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1979 Iran Hostage Situation

1979 Iran Hostage Situation. Jaye Flynn. The Last Shah. Mohammad Reza 1941-1979 Shah Total ruler in 1967 after a CIA backed coup. His goal was to make Iran westernized. Shah’s Family. 1960’s Westernized Iran. Pros Vs. Cons. Women’s rights Western style entertainment Capitalism

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1979 Iran Hostage Situation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 1979 Iran Hostage Situation Jaye Flynn

  2. The Last Shah Mohammad Reza 1941-1979 Shah Total ruler in 1967 after a CIA backed coup. His goal was to make Iran westernized.

  3. Shah’s Family

  4. 1960’s Westernized Iran

  5. Pros Vs. Cons Women’s rights • Western style entertainment • Capitalism • Dictatorship • Enemies dealt with harshly • Hated by many groups • Moved away from Traditional Ideas

  6. Revolution • Strikes began in 1977 • By 1978 10% of the population was marching against the Shah in protest. • Outlawed Cleric Ayatollah Khomenei was allowed to return as a peace offer. • Jan 1979 Shah leaves the county to the Prime minister. • Feb 1979 Khomenei forces take control of army and government.

  7. Hostage Situation • Oct 22 1979 Shah was admitted to the US for medical treatment. • Protest started outside embassy • Nov 4, 1979 students went into the embassy to stage a sit in. • The guards in the embassy refused to use force were soon taken over by the students.

  8. 52 Hostages 444 days

  9. How it ended • Iraq invaded Iran • The Shah dies in July 1980 • Iran starts talks again with US. • Algers accord of Jan 19,1981 officially ends the hostage situation. • Ronald Regan was sworn in two hours before the release of hostages. • October Surprise?

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