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Experimental Modern Physics: the need for Mathematics. Grzegorz Karwasz Physics Institute Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń. Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division and Didactics of Physics Division. Hypercomlex Seminar, Będlewo, 26.07-02.08.2008.
Experimental Modern Physics: the need for Mathematics Grzegorz Karwasz Physics Institute Nicolaus Copernicus University, Toruń Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Division and Didactics of Physics Division Hypercomlex Seminar, Będlewo, 26.07-02.08.2008
Experimental Modern Physics: what we (urgently) do not know? • Electron optics, positron scattering and anihilation • Superconductivity • Background radiation • Quarks • Time arrow • Dark matter • Miscenaleous (topology and phase transitions • dislocations and disclinations)
Positron = negative electron e+ is antiparticle of e- : • mass 511.003 keV/c2 • spin ½ • opposite Q • opposite μ • stable in vacuum (>2x1021y) Ps is light H : • Energy E= ½ Ry • p-Ps: τ=125 ps, 2γ • o-Ps: τ=142 ns, 3γ
Positron Beam for Solid State studies Brusa, Karwasz, Zecca 1996
Trento-München Positron Microscope Positrons go into detail, A. Zecca, G. Karwasz, Physics World, November 2001, p.21 E=500 eV – 25 keV spot = 2 μm
Electron optics modelling 190 132 15 30 +2000 V +2200 V +850 V Crossed ExB fields: Randers-Ingarden geometry would be highly welcome!
Surface/ bulk defects studies Unexpected & unknown surface defects new Mathematics?
Electron – atom scattering (some theory) sin δl = 0 E0: → σ (E0) = 0
Positron TCS on Argon (exp.) a flat cross section up to Ps threshold!
Effective range theory (polarization forces) l – partial wave angular momentum k2 - energy δl – phase shift A – scattering length σ (E=0) = 4πA2 re – effective range σ (E>0) ~ 1/E Idziaszek, Karwasz PRA2006
Do positrons measure molecular diameters ? Values of Molecular Diameters/ Radii (Å) from: - viscosity - van der Waals - liquid density σ=πR2 D=2R 2.76 1.96 0.34 1.26 (R=0.63!) 1.06 2.04 N2 Yes! But this is Classical Mechanics result!
Virtual positronium formation Quantum mechanics giving classical result! Gleb Gribakin, private information
Topological states of quantum matter Surface states and topological invariants in three-dimensional topological insulators: Application to Bi1−xSbx Jeffrey C. Y. Teo, Liang Fu, and C. L. Kane Westudy the electronic surface states of the semiconducting alloy bismuthantimony (Bi1−xSbx). Using a phenomenological tight-binding model, we show thatthe Fermi surface for the 111 surface states encloses anodd number of time-reversal-invariant momenta (TRIM) in the surface Brillouinzone. This confirms that the alloy is a strong topologicalinsulator in the (1;111) Z2 topological class. We go onto develop general arguments which show that spatial symmetries leadto additional topological structure of the bulk energy bands, andimpose further constraints on the surface band structure. Inversion-symmetric bandstructures are characterized by eight Z2 “parity invariants,” which includethe four Z2 invariants defined by time-reversal symmetry. The extrainvariants determine the “surface fermion parity,” which specifies which surfaceTRIM are enclosed by an odd number of electron orhole pockets.
