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PROVINCE OF SIENA. THE AALBORG COMMITMENTS TARGET SETTING PROCESS IN THE PROVINCE OF SIENA Sevilla, 22 march 2007 Relator: Mr. Paolo Casprini Director Environment Policy Area. Siena - Italy. The territory of Siena. The territory of Siena is in Tuscany – Italy It extends for 3821 Km 2
PROVINCE OF SIENA THE AALBORG COMMITMENTS TARGET SETTING PROCESS IN THE PROVINCE OF SIENA Sevilla, 22 march 2007 Relator: Mr. Paolo Casprini Director Environment Policy Area
The territory of Siena • The territory of Siena is in Tuscany – Italy • It extends for 3821 Km2 from the northwest to the southeast • It is organised in 36 Municipalities • Inhabitants are 252.288 • Population density 66,02/Km2 • Main economic activities are services, tourism and manifacturing • Unemployement is 3%
PROVINCIAL ADMINISTRATION OF SIENAISO 14001 certified – EMAS registeredEmployees n. 464 Seats n. 6 Directors n. 5 Official n. 15 PRESIDENT OF THE PROVINCE PROVINCIAL BOARD PROVINCIAL COUNCIL GENERAL SECRETARY AND GENERAL DIRECTOR PROVINCIAL POLICE DIRECTOR OF ENVIRONMENTAL POLICIES AREA DIRECTOR OF TERRITORIAL POLICIES AREA DIRECTOR OF EDUCATIONAL, LABOUR TRAINING, WELFARE, EQUAL OPPORTUNITIES, CULTURAL POLICIES AREA SUPPORT OF PRESIDENT SECRETARY DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTRATION AND RESOURCES AREA DIRECTOR OF ECONOMIC POLICIES AREA Labour and Professional Training General and Juridical Affairs and Human resources Environment Energy Civil Protection Sustainable Development Mining Activities Public Works and Land Defence Economic Activities Planning Community policy coordination Turism Territorial Structure Service Culture, Public Instruction, Social Policies, Personal Services Servizio Finanziario Gestione economica del personale Rural Development Natural Reserves and Fauna Resources Transportation Patrimonial management Land Reclamation Forestation Special Livestock projects
The route of Agenda 21 in Province of Siena First Agreement Protocol to start AG21Terre di Siena signed by all of the 36 Municipalities Valdelsa District Forum All of 36 Municipalities signed the second Agreement Protocol on AC Meetings conferences for school and firms Provincial Forum Aalborg and Ferrara Charters 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Adhesion to Italian Local AG21 Crete-Val d’Arbia District Amiata-Valdorcia District meetings Adhesion to Tuscany Local AG21 Training Focus groups post forum Technical direction
The route of Agenda 21 Adhesion to the Aalborg Charter and to the Ferrara Charte Sensitization in the territory about sustainability Meeting with public administrators, stakeholders and citizens ALL OF 36 MUNICIPALITIES SIGNED THE FIRST AGREEMENT PROTOCOL TO START THE JOURNEY TOWARDS AG21 TERRE DI SIENA (2002) MEETINGS, FORUM, FOCUS GROUP, WORKS, TRAININGS NEW AGREEMENT PROTOCOL WITH ALL OF THE 36 MUNICIPALITIES OF THE SIENESE TERRITORY HAVE TAKEN ON THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AALBORG COMMITMENTS (2006)
Focus: the first Agreement ProtocolALL OF 36 MUNICIPALITIES SIGNED THE FIRST AGREEMENT PROTOCOL TO START THE JOURNEY TOWARDS AG21TERRE DI SIENA Municipalities committed themselves: • Adhesion to the Charters, • to the LAG 21Terre di Siena Project, • to activate this process on their Districts, • to coordinate that all courses of action, even sectorial practices, are finalized in Sustainability, • to the promotion and diffusion of certification, • and to the affirmation of quality, which is an expression of the identity, tradition, and culture of the Sienese territory, recognizing the coordinating role of the Provincial Administration
