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Senses Happy and healthy Under pressure Lungs Heart. brain Kidneys 20 personalities Peer pressure quotes. Smell Hearing Touch Vision Taste. shelter. WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT. Water. Oxygen air. Hygiene washing. excersice. Food intestine. sleep.
Senses Happy and healthy Under pressure Lungs Heart brain Kidneys 20 personalities Peer pressure quotes
Smell • Hearing • Touch • Vision • Taste
shelter WE CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT Water Oxygen air Hygiene washing excersice Food intestine sleep love
lungs • Lungs are the type of body organs that is in our body. The main job of lungs is they help us to breath. Your lungs make oxygen for your body and remove other gasses. • After absorbing oxygen, the blood leaves the lungs and carried to the heart. • The blood ispumped to your body to give oxygen to cells of your tissues and organs. • Your trachea is divided into two air passages called bronchial tubes. Bronchial tube lead to left lungs the other lead the right lungs.
Lungs • The right lung has three side called lobes and is a little larger than the left lung, which has two lobes. The bronchial tubes are divide into smaller air passages called bronchi, and then into bronchioles. The bronchioles end in a tiny air sacs called alveoli, where oxygen is transferred from the inhaled air to the blood. • When you inhale through your nose or mouth the air travels down the pharynx (back of the throat), passes through your larynx (voice box) and into your trachea (windpipe).
heart • Your heart is really a muscle. The heart is located a little to the left of the middle of your chest, and it's about the size of your fist. • The heart muscle is special because what it does to your body . The heart send blood to all your body parts they blood provides your body with oxygen and nutrients it needs. It also carries away waste. • the heart pumped and cleaned the dirty blood into a clean one. • It removed the waste in your body
heart • When the brain send signal for the heart to beat the right atrium fills with used blood that has been through your body and needs to go to lungs for more oxygen • The left atrium fills with fresh blood from lungs that ready to go back throught the body • The atria squeeze blood to the ventricles below. • The right ventricles pumps old blood to the lungs • The left ventricles pumps fresh blood into your body so it can circulalate
Brain • There are 5 parts in your brain that works together 1. cerebrum 2.cerebellum 3.brain stem 4.pituitary 5 . Hypothalamus • your brain is the boss of your body. It controls your body and it’s even control your body when you were asleep.
Brain • When you're thinking hard, you're using your cerebrum. • the cerebrum has two halves, with one on either side of the head. Scientists think that the right half helps you think about abstract things like music, colors, and shapes. The left half is said to be more analytical, helping you with math, logic, and speech
Kidneys • The Chemical reactions occur in the cells of your body to break down the nutrients. These waste product are removed through your urine . • Kidneys has 5 main job : • remove waste products from the body • remove drugs from the body • balance the body's fluids • release hormones that regulate blood pressure • produce an active form of vitamin D that promotes strong, healthy bones • Much of this water is reabsorbed by the tubules and the wastes are concentrated into urine.
Kidneys • control the production of red blood cells • There are 2 kidneys in your body each kidneys, each are the size of your fist it is located at either side of your spine at the lowest level of your ribcage . • Inside each kidney there are more than one million tiny units called nephrons . Each nephrons are small filters called glomerulus, which is attached to a tubules • Water and waste products are separated from the blood by the filters and flow into the tubules.
Peer pressure • It is important to make good choices and not be pressured into things that we feel wrong • Sometimes when we make choices there are effects that may cause other people and myself harm • Remember the ripple effect ! • Saying NO in not easy sometimes but if we are confident to say it then that is a good choices • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dhUMRzXQUNs • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-IdCFrUdmAg
Stratergies to deal with conflict • Get support ( adult) • Try to ignore the situation • Confrontation – asking what’s wrong • Apologies even if you NOT in the wrong
What Happens To Your Body When It Is Under Pressure ? • Arustated/negative • Shaky • Heart rate goes up • Hot • Eating disoder • No apperite • Cannot focus in school work • Headache • Tummy upset • Withdrawl • Cannot sleep • Anxiety
The best decision is an informed decision. The choices we make effect our lives and all choices have consequences. • The choices we make have consequences positive and negative • The choices we make MAY affect others. • There are different influence on our choices • Every individual is responsible for the chices she makes.
How do people make deicision? Choices, Information, facts, Influences, consequences, responsibility
We can be friend to everybody Smile Nice greeting Start a conversation Help someone
What are the positive and negative influences of your advertisement ? I think the advertisement that i choose is waste money and we don’t really used it and it is not really important. The negative impact is we waste money and it is so expensive The positive impact we are happy to have the things that we want to have
How do your friends influences us • Our friends ifluences us by showing off their thing and we want to buy it too, but the things is not really important and it is sometimes expensive.
My personality poem How i act everyday is Much more important to Me. My personality make me,me It’s my personality My individuality My originality It’s my speciality It’s my personality The world is made up Of so many different people And i’m happy to be I am not anyone else What i look like is only One part of me and i’m Sure that my friend would agree What i say, how i feel
Changes In Me Summary • During the puberty unit we talked about changes that happend in our body/ the most interesting part in this unit is when we’ve disscussing about how are the hormones work and how the sex hormones can create changes physically through our body. I already knoe about the brain is the boss in our body it controls our other organs to work. The brain also control aour body even when we are asleep. The least interesting that i learnt in this unit is when we girls hysical changes, but i also already know that every girls will experience that too. My opinion don’t follow bad behavior like drinking drugs, alcohol or cigarettes because it is dangerous and don’t try to smoke because if you smoke it can make your lungs not healthy anymore