apprenticeships AddysfBellach / Further Education SDF CyfrifDysguPersonol / Personal Learning Account Academaidd / Academic: Addysg Uwch / Higher Education Addysg Bellach / Further Education SDF ELevelau/ Levels 7 DysguGalwedigaethol / Cyflogadwyedd / Vocational Learning/ Employability: RhaglenSgiliauCyflogadwyedd / Employability Skills Programme Mynediad/ Access/ ReAct AddysgOedolion / Adult Learning RhaglenniESF programmes Sylfaen / Foundational: Prentisiaethau/ Apprenticeships Twf SwyddiCymru (16-24) / Jobs Growth Wales (16-24) TUC WULF Addysg Oedolion / Adult Learning RhaglenniESF programmes Sectorau a nodwydgan RSPs Sectors indicated by RSPs

  7. Is this where we are now? Adult (19+) Unemployed Status Employed Status • Technical • Degree Apprenticeships • Higher Education • Higher Apprenticeships • Technical Apprenticeships • Further Education • SDF • Personal Learning Account • Academic • Higher Education • Further Education • SDF 0 Levels 7 • Vocational Learning/ Employability • Employability Skills Programme • Access • ReAct • Employability Programmes • ACL • Other ESF programmes • Foundational • Apprenticeships • Jobs Growth Wales (16-24) • TUC WULF • ACL • Other ESF programmes Sectors indicated by RSPs

  8. Cwestiynaui'rllawr / Questions to the floor • Beth ydymni'neiwneud yn ddaarhyn o brydar draws y system? / What do we do well currently across the system? • Beth yw'rpriffaterion y maeangeniddysgwyr a darparwyrfyndi'rafael â hwygyda'igilydd? / What are the main issues for learners and providers that we need to tackle together?

  9. CYD-NOD CYFFREDIN Y DYFODOL –Ieuenctid (16-18ed) FUTURE COMMON COLLECTIVE AIM – Youth (16-18 year olds) Myfyrwyr a NEETS Students and NEETS StatwsCyflogedig Employed Status Darpariaethdechnegol/gymhwysol yn y gwaithsy’ngalluogimynediad at sgiliaulefeluwch. Applied technical/l work-based provision enabling access to higher levels skills. Cyfleoddgalwadigaetholacacademaidduwchsy’narwain at sgiliaulefeluwch. Advanced vocational and academic opportunities leading to higher levels skills. Lefelau / Levels 0 3 Darpariaethlefel 1 & 2 alwedigaethol ac academaiddsy’narwain at gyfleoeddlefel 3. Level 1 & 2 Vocational and academic provision leading to level 3 opportunities Lefelmynediadgalwadigaethol / dull seiliedigarwaithsy’ngalluogimynediad at gyfleoedddilyniant. Entry level vocational/ work based approach enabling access to progression opportunities. Gwasanaethaucyngor ac arweiniadperthnasol Relevant advice and guidance services

  10. FUTURE COMMON COLLECTIVE AIM – Youth (16-18 year olds) Students and NEETS Employed Status Advanced vocational and academic opportunities leading to higher levels skills. Applied technical/l work-based provision enabling access to higher levels skills. Levels 0 3 • Entry level vocational/ • work based approach enabling access to progression opportunities . Level 1 & 2 Vocational and academic provision leading to level 3 opportunities Relevant advice and guidance services

  11. CYD-GYNGOR Y DYFODOL NOD –OEDOLYN (19+) FUTURE COMMON COLLECTIVE AIM– Adult (19+) Statws Di-waith Unemployed Status StatwsCyflogedig Employed Status 7 Cyfleoeddgalwedigaethol ac academaidduwch. Advanced Vocational and academic opportunities Cyfleoeddtechnegol a phroffesiynol a yrrirgangyflogwyr. Technical and professional employer driven opportunities Lefelau/Levels Darpariaethcyflogadwyeddioresgynrhwystrauifyndigyflogaethneuddysgupellach. Employability provision to overcome barriers to enter employment or further learning Codi lefelausgiliaugofynnolargyfergweithwyr yn yr economisylfaenol. Raising minimum skills levels for workers within the foundational economy 0 Gwasanaethaucyngor ac arweiniadperthnasol, erengraifft Relevant advice and guidance services, for example, Working Wales

  12. FUTURE COMMON COLLECTIVE AIM– Adult (19+) Unemployed Status Employed Status 7 Advanced Vocational and academic opportunities Technical and professional employer driven opportunities Levels Raising minimum skills levels for workers within the foundational economy Employability provision to overcome barriers to enter employment or further learning 0 Relevant advice and guidance services, for example, Working Wales

  13. GWEITHDY: Datblygu Model CydweithredolWORKSHOP: Developing a Collaborative Model • A oesmanteisionifodeldiwygiedig? Beth ydynnhw? / Are there benefits to a revised model? What are they? 2. Beth yw'rcamaugweithreduuniongyrchol, canoliga hirsyddeuhangeni'wddatblygu? / What are the immediate, medium and long terms actions needed to develop it?

  14. Next Steps / Camaunesaf • NTFW conference CynhadleddNTFW Rhwydwaith ACL / ACL network • Staff GyrfaCymru / Six Form Head • PhennaethiaidChwecheddosbarth- Gorffennaf • HEFCW/Welsh universities • CCAUC / prifysgolionCymru / Careers Wales • Cynrychiolwyrbusnes a chyflogwyr / Business representatives and employers • Staff mewnol Llywodraeth Cymru / Welsh Government colleagues

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