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LCA AGM Summary and Portfolios Review

Welcome to the LCA AGM where Nicole van Dyk presents the portfolios review including infrastructure, beautification, town planning, website/social media, and more. Explore ways to make Linden better through community involvement and communication.

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LCA AGM Summary and Portfolios Review

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  1. LCA AGM 31 JANUARY 2019 • Welcome and Introduction • Presentation By Nicole van Dyk – Ward 99 Councillor   • Portfolio presentations • Infrastructure                        Thomas Helmrich • Beautification                         Erna Botha  • Website/Social Media        Vaughan Morrissey • Town Planning                        Eduard van der Linde • Secretary/Admin                   Charlotte James    • School/Places of Worship    Corrie Liebenberg  • Marketing Jenny Laas  • Business Liaison                     Tiaan Schutte • Treasury/Financials              Tiaan Schutte  • Security               Juks Monzeglio   • General/Q&A • Election of 2019 Committee • Close of AGM • Special Meeting – Street Captains and Security AGENDA

  2. Welcome and Introduction • Why LCA? – purpose of Community Associations • Build community • Improve suburb via focus on various portfolios • Communication amongst residents and businesses • Collaboration of community with COJ officials and reps on behalf of residents • Who? – YOU AND ME – Volunteers – Nominations • Chairman/Secretary/Security • Challenges • Apathy, criticism and lack of unity • Limitations – time, skills, finance, resources, member turnover • Learning curve – lack of continuity MANY HEARTFELT THANKS TO ALL WHO CONTRIBUTED TO LCA IN 2018

  3. Linden Area - LCA Households: 3360 Population: 8629 Area: 4km2 (Census 2011)

  4. Councillor for Ward 99 – Nicole Van Dyk • Ward Committee – and how it functions with LCA • Sub Stations • State of the City

  5. Portfolio Review - Infrastructure • Infrastructure is an ever growing problem in our little suburb From damaged electricity cables/ transformers/ substations etc to leaking pipes/ water meters/ sewerage issues.Road infrastructure with potholes, trenches dug by service providers, signs missing and many more. Under or above our pavements and roads we have many services: • Power cables • Water lines • Fibre cables • Sewerage pipes • Telkom cables • Gas lines • and who knows what else there is. These services do get replaced/ repaired or added but it does take time and they are all on their own schedule. Your road might be on a long waiting list and its very difficult to just fast forward you on that list. This work often gets done by private contractors.

  6. Portfolio Review – Infrastructure • This portfolio does not deal with your personal home matters. But rather focuses on the suburbs infrastructure. • Everyone is still responsible for their own services. • Linden Community needs to support this portfolio and needs to help • If we all report our suburbs issues we can make a difference and will be seen. • Sub Stations and transformers need to be looked after

  7. Portfolio Review - Infrastructure

  8. Portfolio Review – Beautification #MakeLindenBetter Over the past year we have focused on the central part of Linden and have: • Landscaped 6 neglected areas along 3rd and 4th Avenues. We continue to maintain these.  • Kept the main intersections in the central area tidy. 3. Controlled illegal signage. • At times we've had up to 10 signs posted around intersections, fixed to traffic lights and in the ground. As soon as signs go up, they get removed now.  4. Tracked and reported non-reinstatement by wayleave contractors. • This is an on-going battle and not all complaints are actioned by JRA. Lca?@gmail.com

  9. Portfolio Review – Beautification (cont.) #MakeLindenBetter We believe all of the above helps in a small way to create a better environment for all Linden residents, businesses and visitors. Everything is done on a volunteer basis. Funds from our supporters go towards wages for our gardener and occasionally to buy plants - most plants have been donated by the community. Lca?@gmail.com

  10. Beautification - #MakeLindenBetter Fourth Avenue

  11. Beautification - #MakeLindenBetter Third Avenue

  12. Beautification - #MakeLindenBetter

  13. LCA - Website/Social Media Update           To Join: lcasecetary@gmail.com http://lindenjhb.co.za/ LCA: Linden Chat LCA: Linden Ext Chat LCA: Street Captains LCA: Linden Security Chat LCA: Linden Ext Security LCA: Business Forum https://twitter.com/Linden_LCA https://www.facebook.com/WeLoveLinden/

  14. Email Addresses for LCA • lcaschoolchurch@gmail.com • lcastreetcaptain@gmail.com • LCAInfrastructure@gmail.com • lcabusinesshub@gmail.com • lcasocialmediahub@gmail.com • lcasecetary@gmail.com • lcaprotection@gmail.com • lindencommunityassociation@gmail.com

