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Robust Fuzzy Extractors & Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets

Robust Fuzzy Extractors & Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets. Leonid Reyzin Boston University. Yevgeniy Dodis New York University. Jonathan Katz University of Maryland. Adam Smith Weizmann  IPAM  Penn State. w. w. Ext. Ext. R. R. i. i. minentropy m. uniform .

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Robust Fuzzy Extractors & Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets

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  1. Robust Fuzzy Extractors&Authenticated Key Agreement from Close Secrets Leonid ReyzinBoston University Yevgeniy DodisNew York University Jonathan KatzUniversity of Maryland Adam Smith Weizmann  IPAM  Penn State

  2. w w Ext Ext R R i i minentropy m uniform uniform jointly uniform setting 1: info-theoretic key agreement not uniform w w’ w i i’ i i Bonnie Allen w’  R R’ i’ (if w w’) Eve (e.g., knows something about it) Goal: from a nonuniform secret w agree on a uniform secret R No secure channel (else, trivial) w Simple solution: use an extractor Ext R seed i Problem 1: What if Eve is active? Needrobustness Problem 2: What if w is noisy? Needfuzziness

  3. uniform even given P Fuzzy Extractor[Dodis, Ostrovsky, R., Smith] need: robust fuzzy extractor • Extraction: generate uniform R from w (+ seed i) • Fuzziness: reproduceR from P and w’ w • Robustness: as long as w’ w, if Eve(P) produces P  P (with 1negligible probability over w& coins of Rep, Eve) w R Gen i P w’ Rep R P ~ w’ Rep  ~ P

  4. ~ P P ~ w w’ R R if P = P Gen Rep ~ i P  o/w P setting 1: info-theoretic key agreement  w w’ Previously considered: • If w = w’, or if w, w’ and Eve’s info come from repeated i.i.d. [Maurer, Renner, Wolf in several papers] • Using random oracles [Boyen, Dodis, Katz, Ostrovsky, Smith] • Interactive (more than one message): [MR,W,RW – limits on errors] [BDKOS – computational security, using PAK] Bonnie Allen Eve use R for encryption, MAC, etc.

  5. setting 2: noisy secret keys • User has: noisy key w (e.g., biometric) • Next time: needs same R (to decrypt disk, …) • Same problem as before, but noninteractivity essential! use to encrypt disk, derive (SK, PK), sign messages, ... w R Gen i P ~ w’ ~ Rep R if P P,  o/w ~ P various bad effects, depending on use of R no trusted storage

  6. Key??? building robust fuzzy extractors Idea 0: w Ext R i MAC P = (i,)  R? But if i changes  R changes Circularity! iextracts from ww authenticates i

  7. n/3 n/3 n/3 a c w = b   i +  = bi + c i, R = [ai]1 -uniform if n/3 >  + g + 2loga l P 1 -secure if n/3 > g + loga 1 building robust fuzzy extractors Notation: |w| = n,H(w) = m, “entropy gap” n  m = g Maurer-Wolf construction: Extract m 2n/3

  8. n/3 nv n/3 n/3 v a c w = b   i + +  = bi + c R = [ai]1 l i  = [ai]1 + b R = [ai]v+1 v nv jointly -uniform if v > g+2loga  -secure if v > g+log 1 1 building robust fuzzy extractors Notation: |w| = n,H(w) = m, “entropy gap” n  m = g Maurer-Wolf construction: Extract m 2n/3 Our construction: a w = b Extract n2g = 2(mn/2)

  9. nv v + Our construction: a w = b Extract n2g = 2(mn/2) i  = [ai]1 + b R = [ai]v+1 v nv jointly -uniform if v > g+2loga  -secure if v > g+log 1 1 building robust fuzzy extractors

  10. nv v Our construction: a w = b Extract n2g = 2(mn/2)  i  = [ai]1 + b R = [ai]v+1 v nv + 1 jointly -uniform if v > g+2loga -secure if v > g+log 1 building robust fuzzy extractors Analysis: • Extraction: (R, )=ai + b is a universal hash family (few collisions)(i is the key, w=(a, b) is the input) • Robustness:  = [ai]1 + b is strongly universal (2-wise indep.)(w=(a, b) is the key, i is the input) [ok by leftover hash lemma] v [ok by Maurer-Wolf]

  11. 1 2 3 … V 1 … w11 w12 w13 w1V 2 … w21 w22 w23 w2V 3 … w31 w32 w33 w3V . . . ... ... ... ... ... V … wV1 wV2 wV3 wVV aside: strongly universal  MAC • Suppose MACw (•) is pairwise independent:  i, j MACw (i) Notation: n = |w|m = H(w)g = n mv = ||V = 2v MACw (j) (if 2n keys w, then each square contains 2n/V2 = 2n2vof them) • Eve sees 3= MACw (i) guesses 2= MACw (j) • w23has 2n2vkeys, each has prob. 2vm, so Pr[success] = 2nmv = 2gv

