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From ENPI CBC MED to ENI CBC MED : main results and perspectives. Rosa Expósito Coordinator of the Liaison Office ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Barcelona, 7 July 2016. The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme. 3 calls for proposals: 1995 grant proposals received
From ENPI CBC MED to ENI CBC MED : main results and perspectives Rosa Expósito Coordinator of the Liaison Office ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Barcelona, 7 July 2016
The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 3 calls for proposals:1995 grant proposals received Total value of funded projects: € 204 million (90% Programme contribution + 10% co-financing at project level) 76 Standard + 19 Strategic projects 1. Promotion of socio-economic development and enhancement of territories 14 countries Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, France, Italy, Malta, Greece, Cyprus, Lebanon, Israel, Palestine, Jordan, Egypt, Syria* *(participation suspended) 2. Promotion of environmental sustainability at the Basin level PROGRAMME CLUSTERS 3.Investing in human capital 4. Enhancing cultural heritage and sustainable tourism
The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme: Catalan participation 36 Catalan actors 8 lead partners 10.4M € ENPI funding Dominant cluster for Catalan beneficiaries : Environmental cluster (MED-Solar, Didsolit-PB, SHAAMS, RELS, SCOW) Leaders: enterprise, universities, regional and local public bodies, chamber of commerce
The 2007-2013 ENPI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme: catalan participation- SCOW project Results achieved by Scow project -led by Urban Ecology Agency of Barcelona Implementation of Biowaste door-to-door collection and construction of a compost plant 13 municipalities, 500 large and singular producers and 5,600 inhabitants Mediterranean Compost Network
ENI CBC MED : strategy Promotion of socio-economic development € 112.860.000 (60%) 3. PROMOTION OF SOCIAL INCLUSION AND FIGHT AGAINST POVERTY 1. BUSINESS AND SME DEVELOPMENT 2. SUPPORT TO EDUCATION, RESEARCH, ECHNOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT AND INNOVATION € 45.144.000 € 33.858.000 € 33.858.000 1.1 Support innovative start-ups and recently established enterprises 3.1 Provide young people, especially those belonging to the NEETS, and women, with marketable skills 2.1 Support technological transfer and commercialisation of research results 3.2 Support social and solidarity economic actors 2.2 Support SMEs in accessing research and innovation, also through clustering 1.2 Strengthen and support euro-Mediterranean networks, clusters 1.3 Encourage sustainable tourism initiatives
ENI CBC MED : strategy Address common challenges in environment € 75.240.000 (40%) ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION,CLIMATE CHANGE ADAPTATION AND MITIGATION 4.1 Support sustainable initiatives aimed at finding innovative and technological solutions to increase water efficiency and encourage use of non-conventional water supply 4.2 Reduce municipal waste generation and promote source-separated collection and the optimal exploitation of its organic component 4.3 Support cost-effective and innovative energy rehabilitations relevant to building types and climatic zones, with a focus on public buildings 4.4 Incorporate the Ecosystem-Based management approach to ICZM into local development planning € 18.810.000 € 18.810.000 € 18.810.000 € 18.810.000
Example Thematic objective: business and SMEs development Priority : Support innovative start-ups and recently established enterprises Result : Innovative start-up enterprises having a cross border dimension managed by youths (graduates or equivalent between 24 and 35 years old) and/or women (all ages) sustainably grow their share in traditional and non-traditional sectors Indicator : Number of new jobs (contracts) created in knowledge intensive MSMEs for youths and women in the traditional and non-traditional economic sectors Output: Local hubs and accelerators created to train/coach and host talents in the creative sectors Indicator : Number of entrepreneurial ideas identified in the scouting stage and supported
THE NEW ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020: Calls for proposals and calendar Capitalization projects Strategic projects Standard projects 2019 2017 End 2016
THE NEW ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020: Synergies with other EU Programmes
THE NEW ENI CBC Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme 2014-2020: Synergies with other EU Programmes
@enicbcmed @enicbcmed @enicbcmed www.enpicbcmed.eu Do you have a project idea? Share it with potential partners, click here!
THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION Rosa Expósito Branch Office for the Western Mediterranean - Valencia