Komórka kryształu YBCuO, nadprzewdnik wysokotemperaturowy. http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bild:YBCO.gif Superconductivity
HT superconductivity:theory Chandra’s Varma theory, the radical idea that high temperature superconductivity and related phenomena occur in certain materials because quantum-mechanical fluctuations in these materials increase as temperature decreases. Usually such fluctuations, which determine the properties of all matter in the universe, decrease as temperature decreases. Superconductivity is associated with the formation of a new state of matter in which electric current loops form spontaneously, going from copper to oxygen atoms and back to copper. His theory concluded that the quantum-mechanical fluctuations are the fluctuations of these current loops. Physicists consider these fluctuations in the current loops to be fluctuations of time. P.S. or non-standard geometry? http://www.physorg.com/news66994182.html
Topology and phase transitions Phase transitions and configuration space topology Michael Castner Reviews of Modern Physics, Volume 80, January- March 2008
Phase transition and topology • The main issue of the present paper is to investigate the mechanism which is at the basis of a phase transition using a different approach, based on concepts from differential geometry and topology. • The use of concepts from topology to describe a physical phenomenon is particularly appealing due the fact that topology yields a very reductional description: considering only the topology of, say, a surface, a significant amount of „information” (on curvatures, for example) is disregardere, and only a samll part (like the connetivity properties) is kept. […] to get an unblurred view onto the mechnisms which is at the basis.
Phase transition and topology Numerical simulation example: Phase transition from ferromagnetic state (low temperatures) to paramagnetic state (ferromagnetic, above Curie temperature
Phase transition and topology Conclusions: “It remains an open task to precisely specify which topology changes entail a phasetransition. Several proposals for conditions on topology changes of the Mvallegedly sufficient to guaranteee the occurence of a phase transition are discussed, but a final answer to this question is still lacking. One may conjecture that such a criterion will not be exclusively of topological character, but instead may involve some notion of measure or geometry as well.” new insight is needed!
Universe, its geometry and our placePart I Nicolaus Copernicus (*Toruń 1543) Abraham Michelson (*Strzelno 1857)
Michelson ( and Kopernik): No absolute reference frame! A. K. Wróblewski, Wstęp do fizyki, tom I, s. 141
Ziemia, jakkolwiek bardzo wielką jest bryłą, żadnego nie ma porównania z wielkością nieba… […] że cały świat się obraca, którego granic nie znamy, ani ich nawet znać nie możemy, Nicolaus Copernicus, De revolutionibus, Norimberga, 1543
Universe: Part II Hubble (1929): galaxies red-shift = expanding Universe „Głębokie pole” teleskopu „Hubble”: najdalsze galaktyki (odległe 13 mld lat świetlnych) … but still no absolute reference frame!
Universe: Part IIIPenzias i Wilson (1964); „strange noise” Obserwatorium radioastronomiczne w Piwnicach k. Torunia = promieniowanie reliktowe (Big Bang + 300 tys. lat)
… po odjęciu przesunięcia Dopplera: „Gorąca zupa” plazmowa z początku Wszechświata http://lambda.gsfc.nasa.gov/product/cobe/dmr_image.cfm Zmiany temperatury (±27 K) promieniowania reliktowego zaobserwowane przez satelitę COBE. Rozmiary kątowe fluktuacji są rzędu kilku do kilkunastu stopni.
Promieniowanie reliktowe tła (±3 mK) http://csep10.phys.utk.edu/astr162/lect/cosmology/cbr.html Istnieje układ uprzywilejowany, w którym promieniowanie tła jest izotropowe. Ziemia porusza się względem tego układu z prędkością ok. 400 km/s G. F. Smoot, M. V. Gorenstein, R. A. Muller, Phys. Rev. Letters, 39, 898 (1977).
Beginning the new aether drift experiment So now here was a project that had a guaranteed signalof well-defined angular dependence, and amplitude.This made it a good candidate to propose to colleagues,funding agencies, etc. One problem to overcome was thestrong prejudice of good scientists who learned the lesson of the Michelson and Morley experiment and specialrelativity that there were no preferred frames of reference. The indication of the above image is that the local group of galaxies, to which the Earth belongs, is moving at about 600 km/s with respect to the background radiation. „It is not known why the Earth is moving with such a high velocity relative to the background radiation.”
Elementary particles (I) : quarks = atom = electron = quark
Elementary particles (III): neutrino mixing All this comes as a surprise!
