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10 July 2007. Update on high pT electrons study presented last meeting. Julien MOREL CSC note – diphoton dilepton. outline. Update on the electron study presented last meeting Problem with the 1mm bug Impact on linearity, resolution Impact on selection efficiency
10 July 2007 Update on high pT electrons study presented last meeting Julien MOREL CSC note – diphoton dilepton
outline • Update on the electron study presented last meeting • Problem with the 1mm bug • Impact on linearity, resolution • Impact on selection efficiency • Preliminary results for the dileptonpairs • Selection efficiency • Resolution for different part of the detector
Data set and Athena version • Weused: • Athena version : 12.0.6 • Process : Z’e+e-at 1TeV (Mll > 500 GeV), c model from E6 • Cross section = 376.5 fb • 7250 Z’ • On lastmeeting slides, I show a bad electron linearity. In fact, using dq2, I can find different data-set with different TID. • These data-set give different results for instance for the electron linearity.
pT resolution and linearity ( Data set tid009428 ) Data Set : trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid009428._00005.pool.root.1 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid009428._00004.pool.root.5 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid009428._00003.pool.root.5 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid009428._00001.pool.root.1 Usingthis data, the electronlinearity looks bad(~2.5%). This data set is NOT corrected for the 1mm bug Central Resolution = (1 ± 0.04) % Linearity = (2.3 ± 0.04) % Crack Resolution = (4.2 ± 0.05) % Linearity = (7.5 ± 0.05) % Forward Resolution = (1.3 ± 0.01) % Linearity = (2.8 ± 0.01) %
pT resolution and linearity ( Data set tid010014 ) Data Set : trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid010014._00001.pool.root.2 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid010014._00002.pool.root.3 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid010014._00004.pool.root.3 trig1_misal1_csc11.005605.Zprime_ee_pythia_chi1000.merge.AOD.v12000604_tid010014._00005.pool.root.2 Central Resolution = (1 ± 0.02) % Linearity = (-0.06 ± 0.02) % Crack Resolution = (4 ± 0.5) % Linearity = (6 ± 0.05) % Forward Resolution = (1.3 ± 0.01) % Linearity = (0.1 ± 0.1) % “Ok, I see that tid=9428 was aborted, because it lacked the correction flag. The tid=10014 should be OK, since correction have been applied.” Rashid Mehdiyev MC coordinator
Pierre-antoine sent a list with the problematic data-set 5667 VBF -> WW ->jj ll5115 Drell-Yan (mumu)5114 Drell-Yan (ee)5116 Drell-Yan (tautau)5665 VBF -> WW ->jj ll5631 LQ ee-jets5605 Z'(E6)->ee 1TeV5607 Z'(SM-like)->tautau 600 GeV5166 Z(->ll)+4j (QED diagrams)5201 ttbar5372 H++->ee/mumu5374 H++->tautau 5623 Graviton (G*)->diphotons M=500 GeV5370 H++->ee/mumu5661 Excited quarks5620 Graviton (G*)->ee M=500 GeV5375 H++->tautau5371 H++->ee/mumu5373 H++->tautau6682 M(LQ) = 1200 GeV LQ -> mu c channel 5622 Graviton (G*)->tautau M=500 GeV5950 WZ fusion -> W(jj)Z(ll) if you urgently need to use one of this temporary dataset USE THE LATEST (with highest XXXX number) Otherwise wait for the non _tid dataset which will be filled with the correct data.
Impact on energy distribution for electron coming from Z’ at 1 TeV 1 TeV Z’ induce a pic at 500 GeV tid010014 - 1mm Bug corrected tid009428 - 1mm Bug not corrected Pic at 500 GeV Pic below 500 GeV E (GeV)
Impact on pTdistribution for electron coming from Z’ at 1 TeV Cut at 500 GeV in the dilepton invariant mass tid010014 - 1mm Bug corrected Pic below 500 GeV Pic at 500 GeV tid009428 - 1mm Bug not corrected pT (GeV) Other distributions are not really affected and are the same as last meeting
Electron selection efficiency as a function of j, h, and pTare not very affected Versus pT : Average efficiency value around 60% Identification based on TRT and E/P are the main sources of loss and increase with pT Versus j : Flat efficiency in Phi Versus h : Crack around 1.4 – 1.5
Selection efficiency as a function of h, and pTfor loose and medium electron Selection efficiency around 0.8 for medium electrons In the Z’ reconstruction we will use medium electrons
Dilepton invariant mass spectrum 1 TeV Z’ Generation level Reconstruction level Mll (GeV)
Z’ Selection effeciency Average efficiency around 50% We use medium electrons With opposite charge We have to refine the selection efficiency : add isolation and back to back criteria Selection efficiency Dilepton invariant mass (GeV)
Z‘ mass resolution and linearity Good reconstruction Resolution = (0.7 ± 0.02) % Linearity = (0.06 ± 0.02) % Long tail on the right due to the crack contribution
Resolution and linearity for different parts of the detector Resolution = (0.82 ± 0.02) % Linearity = (0.07 ± 0.02) % Resolution = (0.84 ± 0.03) % Linearity = (0.15 ± 0.04) % Poor reconstruction if one of the electron goes in the crack but it concern few events
Twiki page • I don’t show all the electron plots, but you can find them on the Twiki page : • https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/Atlas/DilepDiphotListOfPlots • Z’ plots have to be completed and consolidated. We will put them soon on the wiki page • If you are using root via a compiled c++ code, you may be interested in utils.cc, utils.h (link on the Twiki page) to use the “ATLAS style macro”. • This is a compilable version of the rootlogon.c and utils.h. • In your C++ code, you just have to put : • Include “utils.h” • ATLAS_STYLE::SetStyle(); //…replaces the rootlogon.C • gROOT->SetStyle("ATLAS"); • gROOT->ForceStyle();
outlook • To do • Use the full available Z’ statistic. • 7250 Z’c + Z’ SSM ? • Look at the linearity and resolution dependence on pT, h, j. Need a lot of statistic (add the high mass DY sample). • More dileptonresults coming soon • (efficiency versus dileptonmass for uubarand ddbar separately) …