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Slumber by the numbers

Slumber by the numbers. How are you doing on sleep? . Sleep and You . .. It’s a wonderful thing. . Do you think you get enough sleep? How much sleep do you think a teenager should have each night? Are you a night owl or an early riser?

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Slumber by the numbers

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Slumber by the numbers How are you doing on sleep?

  2. Sleep and You . .. It’s a wonderful thing. • Do you think you get enough sleep? • How much sleep do you think a teenager should have each night? • Are you a night owl or an early riser? • How do you fall asleep at night (music, quiet, t.v, etc). • Do you sleep with your phone in your room? Do you answer texts in the middle of the night? • If you could go to bed at any time you chose, what time would you hit the hay? • If you could wake up whenever you wanted, what time would you likely get up?

  3. Read the article • Open up the “Slumber By Numbers” article in Pages. • As you read the article, ANNOTATE (mark up the paper • Look for things such as: • Put a !! by what surprises you? • Put a + by what you agree with? • Put a – by what you disagree with? • Put a ?? by what confuses you? • Put a :) by what sounds like you? • Scan and take the google form assessment.

  4. Questions • Scan this QR code and enter your information. • Or go to my website to click on the link for these questions.

  5. Sleep facts scavenger hunt Find answers to the following questions. • Write down the answers in sentence form. • CITE your source . .. Write down the website or organization from which you received your information. • You MUST use more than one website. • Why do many teenagers have trouble falling asleep at night? • What are the medical complications that can come from too little sleep? • How many stages of sleep are there? • At what stage is the brain most rejuvenated? • What are some tips for better sleep?

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