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BDM. BDM. Welcome to a BIG SIGH! Budget DataMart/Brio User Group Meeting Fall 2004 has arrived and is in full swing. BDM. BDM. BDM Budget DataMart V6. Summary Review of Last Meeting – 6/30/04 Presentation FY05 Fringe Benefit and Workers’ Compensation Reports Possible Items for Discussion
BDM BDM Welcometo aBIG SIGH!Budget DataMart/BrioUser Group MeetingFall 2004 has arrivedand is in full swing BDM BDM
BDMBudget DataMart V6 Summary Review of Last Meeting – 6/30/04 Presentation FY05 Fringe Benefit and Workers’ Compensation Reports Possible Items for Discussion BDM/Brio Training sessions currently being offered. Open forum (Schmooze time) Share ideas Obtaining direction for the future of the BDM Hearing what you have to say Future meetings BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 11/5/04 Whetten Graduate Center Rm 200
BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting6/30/04Bishop Center Rm 19Meeting Summary There were two BDM/Brio Users Group Meetings held one for Quickview and one for Insight users. A total of 32 people attended. This is an increase of 11 from the very first meeting! The JE/JV Tracking report was introduced and reviewed. It was decided that a new folder be added to the BDM Report Catalog for this report. There was a notable amount of discussions, sharing ideas and learning from others that took place at this meeting. A sparkling good time was had by all!
BDM/Brio Users Group Meeting 11/5/04 Still on the list for the future • Would like to look at PO’s. In development. • Offer Quickview users a session on what Brio Insight has to offer. • Need for all Fiscal Management/Budget training – the Big Picture. • Would like to see an “Administrative Institute of Learning” where session are offered to assist the administrative staff in doing their jobs. Example: Accounting basics with a focus on UConn systems. • Monthly reports showing what was done for the month. This can be done using the YTD Report. • Would like FTE salary history for the year. This can be done using the YTD Report. • Brio Insight workshops covering Report building and Pivot reports. These workshop are now being offered. • Would like the BDM access move from the department level to the sub-department or account level.
ReviewingFY05 Fringe Benefit & Workers’ Compensation Report • Composite Fringe Benefit Rates • Based on actual charges • Distinct rates for University Programs and Sponsored Programs • 3 Pay Periods at projected rates • 23 Pay Periods new rates
Some Highlights • For fringe benefit purposes, Sponsored Programs are defined as restricted accounts (Ledgers 5&6) administered by the Office of Sponsored Programs. • All other accounts fall under the University Programs definition. • For Special Payroll employees with & without a state retirement plan, there are distinct rates. • All rates & object codes can be found on the Budget Homepage www.budget.uconn.edu select Fringe Benefit Rates 2005
Big Sigh & Hard at Work Thank you for attending the BDM Users Group Meeting