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P reventing violence in young people’s intimate relationships

P reventing violence in young people’s intimate relationships. A review of school-based relationship violence prevention programmes Natasha McInninie Family Support Worker Circle Natasha.Mcinninie@circlescotland.org. ChildLine Scotland (2006): 932 calls about partner relationships

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P reventing violence in young people’s intimate relationships

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  1. Preventing violence in young people’s intimate relationships A review of school-based relationship violence prevention programmes Natasha McInninie Family Support Worker Circle Natasha.Mcinninie@circlescotland.org
  2. ChildLineScotland (2006): 932 calls about partner relationships Requests for sex/sexual acts, pressure to have sex & partners threats to end relationship, threatened violence (physical and sexual), unwanted sex, partner abuse EVAW (2006): online study of 524 young people 42% knew girls whose boyfriends had hit them 40% knew girls whose boyfriends had coerced them to have sex NSPCC Study (2009): 1353 pupils surveyed, 91 interviewed 75% of girls/50% of boys in a relationship experienced emotional violence 33% of girls/16% of boys in a relationship reported sexual violence 25% of girls/18% of boys in a relationship experienced physical violence 1 in 10 girls defined physical violence as severe Greater proportion of young people with same sex partners used emotional and sexual violence compared to those with opposite-sex partners
  3. http://www.hazelden.org/web/public/safedates.page http://youthrelationships.org/
  4. Research aims To conduct a review of the evidence on teenage dating violence prevention (TDV) programmes in order to: 1. Discuss the selected programmes effectiveness in reducing teenage dating violence 2. Explore which components of the selected programmes were most effective 3. Make some recommendations about which programme components (if any) might be considered for their transferability to a Scottish context
  5. Process of screening and reviewing Titles and abstracts identified from electronic databases: 490 Total number of titles and abstracts excluded: 341 Articles that fully met selection criteria: 9
  6. Programme components Skills-based components - role play, assertiveness training The promotion of healthy relationships and respect Informing young people about the law Promoting bystander behaviour Getting young people involved – youth action committees Peer educators
  7. Recommendations Pilot a “dating violence” programme in Scotland Include a component that addresses electronic violence Gender strategic approach Same sex relationships Additional evaluation methods Evaluate each programme component separately
  8. References Adler-Baeder, F., Kerpelman, J.L., Schramm, D.G., Higginbotham, B., Paulk, A. 2007. The impact of relationship education on adolescents of diverse backgrounds. Family Relations. 56 (3) July, pp.291-303. Backett-Milburn, K., Ogilvie,-Whyte, S., Newall, E., Popham, F., Houston, A. and Wales, A. 2006. Children and young people’s concerns about their sexual health and wellbeing. Final report, Edinburgh: Scottish Executive. Burton, S. and Kitzinger, J. with Kelly, L. and Regan, L. (1998) Young people’s attitudes towards violence, sex and relationships: A survey and focus group study. Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit, University of North London, and the Media Research Unit, Sociology Department, University of Glasgow: Zero Tolerance Trust. End Violence Against Women (EVAW). 2006. UK Poll of 16-20 year olds. End Violence Against Women. November. ICM. [online] Available from http://www.amnesty.org.uk/uploads/documents/doc_17400.pdf. [Accessed 15 June 2012]. Foshee, V. 1996. The Safe Dates Project: Theoretical basis, evaluation design, and selected baseline findings. American Journal of Preventive Medicine. 12 (5 SUPPL) pp. 39-47. Foshee, V.A., Bauman, K.E., Arriaga, X.B., Helms, R.W., Koch, G.G. and Linder, G.F. 1998. An evaluation of Safe Dates, an adolescent dating violence prevention program. American Journal of Public Health 88 (1) pp. 45-50. Foshee, V.A., Bauman, K.E., Ennett, S., Linder, G.F., Benefield, T., & Suchindran, C. 2004. Assessing the long-term effects of the Safe Dates program and a booster in preventing and reducing adolescent dating violence victimization and perpetration. American Journal of Public Health, 94, pp. 10-624.
  9. Foshee, V.A., Bauman, K.E. Ennett, S.T. Suchindran, C. Benefield, T and Linder, G.G. 2005. Assessing the effects of the dating violence prevention program “Safe Dates” using random coefficient regression modelling. Prevention Science 6 (3) pp. 245 -258. Hamby, S., Nix, K., De Puy, J., & Monnier, S. 2012. Adapting dating violence prevention to Francophone Switzerland: A story of intra-Western cultural differences. Violence and Victims 27 (4) pp. 33 – 47. Hester, M., Pearson, C. and Harwin, N. with Abrahams, H. 2007. Making an Impact – Children and Domestic Violence. London: Jessica Kingsley. Jaffe, P.G., Baker, L.L. and Cunningham, A.J. 2004. Group intervention with abusive male adolescents. In Jaffe, P.G., Baker, L.L., and Cunningham, A.J. eds., Protecting children from domestic violence: Strategies for community intervention, New York: Guilford, pp. 49-67. Jaycox, L.H., McCaffery, D., Eiseman, B. Aronoff, J. Shelley, G.A., Collins, R.L. and Marshall. G.N. 2006. Impact of a school-based dating violence prevention program among Latino teens: Randomized controlled effectiveness trial. Journal of Adolescent Health 39 (5) pp. 694-704. Lombard, N., 2011. Young people’s attitudes about violence, Briefing 54, February 2011, Edinburgh: Centre for Research on Families and Relationships. www.crfr.ac.uk/reports/briefing%2054.pdf Miller, E., Tancredi, D.J., McCauley, H.L., Decker, M.R., Virata, M.C.D, Anderson, H.A., Stetkevich, N., Brown, E.W., Moideen, F., Silverman, J.G. 2012. “Coaching boys into men”: A cluster-randomized controlled trial of a dating violence prevention program, Journal of Adolescent Health, . Article in press. Mullender, A., Hague, G. M., Imam, I., Kelly, L., Malos, E. M. and Regan, L. 2002. Children's Perspectives on Domestic Violence. London: Sage.
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