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Genre of Narration for Narrating Problematic Past Events in order to Amuse or Entertain and Even think. A. Topic 1: Frightening Experience
Genre of Narration for Narrating Problematic Past Events in order to Amuse or Entertain and Even think
A. Topic 1: Frightening Experience 1. Objective : Menerangkanbagaimanasuatukejadian yang menakutkan yang pernahterjadidimasalaludapatdikemasmenjadisebuahteksjenis narration yang efektif.
A. Membuat flow chart teks yang berisi : (1) communicative purpose, (2) rhetorical structure, (3) grammatical pattern yang biasadigunakanpadateks narrative. b. Terangkanperbedaantentangjenisteks recount denganjenisteksnarative.
Teks recount adalahjenisteks yang sangattepatuntukmenceritakanaktivitasataukejadianmasalalu yang tujuanutamanyahanyasekedarmemberiinformasi (to inform) kepadapembaca. • Narrative adalahjenisteks yang sangattepatuntukmenceritakanaktivitasataukejadianmasalalu, yang menonjolkanproblematik experience dan resolution
Denganmaksudmenghibur (to amuse) danseringkalidimaksudkanuntukmemberipelajaran moral kepadapembaca. Teks narrative yang sangatumumantara lain cerpen, novel, naskahsinetron, legendaataudongengdan lain-lain teks yang mengisahkanpengalamanmasalalu yang didalamnyaterdapatkonflikresolusi.
Ajukanbeberapapertanyaantentangtopik yang akandikisahkantersebut. Rhetorical Structure untukjenisteks narrative adalah: Orientation --- sequence of events that leads to conflict --- climax --- resolution---coda. • Pemahamanisidanfungsi orientation adalahpentingbagisiswa. Orientation berisikan topic of an activity or event yang akandikisahkanataudiceritakan, sedangkanfungsinyaadalahuntukmenarikperhatianpembaca.
Pemahamantentangisidanfungsiteks element: sequence of events that leads to conflict- climax. Sequence of events berisipaparankisahceritatentangaktivitasataukejadiandimasalalu yang didalamnyaterdapattahapan conflict – resolution. Fungsidaripengisahantersebutadalahuntukmenghibur (amuse) parapembaca, yang jugadimaksudkanuntukmemberikanpelajaran.
Resolution adalahteks element yang berisikanpaparantentangpemecahanmasalah (problem solving) • Coda berisikankesimpulanringkasdenganmaksuduntukmemberikanataumenitipkansuatupesan moral (moral lesson) kepadaparapembaca.
y • e. Pertanyaan yang merujukpada orientation, • Sesuaitopik frightening experience, yang barangkalipernahdialamiolehparasiswa. Beberapapertanyaanberikutdapatdiberikankepadamereka: • Pertanyaan yang merujukkepada orientation: - Have you ever got a terrible or frightening experience? • - Where did it happen?
a • Pertanyaan yang merujukpada sequence of events that leads to conflict – climax: • - what really happened to you? • - How did you feel? • Pertanyaan yang merujukpada resolution • What did you do them? • How did you feel then? • Pertanyaan yang merujukpada coda: • Do you learn anything from the experience?
Untukmemulaimenulisteks yang mengisahkanpengalamanmasalaludengantujuanmemberikanhiburanataupelajaran moral, para guru dapatmembimbingmerekauntukterlebihdahulumenjelaskansecararingkastopikaktivitasataukejadian yang akandiceritakantersebut (orientation).
Orientation berupa statement yang menariktentangsuatu yang bersifatluarbiasa, yang terdiridarisatuatauduakalimatsaja. • A huge snake got in my aunt’s living room, one day. • Orientation biasaberisikanhal yang luarbiasa yang dapatmemprovokasipembacauntukmenjaditertarikmengetahuidetailnya
Saturday last month was the most terrible day I ever had in my life. • ---- orientation demikianakanmenarikparapembacauntukmengetahuilebihjauhdetailnya, denganharapanbisaterhibur (amused) danmendapatpelajaran. • The earth began to shake when a beautiful woman got angry to her husband. ---- Denganorientasisepertiinidiyakinibahwaparapembacaakanmenjaditertarikuntukmelihatdetailnya.
Setelah orientation selesaidibuat, padaelemen sequence of events dikisahkanataudiceritakansecaraefektif yang dimulaidarikisahatauceritakejadian yang sifatnya ‘pengantar’ yang kemudiankisahdilanjutkanhinggamenujutataran problem (conflict of climax), yang kemudiandisusuldenganpaparan resolution, yaitupenyelesaianatas problem yang telahdipaparkantersebut.