Focus: meetings and forum PROVINCIAL FORUM with FOCUS GROUPS (environment, tourism, agricolture, natural resources, culture, society…) Meetings/works in each District Selected priority issues Conferences – focus groups (on priority issues: sustainable agricolture, ISO 14001,bioarchitecture …) DISTRICT FORUM with focus group on local priorities
Focus: the second Agreement ProtocolSECOND AGREEMENT PROTOCOL WITH ALL OF THE 36 MUNICIPALITIES OF THE SIENESE TERRITORY HAVE TAKEN ON THE RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE AALBORG COMMITMENTS • Produce a basic analysis on their territorial realities (scientific and of projects) as point of start to fix targets in 12 months • Institute a local shared process to identify objectivs that includes local Agenda 21 and other sustainable local plans (considering the basic analysis) • Give priorities to the projects to promote the Commitments about Governance, Natural common goods, Responsible consumption and lifestyle choices, Vibrant and sustainable local economy, Social equity and justice, Local to global • Define specific objectivs in 24 months from signature using the table about Aalborg Commitments and action elaborated by Provincial Administration of Siena as reference and fix terms to check progress • Make an annual check of results and publicize to the citizen • Inform about Provincial Administrations of Siena objectivs and progress. Province of Siena is going to provide to communicate to regional, national, CE seats and to Campaign European Sustainalble Cities • Substain the rate and organize Forum to define targets, objectivs of area to use for the Local Action Plan THIS HAS CREATED AN INNOVATIVE PROCESS OF AGENDA 21, WHOSE STRONG POINTS MAY BE SYNTHETICALLY IDENTIFIED IN THE MAXIMUM INVOLVEMENT OF THE SIENESE LOCAL AUTHORITIES, AND THE ACCEPTANCE BY EACH INDIVIDUAL AUTHORITY OF CLEAR AND SHARED TASKS WITHIN THE FRAMEWORK OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT
Province of Siena supplied Municipalities in their route with • Scientific territorial analysis SPIn-Eco (Sustainability in Province of Siena by Ecodynamic Indicators) that analysed the whole provincial territory - each Municipality – by sustainability indicators, eight volumes are published (www.provincia.siena.it>rete dei servizi>aree tematiche>ambiente>sviluppo sostenibile>Progetto SPIN-ECO) • Baseline review elaborated for Managing Urban Europe 25 project that includes data about the environmental aspects (air, soil, water, waste …) and environmental projects. Baseline review will update yearly to monitor environmental factors (air quality, water, waste, electro-magnetism, hydrogeological difficulties…) (www.provincia.siena.it>rete dei servizi>aree tematiche>ambiente>sviluppo sostenibile>MUE 25) • Table of Aalborg Commitments with actions, projects, objectivs undertaked by itself. It will be interesting for Municipalities as exemple to be inspired for action in local area
Case: 1.Governance 2) c. in 2003 certified ISO 14001 Province of Siena Municipality of Montalcino In 2006 certified ISO 14001 Municipality of Piancastagnaio Valdorcia Technical Inter Municipalities Committee (collects 3 Municipalities) Forecast 9 Municipalityies (6 have started) others Municipalities
Case: 3. Natural Common Goods 1) b. PROJECT SOLAR PANNELS FOR WARM WATER PRODUCTION Provincial founds + Regional founds Tot. KWh 1667119,52 Tot. Ms 2023,65
Case: 3. Natural Common Goods 5) b. CLEAN AND SAFE BOILER CAMPAIGN Thermal systems checked In 2004 46.200 In 2005 60.493 In 2006 66.270
Case: 4. Responsible Consumption and Lifestyle Choices 1) a.
references Dr. Paolo Casprini Director Environment Policy Area Official Environment, Energy, Civil Protection, Sustainable Development, Extractive Activities Service Province of Siena Via Massetana, 106 - 53100 Siena - Italy Tel. +39 0577 241639 Fax +39 0577 241626 E-mail: casprini@provincia.siena.it Web site: www.provincia.siena.it>rete dei servizi>aree tematiche>ambiente>sviluppo sostenibile