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AccuTrack- Digital Fuel Tracking System supporting Coal Fired Generation Reliability and Fuel Flexibility initiatives. Digital Fuel Tracking Jim Mooney Consultant. Engineering Consultants Group October 17, 2006 Dominion. Today’s Agenda. Digital Fuel Tracking Introduction
AccuTrack- Digital Fuel Tracking System supporting Coal Fired Generation Reliability and Fuel Flexibility initiatives Digital Fuel Tracking Jim Mooney Consultant Engineering Consultants Group October 17, 2006 Dominion
Today’s Agenda • Digital Fuel Tracking Introduction • Fuel Flexibility and Operating with Precision
Operations Excellence&Fuel Flexibility +3,000MW Plant • AccuTrack Experience • Applying the available tools. The AccuTrack system is fed by more than 160 sensors and updates information about every aspect of coal movement at Monroe every 10 seconds. Plant managers and operators use the information to optimize the fuel supplied to the plant via 13 belt scales and 60 gates.
425 MW Plant
1,300 MW Plant
2,650MW Plant
Low Alarm: Opacity potential for the next 2 hours BLUE indication is the coal is excellent, but not economical High Alarm: Slagging potential in 4 hours Performance with flexibility
Aqua Ammonia Tracking Vendor supplied Aqueous Ammonia Quality/Quantity scanned prior to unloading. Inventory calculations, tanks in service all updated through OSI Pi
Sodium Sulfite Tracking Additives for SO3 control of Blue Plume. Shipments scanned into OSI Pi and automatically updates tank, tracks performance of blending system, provides burn details for different suppliers. Identifies with precision when poor quality material is unloaded, and what vendor delivered it when the strainer plugged
“Boiler’s have outlived their designers considerations for the fuel they consume” “The array of opportunity fuels is as broad and diverse as the ingenuity of the engineering community.”
Client Survey Case Study: In September 2006 we presented a similar slide show to a potential client. We asked for their quality specification and were given: 12,700 BTU, 1.9# MMBTU/S, 12% Ash. The plant was not in the habit of reviewing their coal supply quality. We suggested they sample some deliveries and try to correlate performance changes. The results of sampling done Sept 21through 23 Units 1 & 2 were derated for Pulverizer problems on 9-23-06 12,700 BTU, 1.9# MMBTU/S, 12% Ash.
Variability of Supplied Coal RBC detected coal quality change
FeaturesTracking Fuel Supply Activity • Field inputs via PI are used to track coal: • Diverter/flop gates • Scales • Conveyor running • Tripper positions • Boom positions, etc. • Used to determine activity details in real-time: • Flow rate / quantities • On-the-belt blending • Feed source • Destination • On-line coal analyzer results • Stock pile specs, etc.
End-User Interfaces Report Example 3,149 Variance
Bunker Level Detection Infra-view furnace Thermometer by JNT JA Redding 9 Iron ASTM Sampler www.jamesaredding.com/index.asp Weigh Scale +/- .25% accuracy 2 or 4 idler arrangements
A prototype is being tested at DTE that will provide measurement of Mercury and Arsenic, and is expected to be commercially available later in 2006.
AccuTrack References • Pennsylvania • Penn Power’s Bruce Mansfield Plant • 3 units • 2640 MW • Blends Three Primary Fuels • Ohio • FirstEnergy’s Eastlake Plant • 7 units • 1200 MW • Blending PRB • Michigan • Detroit Edison’s Monroe Plant • 4 units • 3200 MW • Undersized Precips are sensitive to fuel changes
Maintenance Plan • Software maintenance plan is advised to ensure system integrity • Daily tasks to check the system health • Correct AccuTrack database for missing or corrupt data due to PI or AccuTrack outages • Monthly tasks to verify data • Monthly reports on fuel activity and system availability • Training for new users • Software updates and enhancements
Performance FIRST through Operating with Precision followed by Fuel Flexibility to get the maximum performance at the lowest cost!!
Intellectual Property Statement This proposal/presentation is strictly confidential. It is made available to prospective clients with the understanding that it will not be shown, read or passed to any other person who is not a current employee of your organization. This proposal/presentation has been developed by Engineering Consultants Group Inc. and will remain its property until such a time as a formal contract for the project is finalized with the client, as such the content may not meanwhile be disclosed by the client to any third party, nor may any original concept devised by Engineering Consultants Group Inc. be used commercially. If the client decides not to proceed with the project, selects another consulting firm, or decides to conduct the project itself, we request return of this proposal/presentation together with assurances that no photocopies of this proposal/presentation have been made.