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The NIS Practices in Germany Presented by Dr. Moneim Issa on the Consultative Meeting on National Innovation Systems (NIS) of India 19-20 September 2006, New Delhi Eschersheimer Landstr.89 D-60322 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 (0) 171 931 3456 Fax: +49 (0) 69 955 30 337 E-Mail: aissa@t-online.de.
The NIS Practices in Germany Presented by Dr. Moneim Issa on the Consultative Meeting on National Innovation Systems (NIS) of India 19-20 September 2006, New Delhi Eschersheimer Landstr.89 D-60322 Frankfurt Tel.: +49 (0) 171 931 3456 Fax: +49 (0) 69 955 30 337 E-Mail: aissa@t-online.de
The Technology and innovation Centres in Germany (2006) 167 Technology and Innovation Centres ca. 7.500 Enterprises in the Centres ca. 56.000 Employees ca. 16.000 successful Start Ups-Firms ca. 150.000 generated employments The survival quote in the centres ranged to about 90% Over 8.000 Enterprises from the Centres have successfully been established. These Firms have generated ca. 90.000 working places.. Source: ADT
OBJECTIVES OF INNOVATION CENTRES Technical support to technology oriented start-ups Provision of infrastructure to be used by the companies Promotion of co-operation between science and economy Promotion of regional development potentials for technology oriented enterprises and start-ups Initiation of technology park projects and technological co-operation Support of regional economic development Provision of information on innovative technology Improvement of regional innovation framework Source: ZEW
TECHNOLOGICAL FOCAL POINTS IN THE INNOVATION CENTRES General Services 27 % Technological Services 24 % Software 23 % Information and Communication Technology 22 % Multimedia 16 % Environmental Technology 16 % Consultancy 16 % Electronic and Electrical Engineering 11 % Instrumentation and Measurement Technology 10 % Computer Technology 9 % Automation 8 % Machinery 6 % Source: ADT
TECHNICAL CONSULTANCY BY INNOVATION CENTRES Start-Up Consultancy Legal Issues Elaboration of Business Plans Technnology Advice Patent Finance Business promotion Programms Marketing Assistance Insurance Training Source: ADT
LOGISTIC SUPPORT BY INNOVATION CENTRES Office Services Reception Telephone services Photocoping Conference Rooms Internet Data Bank Book Keeping Organization of Exhibitions Company Cooperation Technology Transfer Laboratory Utilizaion Source: ADT
The Structure of the German Innovation System Source: Prognos AG., Germany 2004
INNOVATION INFRASTRUCTURE IN GERMANY • Natural Sciences, Technological and Engineering Institutions • 81 Universities • 90 Technical Universities • 81 Max-Planck-Institutes • 47 Frauenhofer-Institutes • 16 Helmholz-Centres • 51 „Blaue-Liste“ Institutes • 24 Federal Research Institutions • 47 Local Research Institutions in the federal states • Source: Athene-Project
Current Priorities of the National Innovation System Promotion of Education, Science and Technology and R&D - Innovation and Economic Growth - Facing International Competition through Globalization - Regain a Leading Role in Future Technology - Innovation Initiative and Structural Reforms
Share of World Regions to the Development of R&D-Capacities 1995-2003 GDP Expenditure on R&D at Current Prices R&D Expenditure of Private Sector at Current Prices Source: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators 2004; IMD World Competitiveness Year Book, NIW. Quoted in: BMBF: Zur technologischen Leistungsfähigkeit Deutschlands 2005, Bonn, Berlin 2005 Share of OECD+STC 1995 - 2002 Share of OECD+STC 1995 STC (Selected Emerging Countries): CHN, KOR, IND, RUS, SIN, TWN, ISR
Innovation Activities of the German Industry • Research and Development • Human Resources in Business R&D • Patent Output
Production sector without construction Service sector* Innovation Quota 1) • Innovation Quota: Share of enterprises which released a new or significantly improved product in the market or implemented a new or signifcantly new procedure within the company, in % of all enterprises • *) whole sale, logistics, IT, Software, insurance and loan sector, R&D services, technical services Source: Eurostart – CIS-III (New Cronos. September 2004). Götzfried et al. (2004). Arvantis et al (2004). Frenz (2003), unpublished data of CIS-III team.- ZEW calculations; Quoted in: BMB
GDP Share of R&D intensive industries and knowledge-intensive services in selected countries 2002 (in %) R&D intensive industries Source: OECD, STAN-Database 2002. – Calculations and Estimations by DIW Berlin. Quoted in: BMB Knowledge-intensive services without real estate *) EU-15 without IRL and LUX
Innovation Performance and R&D in industry and knowledge-intensive Services 1993-2003 (in % of all Enterprises) Industry and Mining Knowledge-intensive services Innovative companies without R&D Companies with irregular R&D Companies with continuous R&D Source: ZEW, Mannheim. Quoted in: BMB.
Share of Employment in R&D intensive industries and knowledge-intensive services (in %) Real estate Source: OECD, STAN-Database 2002. – Calculations and Estimations by DIW Berlin. Quoted in: DIW, NIW: Marktergebnisse bei forschungs- Intensiven Waren und wissensintensiven Dienstleistungen: Außenhandel, Produktion und Beschäftigung, Berlin, Hannover 2003 Knowledge-intensive services without real estate R&D intensive industries
Development of Employment in R&D-intensive Industries in Germany 1991-2002 Professional Fields in companies 1995=100 FE= R&D-intensive Industries ST= Sofisticated Technology HAT= Advanced Technology NFE= Not R&D-intensive industries Source: Federal Office for Statistics, ZEW . Quoted in: DIW, NIW.
Patents quota 2002 and its change between 1991 to 2002 in selected countries Patent dispersion*) Annual average Change 1991 - 2002 *) Patents relevant to the world market per 1 Mio. labour force Source: EPATENT.- WOPATENT.-OECD. Main Science and Technology Indicators. – Fraunhofer ISI Calculations. Quoted in: BMB.
Critical Assessment of NIS • Innovation Contribution of German SMEs is low • Several Regulatory Burdens on Private Sector • Lack of Venture Capital Market and Start-ups • Insufficient Supply of Highly Qualified Personnel
Graduates in engineering and natural sciences 1) Per 100.00 Labour Force, age 25 to 34 1) Course of studies: bioscience, lifescience, physics, math/statistics, IT, engineering, construction *) 2000 instead of 2002 Source: OECD, Online Labour Database – OECD Education Online Database – ZEW/HIS Calculations. Quoted in: BMB
Challenges face the NIS in Germany • Demographic Factors • The Situation of the Educational System, • particularly the Tertiary • The Situation of High Qualified labour
Tertiary Education in the OECD-Countries in 2002 – Graduates between 25-34 years (in %) Source: OECD, FIBS, NIW. Quoted in: BMB.
Tertiary Education in the OECD-Countries in 2002 – Graduates between 55-64 years (in %) Source: OECD, FIBS, NIW. Quoted in: BMB
Sources of Innovation Processes in Germany (Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) Source:Fraunhofer Fraunhofer Gesellschaft: Deutschland innovative 2004