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Communicating Your PPD: Practices and Strategies. Shihab Ansari Azhar Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, BICF, IFC Bangladesh PPD Global Product Team. If you stay for the entire presentation…. I will give you something valuable for FREE!. R & D. Production. Marketing & Sales.
Communicating Your PPD: Practices and Strategies ShihabAnsariAzhar Stakeholder Engagement Analyst, BICF, IFC Bangladesh PPD Global Product Team
If you stay for the entire presentation…. I will give you something valuable for FREE!
R & D Production Marketing & Sales Customer Support Business environment reform Vs. private sector Diagnostics Solution Design Implementation Monitoring & Evaluation Herzberg , 2010 3
Public Service Announcement Sullivan, 2005 4
Motor Show Sullivan, 2005 5
If you build it, will they come? Azhar, 2005
High risk of failure, high benefit of success: Need to get better Herzberg , 2006 7
Who’s got time to work on Communications anyway? • Does the average businessman in my country know about the PPD platform? • Does the average SME in my country know about the PPD platform? • Does the average person understand the PPD recommendation → business reform → private sector savings → jobs link? • Does the average person know what your PPD has achieved? Azhar, 2010
But communications can be very important… • “club of elites” perception → low private sector support and participation. • low public support → low demand for PPD • low understanding of role of PPD in economic reform → low demand for PPD BEWARE OF THE BBBF Azhar, 2010
“The previous Government needed the BBBF because they were arresting businessmen and faced low business confidence. This government does notneed the BBBF.” - Prime Minister of Bangladesh, 2009 Azhar, 2010
But what if… • Private sector have opportunities to participate→ high private sector support and participation. • People understand link between BBBF and jobs → high demand for PPD • People aware of BBBF’s achievements → high demand for PPD WE BBBF! Azhar, 2010
So what is PPD Communications? Azhar, 2010
Communication in the PPD cycle Solicit reform suggestions Make PPD “open” to inputs Disseminate research findings Build support for PPD Build understanding of problem Communicate PPD achievements Build support for reform Azhar, 2010
Step 1: Targeting – Understand your audience and opinion flows Azhar, 2010
A A D D G G B B E E H H C C F F I I Stakeholder mapping Issue predisposition Likelihood to care and do something For Undecided Against Not Maybe Very Rabinowitz, adapted by Herzberg 2006 15
A D G B E H C F I Exercise: 1) Select 1 reform in 1 country per table 2) Discuss/explain the situation and 3) locate real individual stakeholders and groups of stakeholders on the matrix. Issue predisposition Likelihood to care and do something Not Maybe Very For Undecided Against Rabinowitz, adapted by Herzberg 2006 16
Step 2: Tailor your message “The PPD can help me achieve my political objectives.” “A PPD can help my business grow by removing constraints.” “A PPD can bring about business reforms that create jobs.” “The PPD creates jobs.” Azhar, 2010
Message development • Issue Attributes • Values • Personal Consequence • Issue Benefits Rabinowitz, 2006
Developing a single message 10 C’s of advocacy messaging • Concise • Compelling (Convincing) • Credible • Character Defining • Contrasting • Contextual • Communicated (Conveyed) • Consistent • Constant Rabinowitz, 2006 19
A good message is… A discrete amount of information, founded in empirical research and in the times, and drawing a distinction from others, communicated effectively to a narrow group of stakeholders who have not yet made up their minds. Rabinowitz, 2006 20
Reasons to continue e-government Azhar, 2010
Step 3: Choose the appropriate channel • Options are vast, depending on message media habits of target audience: • TV • Radio • Mail • Phone • Canvass • Web • Outdoor • Specialty • New Media • Face-to-face meetings Rabinowitz, 2006
Understand audience media habits Media sources for news/politics | General population and Opinion Leaders Opinion Leaders General Population Azhar, 2010
How often do you watch TV News? Opinion Leaders General Population Azhar, 2010
Most-watched TV Shows Azhar, 2010
Most-read newspapers Azhar, 2010
Step 4: Choose a messenger • Promoter/Leadership/Sponsor • Government/Private sector/donors • Leaders – Political, Ethnic, Labor • Regular People • Celebrities • Professionals • Brands Rabinowitz, 2006
How do people feel about your messenger? Now, I’d like to rate your feelings toward some people, things, and organizations, with “100” meaning a VERY FAVORABLE feeling; “0” meaning a VERY UNFAVORABLE feeling; and “50” meaning not particularly favorable or unfavorable. BASIS BCS BCC Azhar, 2010
Step 5: Deliver your messages Nigeria PPD Cambodia SME credit reform – TV shows on location (SMEs) + Experts Opeds,press Georgia legal and judicial reform Herzberg , 2006 Philippines procurement reform
South Africa Tax Reform - Comics Herzberg , 2006
“Better Business, Better Bangladesh” Azhar, 2010
Best practices in PPD websites • KISS • Dynamic and changing content on front page • Allow local stakeholders to weigh in Azhar, 2010
Website best practices continued • Display results and achievements graphically • Consider using English and native language Azhar, 2010
Step 6: Measurement • Measurement DURING the advocacy campaign = survey, polling • Measuring AFTER the campaign = result/enactment/decision/election • Survey target audiences (as often as can afford/practical) if enough amounts of messaging done so as to test their results. • Test the same groups of targets and compare them to each other. • Measure changes in attitudes and willingness to act, but also exposure to the campaign (i.e. “Have you seen ad or read a story about this, that or the other?”). Rabinowitz, 2006 34
Awareness of and Support for Business Reforms in Bangladesh Communications Campaign On-going Communications Azhar, 2010
Your Free gift… Azhar, 2010
Thank You! Azhar, 2010