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Spelling rule for the “ ai /ay” sound

Spelling rule for the “ ai /ay” sound. Today we are going to learn how to identify the “ ai /ay” sound and then use it to correctly spell words. The “ ai /ay” rule. We need to learn spelling rules to help us spell words we know and words we don’t know.

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Spelling rule for the “ ai /ay” sound

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Spelling rule for the “ai/ay” sound Today we are going to learn how to identify the “ai/ay” sound and then use it to correctly spell words.

  2. The “ai/ay” rule We need to learn spelling rules to help us spell words we know and words we don’t know. Here is a rule about words that have the sound /ay/ like say or rain If the sound /ay/ is at the end of the word it is spelled with the letters a-y. If the sound /ai/ is in the middle of the word it is spelled a-i.

  3. The “ai/ay” rule When the sound /ay/ is at the end of the word it is spelled a-y. say bay play If the /ay/ sound is at the end of the word how do you spell it?

  4. The “ai/ay” rule When the sound /ai/ is in the middle of a word it is spelled a-i. rain pain train If the /ai/ sound is in the middle of the word how do you spell it?

  5. The “ai/ay” rule If the sound /ay/ is at the end of the word it is spelled with the letters a-y. If the sound /ai/ is in the middle of a word it is spelled a-i. Lets do our clicking: End sound click click, a-y click click, middle sound click clicka-iclick click.

  6. The “ai/ay” rule In the wordsaywhere is the /ay/ sound? When the ay sound is at the end of a word we spell it a-y? How do we spell it? In the word play where is the /ay/sound? When the ay sound is at the end of a word we spell it a-y? How do we spell it?

  7. The “ai/ay” rule In the wordtrainwhere is the /ai/ sound? When the /ai/ sound is not at the end of a word we spell it a-i? How do we spell train? In the word rain where is the /ai/sound? When the /ai/sound is in the middle of a word we spell it a-i. How do we spell rain?

  8. Words that end in a-y These words all end in a-y because the /ay/ sound is at the end of the word. tray play clay bay lay Why are they spelled with an a-y?

  9. Words that are spelled with a-i These words are spelled using a-i because the /ai/ sound is in the middle of the word. train rain paid pain nail These words are spelled using a-i because the /ai/ sound is in the middle of a word. Why are they spelled using a-i?

  10. The “ai/ay” rule If the sound /ay/ is at the end of the word it is spelled with the letters a-y. If the sound /ai/ is in the middle of a word it is spelled a-i. End sound click click, a-y click click, middle sound click clicka-iclick click.

  11. Let’s work together Now I’m going to ask some students to spell some words. Listen carefully so you know can tell if the /ai- ay/ sound is at the end of the word or in the middle. I will help you.

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