Beyond Standard Model There are several areas where "Beyond the Standard Model" physics focuses. - The hierarchy problem - The missing matter problem (dark matter and energy) - The cosmological constant problem - The strong CP problem In addition to these subjects, there are also attempts at relating different phenomena and parameters to a more fundamental theory. A partial classification of these attempts are gauge coupling unification - A theory of quark masses and mixings - A theory of neutrino masses and mixings http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beyond_the_Standard_Model
Supersymmetry (?) In particle physics, supersymmetry (often abbreviated SUSY) is a symmetry that relates elementary particles of one spin to another particle that differs by half a unit of spin and are known as superpartners. In other words, in a supersymmetric theory, for every type of boson there exists a corresponding type of fermion, and vice-versa. As of 2008 there is no direct evidence that supersymmetry is a symmetry of nature. Since superpartners of the particles of the Standard Model have not been observed, supersymmetry, if it exists, must be a broken symmetry allowing the 'sparticles' to be heavy.
Neutrino mass • Double beta decay, Majorana neutrinos, and neutrino mass • Frank T. Avignone, III • Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 29208, USA • Steven R. Elliott • Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA • Jonathan Engel • Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599-3255, USA • (Published 9 April 2008) • The theoretical and experimental issues relevant to neutrinoless double beta decay are reviewed. The impact that a direct observation of this exotic process would have on elementary particle physics, nuclear physics, astrophysics, and cosmology is profound. Now that neutrinos are known to have mass and experiments are becoming more sensitive, even the nonobservation of neutrinoless double beta decay will be useful. If the process is actually observed, we will immediately learn much about the neutrino. The status and discovery potential of proposed experiments are reviewed in this context, with significant emphasis on proposals favored by recent panel reviews. The importance of and challenges in the calculation of nuclear matrix elements that govern the decay are considered in detail. The increasing sensitivity of experiments and improvements in nuclear theory make the future exciting for this field at the interface of nuclear and particle physics.
String theory ? Although string theory, like any other scientific theory, is falsifiable in principle, critics maintain that it is unfalsifiable for the foreseeable future, and so should not be called science. The upper rungs of the particle-physics faculties at Princeton, Stanford, and elsewhere in the academy are today heavy with advocates of "string theory," a proposed explanation for the existence of the universe. But string theory works only if you assume the existence of other dimensions—nine, 11, or 25 of them, depending on your flavor of string thinking—and there's not one shred of evidence other dimensions exist. http://www.slate.com/id/2149598/ new ideas urgently needed!
Universe (V): General relativity Einstein equations can be written in a beautifully simple form: G = 8 π T. The G term on the left side represents all the curvature of spacetime at a point, while the T term on the right represents the mass at a point, and its properties. This is the elegant part. The complicated part comes when we realize that this formula is almost completely useless for doing actual calculations. To use it, we have to expand it into at least ten different equations, each with dozens of terms. It is possible to solve the equations with pencil and paper in very special situations—when most of the dozens of terms happen to be zero—or in situations with low speeds, small masses, and large distances—when most of the dozens of terms happen to be very small and practically zero. In fact, when fully written out, the EFE are a system of 10 coupled, nonlinear, hyperbolic-elliptic partial differential equations. http://www.black-holes.org/relativity6.html
Dark matter, dark energy… The universe is mostly composed of dark energy and dark matter, both of which are poorly understood at present. Only ≈4% of the universe is ordinary matter, a relatively small perturbation.
Dark energy = cosmology constant? Nature, Volume 448(7151), 19 July 2007, pp 245-248
Dark energy = cosmology constant? But the form if this dependence is not known as a priori. It is of the form: ds2 = g11dx2 + 2 g11 g22 dx dy + g22 dy2 Then it is called a Riemannian metric. If it is possible to choose the coordinates so that this expression takes the form: ds2 = dx2 + dy2 (Pythagoras's theorem), then the continuum is Euclidean (a plane). Einstein, 1929 or unkown geometry? http://www.rain.org/~karpeles/einfrm.html
Fingers of God T h a n k s ! Hogan, Jenny, Nature:Volume 448(7151), 19 July 2007, pp 240-245, “Unseen Universe”