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Socket options: a summary Tcp options, ip options and general socket options can be examined and sometimes modified. get

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Socket options: a summary Tcp options, ip options and general socket options can be examined and sometimes modified. get

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    1. Socket options: a summary Tcp options, ip options and general socket options can be examined and sometimes modified. getsockopt, setsockopt routines Some examples: Socket (TCP/UDP) send/receive buffer size Socket (TCP/UDP) send/receive low/high watermark UDP broadcasting TCP keep alive timer IP options: e.g. source routing IP Time to live (TTL) IP quality of service (TOS) IP multicast options

    2. #include <sys/socket.h> int getsockopt (int sockfd, int level, int optname, void *optval, socklen_t *optlen); Int setsockopt(int sockfd, int level, int optname, const void *optval, socklen_t optlen); Level includes general socket option (SOL_SOCKET) and protocol-specific option (IP, TCP, etc). Option value can be of different types : int, in_addr, timeval, … ---- that is why we use the void pointer.

    3. General socket options (level = SOL_SOCKET) Optnames: SO_BROADCAST(int): permit sending broadcast datagram SO_DEBUG: for debugging purpose SO_DONROUTE: used by routing daemon to make sure a packet goes through a certain interface. SO_ERROR: can only be got (not set), reset the error SO_KEEPALIVE: for TCP only, automatic send keepalive message when inactive for 2 hours (can be modified). SO_LINGER: for TCP only, determines the behavior when a close is called. SO_OOBINLINE: put out of band data in the normal input queue. SO_RCVBUF, SO_SNDBUF: send and receive buffer size.

    4. General socket options (level = SOL_SOCKET) Optnames: SO_RCVLOWAT, SO_SENDLOWAT: low watermark – affect the select system call SO_RCVTIMEO, SO_SNDTIMEO: inherent timeout time (disable by default) SO_REUSEADDR: Allows the port to be reused – all server should do this to restart immediately SO_TYPE: socket type? SOCK_STREAM and SOCK_DGRAM. SO_USELOOPBACK: sending socket gets a copy?

    5. IP options: Allows packets sent through a socket to have certain behavior, e.g source routing Level = IPPROTO_IP Example optnames: (manipulating IP header fields) IP_HDRINCL: who builds the IP header (raw socket). IP_OPTIONS: setting IP optional header fields IP_TOS IP_TTL


    7. TCP options: Level = IPPROTO_TCP Optnames: TCP_KEEPALIVE: set the time TCP_MAXRT: maximum retransmission time TCP_MAXSEG: maximum segment size TCP_NODELAY: wait to ack or not (enable) See example3.c

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