  15. Portfolio Review – Town Planning • Being aware / staying informed of all town planning actions affecting Linden • Council initiatives • Private initiatives • Establish communication lines with community • Inform community and explain implications and complication of above initiatives • Advise on action or re-action and act on behalf of LCA • Assess town planning and heritage issues referred to LCA and act on behalf of LCA • Initiate community initiatives as far as town planning issues are concerned – i.e. Linden Precinct Plan • Liaise with Councillor and Ward Committee Eduard van der Linde 082 610 0442 eduard@thetownplanner.co.za Lca??????@gmail.com

  16. Portfolio Review – Secretary/Admin Database • Our database numbers stand at 700 • We managed to send out 1 newsletter Whatsapp • We have Linden chat group, Linden Security group, Linden Ext Chat and Linden Ext Security, Linden Street Captains and Business Forum group. • Linden groups are almost full and we are looking into new ways that will include more people • Street groups Facebook • Launched photo competition lcasecetary@gmail.com

  17. Portfolio Review - Schools & PoW Liaison • Shared Values – Connection points UNITY in Community • Compassion for each other • Looking through the lens of Love • LCA needs like minded community members to • be able to drive change • Voters need Education • Schools:- • Casa do Sol • Smallways Nursery School • Emma Park Montessori School • Crawford College (New) • Hoërskool Linden • LaerskoolLouwGeldenhuys

  18. Schools & Places of Worship (cont) Places of Worship • NG Kerk – Linden Ext • NG Aan die Berg • Grace Bible Church Linden • GK – Linden • St Thomas Anglican Church • Trinity Methodist Church • Die Akker • Presbyterian Church

  19. Portfolio Review – Marketing/Social Media • The I Love Linden Facebook page (LCA) - inform and keep residents updated as to the ins and outs of Linden. • We currently have 6,700 followers. Please make sure YOU are one. • A new set of rules has been posted under the heading NOTES, where you will also find all important posts, and bank details. • Advertising by local businesses is allowed on a Wednesday only • Tiaan Schutte (BL) will notify all the businesses of this rule. Lca???@gmail.com

  20. Portfolio Review – Marketing/Social Media • We are running a monthly photo competition. Please support this. The winning photo will be published as the cover photo on I Love Linden, for that month. • A small prize is given by that months sponsor and in turn, the sponsor gets advertising too. Local businesses that want to sponsor can contact us. • Please remember to vote by liking the entry. • I Love Linden • @WeLoveLinden Lca???@gmail.com

  21. Portfolio Review – Business Liaison • Identified most businesses in the area • WhatsApp Group for Businesses only in Linden and Linden Ext • WhatsApp Group for Security and other Bylaw related issues. Objectives for coming year • Upgrade of security in our Business Nodes and regulation of Car Guards • Setting up a Proper Database of all Business in our area • Bylaw compliance, no Grey Areas. Contact Details Tiaan Schutte 083 279 9979 lcabusinesshub@gmail.com Lca???@gmail.com

  22. Portfolio Review – Treasury • As at 30 January 2019, we have a bank balance of R7 953.45 • We thank our loyal contributors for their contributions over the past year. • Our funds were applied this year only on beautification. • Projects that will need funding in coming year/s are: • Precinct Plan ± R80 000.00 to R 100 000.00 • Beautification – The more we can get in the more we can do. • Adoption of Substations • Security upgrading. Lca?????@gmail.com

  23. Portfolio Review – Treasury (cont.) • Looking at funding model similar to the (BCA)- SUBS!!!!! • BCA – annual income of ± R500 000.00 • Their money comes mostly from subscriptions/donations • R50-75/mnth/household • R100/mnth/business LCA Bank Details: • FNB Hyde Park Branch • Account number 62588372864 Branch Code 255805

  24. Portfolio Review – Financials

  25. Portfolio Review - Security Discord between parties involved in Community driven Security • Security Rep • Linden Control Room – C4 • CPF & SAPS • Previous initiatives stalled by lack of community support • Progress hampered • What has worked:- • Whatsapp groups and community communication • Increased involvement but still only a fraction of the community • Control Room Group linked live to Security companies and Street Captains