3. Text example • A) Giving models of texts (modeling)
Ajukanpertanyaanbeberapapertanyaanlisanberkaitandengan content tersebutdanmengidentifikasi text elements atau rhetorical structurenya. Dalamcontohteksdiatasterdapatempatteks elements yaitu :orientation, sequence of events, resolution dan coda.
Orientation • Elemen I iniberisiaktivitasatau problematic events yang akandiceritakan yang meliputi what seems to be the problematic, what happened, the participants and the personal attitudes (what the author thinks of the ‘what’)
‘A huge snake got in my aunt’s living room, one day. It was so horrible and could be very harmful to everybody. • Kalimat it was so horrible and could be very harmful to everybody merupakanrefleksi personal attitude daripenulis yang berfungsiuntukmenarikperhatianparapembaca.
Sequence of events (description of the problematic events) • Element iniberisikisahselengkapnyatentangapa yang terjadi. Kisahatauceritainidimulaidarikejadian (event/happening) yang bersifatpermulaan (introduction), yang kemudianditeruskankekonflikpermasalahan (problem) hinggakepuncakpermasalahan (climax). Teksdiatasdapatdiuraisebagaiberikut:
Introduction • First, my aunt was very frightened to see the snake, but she tried to manage herself to be quiet. • Problem to climax • Unfortunately, she failed to do it. She screamed out very loudly to see the snake moving and hissing. Then she called some neighbors for some help. After that, she ran out and in try to chase the snake out of the room, but she failed to do so.
Resolution • Berisikandeskripsipemecahanmasalah (solution) ataskonflikpermasalahan yang telahdituangkanpada sequence of events • Some neighbors suggested using salt to chase it away. Then she went to the kitchen to get a cup of salt. Using her right hand, she spread the salt over the snake and the floor of the living room. Not long after that, the snake slowly began to move its body and through the opened door, it began to leave the room
Coda • Merupakanceritapenutup, yang biasaberisihalpositif yang bisadipetikataspermasalahan. • ‘My aunt was so relieved to see the snake leaving the room without making any harm to anybody.’
B) discussing the structure and practicing to write. • Memintamenganalisisbentuk formal teks yang sedangdibacauntukmenyimpulkan communicative purpose, genre, dan rhetorical structure.
Merumuskantujuanteks (communicative purpose) narrative text dibuatuntukmengisahkansuatupengalamanmasalalu yang bersifat problematic, dengantujuanmenghibursekaligusmemberikanpelajaran moral yang bermanfaat, untukdapatmemberikankontribusiperilaku (attitude) yang positifkepadapembaca.
Mendefinisikanbentuk genre. Genre adalahteks yang berisikankisahpengalamanmasalalu yang bersifatproblematikadalah narration • Mengidentifikasikan rhetorical structure teks. Rhetorical structure untukteks narrative adalah : orientation, description of the problematic even, resolution, coda (optional)
Mendiskusikan grammatical pattern dibawahbimbingan guru, untukmengidentifikasi : (1) types and kinds of sentences, (2) kinds of tenses, (3) textual devices yang sangatumum yang digunakandidalammenulis narrative text padakhususnyadanteks lain padaumumnya.
Self-Text Construction • Memberikankesempatankepadasiswaberlatihmenulisjenisteks narrative. Guru dapatmenyuguhkanduamacamtopikuntukdikembangkanolehparasiswa, misalnya: • Embarrassing experience :Suatupengalaman yang cukupmemalukan yang mungkinperhahdialamiolehsiswasendiriataudialamiorang lain • Terrible experience, suatupengalaman yang tidakmenyenangkan, yang mungkinpernahdialamiolehparasiswadiwaktulalu.
B. Linguistic Realization • Objective: Menerangkanpola-polapenerapan grammar (grammar pattern) yang sangatumumuntukmerealisasikaninformasi, pesan, atauide-idedalamkalimat-kalimat yang efektif, khususnyauntukteks narratives danteks-teks lain padaumumnya
Penguasaankalimat (sentence acquisition) sangatpenting. • Guru tidakperlumerasabosanmengulangimenerangkan sentence element dan basic sentence pattern. • Bagian yang paling pentingpadasetiapkalimatadalah predicate (traditional grammar), atau process (dalamanalisis transitivity, atau ideational meaning menurut functional grammar) atau predicator (dalamanalisis interpersonal meaning menurut functional grammar)
Dalamkaitannyadenganpenulisanteks narrative ,perludibahasbeberapa topic grammatical patterns berikut: • The nature of sentence: susunankata yang didalamnyasudahterdapatbagian yang mendudukijabatansubjekdan predicate bisadisebutsebagaikalimat.
