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Tristan Sommer is a writer, strategist, pianist, real estate investor, and aspiring political consultant in legislative affairs. He is pursuing a MA in Political Science to help him further excel in his profession. Tristan Sommer lives in Tallahassee and is actively involved with Florida politics. He also aspires to start his lobbying firm.
TristanSommer Tallahassee Graduated Top of The Class in The Music
GraduatedFromTheUniversityofCalifornia TristanSommerofTallahasseegraduatedfromtheUniversityofCalifornia, SantaBarbara,withaBAinMusicStudies.
GraduatinginMusicStudies Besides graduating in Music Studies with Summa Cum Laude, Tristan Sommer of TallahasseehasaBAinPianoPerformanceandBSinEcologyfromCokerUniversity.
GraduationWith ExcellentGrades Tristan Sommer has a proven track record of success. Apart from graduating with excellent grades,hehasexcelledinhiscareerasapianist andcampaignmanager.
FantasticPerformanceasaPianist Tristan Sommer of Tallahassee is known to captivate the audience with a fantastic performance as a pianist. Besides that, he hasextraordinarywritingabilities.
AnAspiringPolitical Consultant TristanSommerofTallahasseeis committedtobecominganaspiring political consultant, starting hisown satisfying business that aligns with his passion.
PursuingaMA inPolitical Science TristanSommerispursuingaMAinPoliticalSciencetohelphimfurther excelinhisprofession.
Follow https://soundcloud.com/tristansommertallahassee https://issuu.com/tristansommertallahassee https://www.behance.net/tristantallaha https://speakerhub.com/speaker/tristan-sommer