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Demystifying 21 st Century Skills. ESA 2 and Elk Point-Jefferson. 21 st Century Themes Global Awareness. Ability to understand and address global issues Learning from and working collaboratively with diverse in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue
Demystifying 21st Century Skills ESA 2 and Elk Point-Jefferson
21st Century ThemesGlobal Awareness • Ability to understand and address global issues • Learning from and working collaboratively with diverse in a spirit of mutual respect and open dialogue • Ability y to understand other cultures and perspectives • Including non-English speakers
21st Century ThemesCivic Literacy • Knowing how to stay informed and understanding/ interpreting information • Exercising rights and obligations of citizenship • Local, national, global • Understanding implications of civic decisions
21st Century ThemesFinancial, Economic, & Entrepreneurial Literacy • Ability to make appropriate economic choices • Understand the role of the economics in society • Ability to use entrepreneurial skills to enhance workplace productivity and career options
21st Century ThemesHealth Literacy • Obtaining, interpreting understanding and utilizing basic health information • Understanding and using preventive physical and mental health measures • Using information to make appropriate health-related decisions • Establishing and monitoring personal and family health goals • Understanding public health and safety issues
http://www.accessexcellence.org/LC/TL/buchanan/ 21st Century Skills Problem Solving/Critical Thinking • Reason Effectively • Inductive, deductive, etc. based on situation • Use Systems Thinking • Parts of the whole interact in complex systems • Make Judgments and Decisions • Evaluate evidence, points of view, synthesize, make connections, draw conclusions, reflect • Solve Problems • Conventional and innovative; various points of view
effective learners are… critical thinkers and evaluators http://www.flickr.com/photos/borghetti/43058749/
21st Century Skills Collaboration & Communication • Communicate Clearly • Articulate thoughts and ideas orally, written and nonverbal; Listen, decipher meaning, knowledge, values, attitudes and intentions; Inform, instruct, motivate and persuade; Utilize media and technologies, and judge effectiveness, assess their impact; Communicate effectively in diverse environments (including multi-lingual) • Collaborate with Others • Effectively, respectfully, flexibility, helpful , compromise to accomplish a common goal , shared responsibility, value contributions
collaborate to reach common goals http://www.flickr.com/photos/wwarby/1584818205/
21st Century Skills Creativity and Innovation • Think Creatively • Use idea creation techniques (such as brainstorming); Create new and worthwhile ideas; Elaborate, refine, analyze and evaluate to improve and maximize • Work Creatively with Others • Develop, implement and communicate new ideas effectively; Be open and responsive; incorporate group input and feedback; Demonstrate originality and inventiveness; understand limits to adopting new ideas; View failure as an opportunity; understand that creativity and innovation =small successes and frequent mistakes • Implement Innovations • Act on creative ideas
effective communicators & creators are… http://www.flickr.com/photos/beija-flor/867886652/ able to create something new
21st Century Skills Information Literacy • Access and Evaluate Information • Efficiently and effectively; critically and competently • Use and Manage Information • Accuracy and appropriately and creatively; Manage the flow from a wide variety of sources; Understand ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information
http://flickr.com/photos/paulm/1584418819/ Multiple sources….24/7
21st Century Skills Media Literacy • Analyze Media • Understand how and why media messages are constructed; Examine how individuals interpret messages differently, how values and points of view are in/ex-cluded; how media can influence beliefs and behaviors; ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of media • Create Media Products • Understand and utilize the most appropriate media creation tools, characteristics and conventions and utilize the most appropriate expressions and interpretations
21st Century Skills ITC Literacy • Apply Technology Effectively • Use technology as a tool to research, organize, evaluate and communicate information ; Use digital technologies, communication/networking tools and social networks appropriately to access, manage, integrate, evaluate and create information to successfully function in a knowledge economy; Apply a fundamental understanding of the ethical/legal issues surrounding the access and use of information technologies
21st Century Skills Life and Career Skills Flexibility and Adaptability Adapt to Change; Be FlexibleInitiative and Self-Direction Manage Goals and Time; Be Self-directed LearnersSocial and Cross Cultural Skills Interact Effectively with OthersProductivity and Accountability Manage Projects; Produce Results Leadership and Responsibilty
effective global collaborators are… http://flickr.com/photos/brujamavi/2824076847/ able to lead or follow
Theme Skill Problem Solving & Critical Thinking 6.R.4.1 Students can compare and contrast text from different time periods, cultures, and historical events. Standard: Electronic resources Graphic organizers – Smart board Webquests Word processing/publishing Tools:
Theme Financial, Economic, Business and Entrepreneurial Media Literacy Problem Solving & Critical Thinking Skills 4.3 Determine the quality and effectiveness of personal artwork using specific criteria. Standard: Internet resources, electronic communication, presentation/word processing, and spreadsheets… Tools: Students will act in a role of insurance adjustor for a school/home/professional setting. Their job will be to assess the current replacement value of the artistic works included in a given clients collection based on credible resources.
Theme Communication & Collaboration Information Literacy Creativity and Innovation Skills 8.S.1.1. Students are able to describe how science and technology have been influenced by social needs, attitudes, and values. Standard: Brainstorming software, (kidspiration) collaboration software, (blogs & wikis) presentation tools. Presentation tools Tools: Communicate to the public via podcast, YouTube or print materials the procedures and results of an investigation that evaluates and compares the quality of water from different regional sources by performing simple tests (for ph, salinity, hardness, temperature etc.) including the health risks and implications.
Benefits • More intentional • Purposefully • Explicitly • Relationship • Collaboration • More….? • Relevance • Rigorous • Higher level thinking • Real life • Meaning/authentic • Project based
dangerouslyirrelevant.org http://www.dangerouslyirrelevant.org/2009/02/a-taste-of-honey.html Our kids have tasted the honey. Learning to Change: Student Voices
our learners are always on http://flickr.com/photos/stuckincustoms/497814516/
interaction is expected http://www.flickr.com/photos/cwalker71/2637125074
make it relevant http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnmueller/454262550/
Be OUT OF THE BOX http://flickr.com/photos/jimfrazier/525695141/
Where do we go from here? In what ways are you ALREADY incorporating 21st Century Themes, Skills and Tools in YOUR classrooms? How can we take it to the next level…………