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Digital Fuel Tracking Mike Santucci President, ECG-inc Jim Mooney Consultant. AccuTrack- Digital Fuel Tracking System supporting Coal Fired Generation Reliability and Fuel Flexibility initiatives. Engineering Consultants Group Clifty Plant OVEC November 15, 2006.
Digital Fuel Tracking Mike Santucci President, ECG-inc Jim Mooney Consultant AccuTrack- Digital Fuel Tracking System supporting Coal Fired Generation Reliability and Fuel Flexibility initiatives Engineering Consultants Group Clifty Plant OVEC November 15, 2006
Ash Deposition ImpactsIn The Power Industry N. S. Harding N. S. Harding & Associates D. C. O’Connor Energy Conversion Division – EPRI N.S. Harding & Associates Conclusions Slagging/fouling and blending leading coal quality concerns Coal quality impacts have approx. same number of outages/derates as deposition; economics were less due to shorter duration Annual estimated impact of coal quality and deposition is ~$1.2 billion annually No significant improvement made over last 10 years! Presented at Coal Quality Impacts conference, October 31, 2006, Snowbird, UT
Today’s Agenda • Coal Quality contributions to Slagging/Fouling mechanism • Fuel Flexibility and Operating with Precision • Introduction Digital Fuel Tracking with AccuTrack from ECG
Slagging vs Fouling Fouling Fouling: Deposition where convection is the predominant form of heat transfer Slagging is defined as deposition where radiation is the predominant mechanism of heat transfer Slagging
Slag Control “The potential for slagging (i.e., fused slag deposits that form on furnace walls and other surfaces exposed to predominantly radiant heat) is temperature and ash composition related.” Coal Energy Systems, Bruce G. Miller, PSU
Blends • Units designed for bituminous coals have found it necessary to switch to sub-bituminous fuel for various environmental and economic reasons. • Coal is a very heterogeneous substance and cannot be simply represented by a single set of melting or ash fusion temperatures, particularly when blended. • Sodium content of Western Fuels (PRB) varies considerably between Northern and Southern PRB coals. Gaining control over fuel blends requires: KNOWING the real time quality of the fuel you are receiving KNOWING the real time temperatures in the furnace
Ash Deposition Conference October 31, 2006 “The heart of the system is the analyzer and DFTS software bringing the information to the operators.” David Tillman presentation on managing slagging @ DTE energy. Link to Ash Deposition Conference October 2006
Inventory Control Real Time Graphic Analyzer Data fed Forward Current Blend Current Silo Loading Operations Excellence&Fuel Flexibility +3,000MW Plant • AccuTrack Experience • Applying the available tools. The AccuTrack system is fed by more than 160 sensors and updates information about every aspect of coal movement at Monroe every 10 seconds. Plant managers and operators use the information to optimize the fuel supplied to the plant.
“Boiler’s have outlived their designers considerations for the fuel they consume” “The potential for slagging is temperature and Ash composition related.” “The array of opportunity fuels is as broad and diverse as the ingenuity of the engineering community.”
A prototype currently being tested will provide measurement of Mercury and Arsenic; expected to be commercially available December 2006.
Low Alarm: Opacity potential for the next 2 hours BLUE indication is the coal is excellent, but not economical High Alarm: Slagging potential in 4 hours Performance with flexibility
425 MW Plant
1,300 MW Plant
2,650MW Plant
Mobilized data AccuTrack and e-Notification is in place at plants ranging in size from 425 MW’s to +3000MW
Utilizing the SystemReporting Capabilities • Historical reports via web browser • Exact on-the-belt blend results for any loading period • On-line analyzer results (wt. average) can be reported by silo • Variance between vendor supplied tons and plant unload tons automated & alarmed
AccuTrack References • Pennsylvania • Penn Power’s Bruce Mansfield Plant • 3 units • 2640 MW • Blends Three Primary Fuels • Ohio • FirstEnergy’s Eastlake Plant • 7 units • 1200 MW • Blending PRB • Michigan • Detroit Edison’s Monroe Plant • 4 units • 3200 MW • Undersized Precips are sensitive to fuel changes
Maintenance Plan • Software maintenance plan is advised to ensure system integrity • Daily tasks to check the system health • Correct AccuTrack database for missing or corrupt data due to PI or AccuTrack outages • Monthly tasks to verify data • Reports on fuel activity and system availability • Training for new users • Software updates and enhancements
Performance FIRST through Operating with Precision followed by Fuel Flexibility to get the maximum performance at the lowest cost!!
Contact information Michael Santucci President Engineering Consultants Group 1236 Weathervane Lane Akron, Oh 44313 (330) 869-9995 James R. Mooney Bulk Materials Specialist 45 St. Andrews Drive Beaver Falls, PA 15010 (724) 312-1293 Mooney_73@msn.com
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