  12. ? nv v  i  = [ai]1 + b R = [ai]v+1 v nv + w Ext R key i MAC P = (i,)  key building robust fuzzy extractors Our construction: a w = b Extract n2g = 2(mn/2) m>n/2 is necessary [Dodis-Spencer]before: needed m>2n/3 (also extracted fewer bits)

  13. tool: secure sketch [DORS] • Compute k-bit sketchS(w) • Recoverw from S(w) and w’ w • For Hamming metric, S(w) can be a linear function (simply syndrome(w) in an [n, nk, 2t+1]2 code) S w S(w) w’ Rec w S(w)

  14. Ext R key i  s MAC S key How to MAC long messages?  = [a2s + ai]1 + b (recall w = a|b) v w’ s key building robust fuzzy extractors w = MACw(i, s) P = (i, s, ) How to Rep ~ w ~ Rec Ext ~ R i oops… ~ ~ ~ Ver() ok/ s ~ key

  15. a2s + ai]1 + b v w’ s ~ ~ Need:  w,given MACw(i, s), hard to forge MACw +w(i, s) the MAC problem Authentication: Hard to forge for any fixed w  = MACw(i, s) = [ (recall w = a|b) a5+ Verification: ~ i, s ~ Ver() ok/ w Rec ~ Problem: circularity (MAC key depends on s, which is being authenticated by the MAC) ~ ~ Observe: knowing (w’ w ands s) w w = w

  16. Ext R key i  s MAC S key building robust fuzzy extractors c w = MACw(i, s) c P = (i, s, ) Recall: without errors, extract n2g= m  g Problem: s reveals k bits about wmdecreases, gincreases  `` lose 2k Can’t avoid decreasing m, but can avoid increasing g s= S(w)is linear. Let c = S(w). |c|=|w|k, but c has same entropy as w|s. Use c instead of w.

  17. w’ w 2 the bottom line Result for with t Hamming errors: given[n, nk, 2t+1]2 linear code, extract 2(m  n/2)k2b bits(b = log Vol(Ball(t)) < t log n) Result for with t set difference errors: (w is a subset of a universe of size 2) extract 2(m  n/2)3t bits (uses BCH-based PinSketch of [DORS])

  18. single user setting, revisited • User has: noisy key w (e.g., biometric) • Next time: needs same R (to decrypt disk, …) use to encrypt disk, derive (SK, PK), sign messages, ... w R Gen i P ~ w’ ~ Rep R if P P,  o/w ~ P • But Eve sees effects of R (e.g., disk encrypted with R) before coming up with P • New, stronger robustness notion: allow Eve to see (P, R) • “post-application” (vs. “pre-application”) robustness • Our constructions work, but only extract 1/3 the bits ~

  19. ~ P P ~ w w’ R R if P = P Gen Rep ~ i P  o/w P application to bounded storage model HUGE X(Eve can’t store all of it) w’sk wsk Bob (sk) Alice (sk) Eve doesn’t know sk, hence w has entropy • Lots of prior work [Maurer,Cachin,Dziembowski,Aumann,Ding,Rabin,Lu,Vadhan,…] • Noisy case: [Ding, Dodis-Smith]—stateful A&B, or passive Eve • Use robust fuzzy extractors: stateless A&B, active Eve • But parameters not great—better solution? • Yes: in this special case, A&B have sk

  20. need: keyedrobust fuzzy extractor • Extraction: generate uniform R from w (+ seed i) • Fuzziness:reproduce R from P and w’ w • Robustness: as long as w’ w, if Eve(P) produces P  P • Crucial: sk must be reusable w R Gen i P sk w’ Rep R P sk ~ w’ ~ Rep  P sk

  21. s S need entropy jointly uniform building keyed robust fuzzy extractors w • Problem: sk is not reusable • Need: sk is random even given  • Idea: use a MAC that isalso an extractor Ext R key i  = MACsk(i, s , w ) MAC Ext/MAC P = (i, s, ) sk w, i, s Ext/MAC  “seed” sk

  22. unforgeable jointly uniform 1 O(loga +log a+log n) 1 1 1+log building extractor MACs input m • Idea 1: use pairwise-independent hashing • Both good MAC and good extractor, but long sk Ext/MAC  seed/key sk (note: unlike extractors, want short outputs ) • Idea 2 (modifying Srinivasan-Zuckerman): input m 2-wiseindep. almost universal(few collisions)  sk2 sk1 |sk|=

  23. conclusions • Keyless robust fuzzy extractors • errorless case: previously |R| = m 2n/3, we |R| = 2(m n/2)(m > n/2 is minimum possible) • case with errors: previously only with random oracles,we solve Hamming distance and set difference without r.o. • new definition: post-application robustness, constructions that satisfy it • Keyed case • Useful new notion: extractor-MAC • Application to stateless, active-attack-resistant, BSM with errors(previously stateful or passive attack only)

  24. Thank you! obligatory clip art

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