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The Bureaucracy:

The Bureaucracy:. Growth, Influences, and Control. From Spoils to Civil Service. Prior to 19 th c. the spoils system was used for filling fed. jobs “ To the victor goes the spoils! ” Presidential supporters hired. From Spoils to Civil Service. Assassination of Garfield

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The Bureaucracy:

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  1. The Bureaucracy: Growth, Influences, and Control

  2. From Spoils to Civil Service • Prior to 19th c. the spoils system was used for filling fed. jobs • “To the victor goes the spoils!” • Presidential supporters hired

  3. From Spoils to Civil Service • Assassination of Garfield • Led to Pendleton Act (1883)

  4. From Spoils to Civil Service • What did the Pendleton Act do? • Created an exam-based merit system to fill govt. jobs • Today- 90% federal workers are civil service workers • Under 10% appointment by Prez. • Size: over 3 million federal workers

  5. What have happened to the numbers? Fairly constant since 1950. 250,000 jobs actually cut under Clinton! (note this stops at 2001. Numbers slightly rise after 9/11)

  6. However… A great deal of federal money has been transferred to state and local govts. To administer Federal programs!

  7. What are some of the powers of the Bureaucracy? • Discretionary authority: • Agencies interpret courses of action based on congressional drafts. • Passing of rules and regulations (ex: IRS tax code regulations) • Helping Congress w/legislation • Advice to WH • Settling disputes

  8. Reasons: National growth Technology management (ex: ICC, FAA, FCC) Citizens demands! The will to survive (difficult for Congress to kill) 9/11 Discussion: Why do you think the Bureaucracy has grown so? Dept. of Housing and Urban Development

  9. Influences on Bureaucratic Behavior Recruitment and retention policies: • 90% merit exam, but… • Circumvention occurs (charges of “buddy system” or “good ol’ boys”) • Bonus points for veterans & minorities • Hard to fire (recent: only .014%!)

  10. Effects of these policies • Many bureaucrats have a “loyal” or agency point of view • (putting their agencies interests above all others) Personal attributes of bureaucrats: • Lower and mid-level do represent society • Upper-level donot: w/m/mid-aged

  11. Personal attributes and constraints • Tend to be liberal, but depends on agency • Only 10% live in DC • 30% in defense! • Freedom of Info. Act • Hatch Act: limits political activities • Affirmative Action hiring • Size and “red tape” difficulty • Lack of monetary incentives inhibit

  12. What are some ways the Bureau. can be controlled by the Prez? Powers: • Hires & fires of the top-level • May propose reorganization (ex: FDR) • Proposes agency budgets • Appointment of Sr. Executive Service Checks on Prez: • Senate confirmation • Can’t fire most • Reorg. & budgets require approval Don’t toot your horn just yet!

  13. Clinton and Gore: REGO(Reinventing Government 1993) “The Federal government seems unable to abandon the obsolete…It knows how to add, but not to subtract.” -Al Gore Class Reading: REGO

  14. How can Congress control the Bureaucracy? • Appropriations of budgets • Standing Committee oversight, investigations, and hearings • GAO • Appointment confirm. • Sunset laws (limits some agencies’ life)

  15. Are there any other influences on the Bureaucracy? Interest Groups: • Lobbying • “revolving door” • Clientele groups: special IGs that benefit from a particular agency & therefore advocate • Sub governments: • Iron triangles/issue networks (common interests)

  16. Final influences! Media: • Scrutinize behavior • Whistle-blowers • Ex: FBI memo discussing ineptness of security pre-9/11 Courts: Injunctions & writ of mandamus. Privatization: -> efficiency

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