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Moto taxis In Barranquilla . Gabriela Márquez, Tatiana Abello, C laudette A buchaibe 8 yellow. ! Last Minute N ews! .
Moto taxis In Barranquilla Gabriela Márquez, Tatiana Abello, ClaudetteAbuchaibe 8 yellow
!Last Minute News! It has beenreportedmanyagressions in downtown barranquilla causedbymoto taxi drivers sincetheirwork of givingtransportationtopassangers has beenbanished…butwhyhavetheybeenprohibited?
Causes Let’sseethe causes forthisrevolt • They are revoltingbecausetheendend up without a job. • Theycan’tgowherevertheywanttogowiththeirpassangers.
SmartSolutions! • Probable solution #1: • Ifwetaketheirjobsaway, atleastprovidethemwithsome new transportationmethodsthey can use, likethetransmetro.
Outcomes (results): • It willnotcreatdiscomfortwiththem and theywillhavesomethingtoworkwith. • It willmake barranquilla look like a greatcivilized place withgoodtransportationmethods.
Probable solution #2: • Givingthem a speciallicensethatwillaprovethem in thecitybutwillberestrictedtocertainamounts and times of theday.
Outcomes (results): • Thechangewillnotbe so drastic and everybodywillworkbut in different times of theday so itdoesn’tget so congestionatedonthestreets. • Theywillfollow rules and becomecivilzed.
In ThePast… Back in time, whenSpainwas a succesfulrulingkingdom, dominatedbystrongmonarchs, hadthepower in theirhandsbutifwe look in detail, theyhad a problemthatwouldcostthemtheirdomination. Theyspenttoomanyonwarthatmadethemfall in economicproblems. Butalso social problemsbeganto strike whenthekingsdidn’thavetolerancetowardsotherreligions, wantingallthepeopletobecatholic. Thismadepeopleangy and madethemrevolt.
thisteachesusthatweneedtobe open minded, openedto new ideas, orifnotwillwehaverevolts and violentevents…