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Una A La Campana Nueva Dobla el papel y hagan ocho cuadros . Marca las líneas con el lápiz . Una A La Campana Nueva Dobla el papel y hagan ocho cuadros . Marca las líneas con el lápiz . ALC 35 . Responde a las preguntas. 1. . ¿ Cómo se llama la flor de la foto ?. 2.
Una A La Campana NuevaDobla el papel y haganochocuadros. Marcalaslíneas con el lápiz.
Una A La Campana NuevaDobla el papel y haganochocuadros. Marcalaslíneas con el lápiz.
ALC 35 • Responde a laspreguntas
1. • ¿Cómo se llama la flor de la foto?
2 ¿De dóndeviene la flor? • los EstadosUnidos • México • Guatemala • Honduras
3 • Verdad o Falso • La florfueimportante a los Azteca.
4 • Verdad o Falso • Hay unaleyendasobre la flor.
5 • Who is the flower named after in the United States?
1. • ¿Cómo se llama la flor de la foto? • como la flor de Navidad, la flor de Pascua, la flor de fuego, la estrella de Navidad y la corona de los Andes, poinsettia
2 • ¿De dóndeviene la flor? • los EstadosUnidos • México • Guatemala • Honduras
3 • Verdad o Falso • La florfueimportante a los Azteca. It was used as a red dye.
4 • Verdad o Falso • Hay unaleyendasobre la flor. La leyenda de la flor de la nochebuena.
5 • Who is the flower named after in the United States? It derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett,[3] the first United States Minister to Mexico,[4] who introduced the plant into the United States in 1825.
What to do. • Place your ALC in your binder. • Get out your partner clock and find out who your ciencias partner is. • Go with your ciencias partner. • No partner? Move to the front of the class and get a blind date. • Quickly sit with your blind date and do the bienvenida.
Hoy esmiércoles el 11 de diciembre. Content objective What I will do. I will review the classroom vocabulary, us ¿Cuántos/as ___hay? and make a poinsettia. Language objectiveHow I will do it. I will review the classroom vocabulary using my scavenger hunt assignment and playing quick talk. I will be able to make up questions asking how many are there according to a picture and then finish by making a poinsettia and hanging it in the room.
La bienvenida Hoy esmiércoles el 11 de diciembre. • Pasen con sucompañero desacar la basura. • Usenlastarjetas de memoriapara la bienvenida. • ¿Cómo se dicesacar la basuraen inglés? • Escribe el tiempo en el cuadrosacar la basuray márcalo con un marcador.
Now what? • Move to sit with your sacudir partner • Return your partner clock to your binder. • Get out a blank sheet of paper.
Saquenunahoja de papel y escribe la informaciónabajo. # nombre/apellido miércoles el 11 de diciembre español pd. los madandatos
Partner work • You are to write 20 commands, in Spanish, that another person can demonstrate in class. • You may work alone or with your partner. • If you work with your partner, you will both have the same commands on your paper. • You may use the chores as part of your commands. • You will have to come up with other commands to complete the goal of 20 commands.
Now what • Move to sit/stand with your barrer partner. • Rock, paper, scissors. Winner tells partner what to do. • Put a smiley face on your paper if your partner does it well. Frowny face it not done well. • Reverse roles. • Total up smiley faces and that is your partners score to write on their paper.
One person from each pair must get a reading from the table. • Divide the reading and read to each other out loud. • You will need to write down 5 words that you struggled with or that someone might have struggled with.
Comprehension of reading • Please answer the questions at the bottom of the paper on your own paper. • When you are finished turn it in.
What to do now • Please turn your papers in on the table. • Please make sure they are in order. • Please take only 5 squares of red paper from the table. • Get scissors from the back.
You will need 5 squares. • Simply fold the piece of red paper in half, and cut out a half-petal shape (usually similar to a crescent moon shape) along the fold. When you open up the cut-out piece, you’ll have a full petal. • Repeat at least five times to create five petals. • Punch out five yellow dots from the yellow paper with the hole punch. • Assemble the flower with glue. (please do not get glue on the desks.) • Glue the five yellow dots in the center of the flower.Read more: http://www.ehow.com/list_6716166_mexican-poinsettia-crafts-kids.html#ixzz2n7wzcJWl
Clean up • Write your name on the back of the flower • Turn the flowers in. • All paper goes into recycle • Scissors are placed in their plastic protectors • Return scissors to the box • Place desks up on each other and move to the wall.