  26. Portfolio Review - Security Requirements going forward • Special meeting after AGM • Functional, united Security Sub Committee needed to drive initiative • Support AND involvement from community • Simplified Street group structure and groups • Street Captain training • Estimated spend on Private Security = R1m / month • ARE WE GETTING THE BEST SOLUTION FOR OUR COMBINED SPEND??????????? • STRONG SUBURBS ARE THE UNITED COMMUNITIES WORKING WITHIN A UNIFIED VISION

  27. General/Q&A 10 minutes MAX

  28. Election of 2019 LCA Members • Corrie Liebenberg • Eduard van der Linde • Erna Botha • Jenny Laas • Jenine Wools • Mohammed Jogie • Rob Swanepoel • Thomas Helmrich • Tiaan Schutte • Vaughan Morrissey • Juks Monzeglio

  29. End of AGM THANKS TO ALL INVOLVED IN MAKING OUR SUBURB BETTER Our Councillor Nicole SAPS AND Sgnt. Marsh our Sector 2 Commander Our Security Companies – ADT, Cortac and CSS All members of the community that contribute financially and in kind Louw Geldenhuys for kind us of venue

  30. Portfolio – Street Captains and Security Meeting Background • 2015/2016 LCA (Ilan Davimes/Neels Claasen) set up LCA security solution • Cortac/CSS approached for solutions and both endorsed • Whatsapp Street (block) groups formed • Street (Block) captains appointed • Linden Virtual Control Room formed in Feb 2017 – C4 Safe City model • Current numbers: • Data base approx. 700 – too low • Cortac 305 subscribers - 1 dedicated vehicle (2 guards/veh) • CSS 457 subscribers – 2-3 vehicle (1 guard/veh) • ADT approx. 700 subscribers • Other – estimate 200 • TOTAL – estimate 1650 @ R600/month ave = R 1 million/month! security spend ARE WE GETTING THE BEST SOLUTION FOR OUR COMBINED SPEND??????????? STRONG SUBURBS ARE THE UNITED COMMUNITIES WORKING WITHIN A UNIFIED VISION

  31. Linden Precinct

  32. Street Captains and Groups 2016 2016 LX – 1 group

  33. Zone proposal 2016

  34. Linden SAPS sector vehicle numbers

  35. Proposal going forward • Groups – stay with whatsapp for now (as opposed to telegram) • Linden security group 256 max??? 3000 households/businesses – hardly representative • Consulted with BCA (and Kenbrink CA) on our status quo on behalf of LCA • Propose one group per street/one group per avenue - SIMPLIFIED • Maintain BLOCK captain system –share load and have multiple captains per street/avenue – easier to ensure escalation of alerts and comms • One group for LX – existing - populate • One business group – existing - populate • Roosevelt Park groups existing • Approximately 20 groups

  36. Proposal going forward (cont.) • Street/Block captains to increase data base on their streets – aim at 100% • Training of Street Captains on use of groups, posting alerts and VCR group • Create 3 zones with zone captains – useful if dedicated security patrol vehicles allocated to zones ie Blairgowrie model (proposed 2016) • Street Captains group updated – includes LCA, all SC’s – use to communicate important information to community in real time • Not chatter – LCA notices and security info only – up and down group hierarchy!! 20 groups only. Simplified structure. • Use of VCR group for live emergencies and alerts – all SC’s on group with SAPS, Linden Security Companies • In this way we improve what we already have • Need a decision on this and backing or wont work

  37. Proposal going forward (cont.) Additional measures • Staff vetting with SAPS • Simulated Hijack Demostration per street – 15 minutes Saturday mornings. Cortac. Prevention!! Awareness. • Domestic security training programs – Cortac or MAD – advertise regularly • Assist CPF/Business Forum with car guard solutions – car theft prevention in business node • Estate agents informed on LCA groups and endorsed security companies – new residents info pack

  38. Proposal going forward (cont.) FINALLY • Make a decision on way forward – LCR/C4 • Create a unified security comm - need multiple members/zone captains • Strengthen relationship with Street Captains and implement simplified group structure and populate groups to try and achieve 100% • Training with Street Captains – improve flow of important information, knowledge of system • Review Security provider solution – now diluted 3 ways. Patrolling -public space protection. • Dilution influences implementation of LPR’s/Monitoring Cameras • We need to grow up and realize that things have changed and we need to take personal responsibility for our safety at various levels. • We can achieve that if we can foster goodwill, education and commitment in community • We need ALL hands on board and not exclusion and political infighting. • Understand it is not an easy task – takes huge effort but it is possible. • No-one will do it for us.

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