A sentence is a group of words that contains a subject and a verb to express a complete thought which begins with capital letter and ended with period. A sentence can be performed from one or two clauses that joined with conjunctions for relative connectors .
Example: • “Once upon time in Batakland” is not a sentence. It doesn’t have a subject or a verb as the predicate. It doesn’t express a complete thought. • “Once upon time in Batakland lived a fisherman named Bhatara Guru Sahala” is a sentence. It has expressed a complete thought, which is marked with the presence of subject and a verb as the predicate.
It is a sentence because it has a subject ( a fisherman) and a verb as the predicate (lived). When fleshed out further, this sentence has employed several adverbs; time, and place. The sentence is made up of two clauses; (1) independent clauses , “Once upon time in Batakland lived a fisherman” and (2) dependent clause which is reduced , “that was named Bhatara Guru Sahala”.
As a tough fisherman, he went out fishing every morning is a sentence. It has expressed complete thought because it has a subject (he) and a verb as the predicate (went out fishing). It also has two adverbs; status (as a tough fisherman), time (every morning).
2. Elements of sentence • Setelahmenerangkandefinisikalimat, guru dapatmenerangkanelemen-elemenpembentukkalimatitusendiri:subject, predicate, adjective, and adverb yang berfungsiuntukmeningkatkankejelasaninformasi yang disampaikan.
A sentence consists of several related elements in it. Subject, predicate, object and adverb. Subject must be a noun , predicate must be a verb and object must be a noun. Either subject or object can take the form of a word, a phrase, or clause, while predicate can only take the form of phrase, which are formed by using prepositions, Therefore, each preposition is usually used in the adverbial phrase.
Example: “They were happily married and got two beautiful smart daughters”. • The sentence consists of two clauses; (1) they were happily married,(2) They got two beautiful smart daughters. When they are fleshed out, the elements of the two sentences are:
“They were happily married and got two beautiful smart daughters”. 1st sentence 2nd sentence Subject a Noun A word : They Word : They A phrase: - A phrase : - A clause : - A clause : -
“They were happily married and got two beautiful smart daughters”. 1st sentence 2nd sentence Predicate a verb A word : Word : got A phrase: were happily married A phrase : - A clause : - A clause : -
“They were happily married and got two beautiful smart daughters 1st sentence 2nd sentence Object a noun A word : Word : A phrase: - A phrase : two smart daughters A clause : - A clause : -
“They were happily married and got two beautiful smart daughters 1st sentence 2nd sentence Adverb =time,place etc. A word : Word : A phrase: - A phrase : - A clause : - A clause : -
3. Adverb • Salahsatubagiandalamkalimat yang berfungsiuntukmeningkatkankejelasaninformasiadalahadver, yang dapatberupa adverb of time, place, purpose, reason, condition,consequence, etc.
Adverb plays important in its role of contributing for better clarity of the message conveyed in the sentence. It can express the information about time, place, reason, purpose, status, and frequency. Los of adverbs are marked with the use of prepositions: in, at, after, as, to, etc. Adverb can be in the form of ‘word’ or ‘phrase’ • Example: • once upon time -to the river • As a tough fisherman - as soon as • One day - day and night
4. Types of sentence • Setelahpara guru menerangkandefinisikalimatkemudianmenerangkanelemen-elemenkalimat, jenis-jeniskalimat yang ditinjaudarisegikompleksitasisiinformasi yang dituangkanperluditerangkankepadaparasiswa : simple, compound, complex, dan compound sentence.
Message, either to give good information or demand good information, can be expressed in different types of sentence: simple sentence, compound sentence, complex sentence or the combination of compound and complex sentence. Thus sentence becomes the skeleton a written text, no matter how long or short the text is. The core of a sentence is the “verb” employed as the predicate.
A) Simple sentence • It is a single clause, of which it has one subject and one verb that functions as the predicate. The predicate expresses the ‘process of doing’ or ‘acting’. Whenever the predicate takes the form of ‘be’ , it functions ‘to relate’ the subject as the action or doer and the attribute or status that follow.
Example: • My aunt was very frightened • She tried to manage herself to quiet • Unfortunately, she failed to do it. • She screamed out very loudly • She called some neighbors for some help. • She ran out and in to try to chase the snake out of the room • She failed to do so.