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Strengthening TB Response: TBTEAM's Achievements and Next Steps (99 characters)

Explore the rationale, structure, accomplishments, and plans of the National TBTEAM in response to country needs, featuring collaborations with PEPFAR and key partners. Learn how TBTEAM facilitates technical assistance coordination across countries and regions to enhance TB control strategies. Discover the impact and future vision of TBTEAM in combating tuberculosis worldwide. (500 characters)

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Strengthening TB Response: TBTEAM's Achievements and Next Steps (99 characters)

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  1. Cancun, 4 December 2009 National TBTEAM, a response to country needs Pierre-Yves Norval, Stop TB DepartmentWorld Health OrganizationGeneva

  2. Outline • Rationale • TBTEAM • PEPFAR/TBTEAM • Achievements and next steps

  3. Rationale for TBTEAM DOTS  Stop TB Strategy  demand for technical assistance  financial resources in countries  number of partners  numbers of missions to countries,  need for coordination

  4. TBTEAM – What it is • A mechanism for coordination of technical assistance to countries (TB TEchnicalAssistanceMechanism) • National TBTEAM: 32 in 2009; 50 planned in 2010 • Regional TBTEAM: 6 WHO regional offices • Central TBTEAM: 2.5 staff • TBTEAM partners: 35* • Financial support: USAID PEPFAR, WHO core funds, French Cooperation, national funds *ATS, Gates Foundation, CDC, DAHW/GLRA, DF, FHI, GDF, GMS, GLI, ESTHER, GLC, GF, Health Strategies International, International Council of Nurses, John Snow, KNCV, MSH, PIH, PATH, PEPFAR, PSI, Project Hope, RIT/JATA, Samm Health International, TBCAP, The Union, UNDP, USAID, WB, World Vision

  5. National TBTEAM – What it does • One or two TBTEAM focal person(s) within existing body (NTP, ICC, TWG, STB Partnership, CCM) as secretariat for development of National TA Plan incorporated into annual TB work plan, National Stop TB Plan, Global Fund proposal preparation and grant negotiation (PSM, M&E, budget), grant • Ensure that meetings of existing N-TBTEAM take place quarterly, with participation of all stakeholders (NTP, civil society, private sector, etc.) • Use TBTEAM web tool to meet TA needs in addition to discussing and requesting support from usual partners • Enter mission and events into the TBTEAM web tool (user name and password) • Provide feedback on TA

  6. National TBTEAM (continued) N-TBTEAM focal points established in: • Armenia* • Bangladesh* • Benin • Bhutan • Burkina* • China • Cote d’Ivoire • DPR Korea • Gambia • Guinea • Guinea B. • India* • Lao PDR • Macedonia* • Maldives* • Mongolia • Myanmar • Nepal* • Niger • Papua NG* • Russia • Senegal • Sri Lanka* • Thailand* • Timor Leste* • Togo • Viet Nam * N-TBTEAM with data entry at country level

  7. Regional TBTEAM – What it does • Identify the National TBTEAM focal point(s); supervises National TBTEAM • Encourages National TBTEAM to: 1.upload yearly national TA plan into the TBTEAM webpage; 2. generate regional TA plan; 3. contribute to a regional Stop TB Plan based on regional gap analysis • Checking validity and accuracy of data provided in the TBTEAM webpage • Entering upcoming Missions & Events (confirmed and tentative) and open requests for technical assistance • Provide feed back on conducted TA

  8. Central TBTEAM – What it does • Develop TBTEAM strategy - align and harmonize TA at country level across all Stop TB components • Develop TBTEAM web tool, checking validity and accuracy of data provided • Prepare global TA Plan based on the Global Stop TB Plan and TB needs • Focus on Global Fund proposal and National Strategy Application preparation and grant implementation • Develop TA feedback strategy • Develop TB roster • Identify capacity building needs through the TA plan • Entering upcoming Missions & Events, open requests for technical assistance

  9. TBTEAM web site experts roster calendar of events missions and events / training opportunities requests for assistance, call for experts partner profiles and mapping

  10. activities in 2009 GF GLC GDF GLI

  11. TA feedback strategy • Currently used • TA feedback by beneficiary since few months • under development • Anonymous beneficiary satisfaction questionnaire • Measurement of performance against TOR • Defining standards – good TA practice • Technical committee (major Partners) to reach consensus on how to use feedback information • Link with TB roster

  12. PEPFAR/TBTEAM grant $3M/year

  13. Achievements in 2009 • Increased buy in of TBTEAM as the TA coordination mechanism by countries, TBTEAM partners and regional TBTEAM. Increased number of N-TBTEAM and TA plan (but below targets) • Increased completeness and accuracy on data mission entry • New Web site launched and used extensively • Open request efficient and reactive • Post-Mission Feed back started (many obstacles) • Call for experts for inclusion in Roster

  14. Suggested approaches in 2010 • To expand national TBTEAM with technical support being provided by several partners (needs additional funds); • To promote National TBTEAM's role in planning including the Global Fund proposal preparation and implementation, with involvement of civil society; • To expand TBTEAM's coordination function to include GLC, GLI, GDF and other TB areas; long-term as well as short-term TA; and harmonize with GF TB technical support • To hold regular TBTEAM coordination meetings at global/regional/country level, including by video/audio conference, that include all stakeholders, and that will review progress in coordinating external inputs to countries on a regular basis, and identify bottlenecks and solutions. • To develop a TA feed back strategy with core partner groups and link with roster.

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