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Federal Republic, 1787-1820

This chapter covers the period of the early federal republic from 1787 to 1820. It discusses key events such as the Judiciary Act of 1789, Hamilton's financial program, the Whiskey Rebellion, state debts, the boom in Georgia and South Carolina economies, the XYZ Affair, Indian-white conflict, Thomas Jefferson's presidency, Lewis and Clark expedition, and the War of 1812.

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Federal Republic, 1787-1820

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  1. Chapter 7:Hammering Out a Federal Republic, 1787–1820 i>Clicker Questions

  2. 1. Why did the first Congress of the United States have to pass the Judiciary Act of 1789? a. The Constitution had mandated a federal court system but no Supreme Court. b. The Constitution did not address the judiciary at all. c. The Constitution had mandated a Supreme Court but no national court system. d. The Judiciary Act was needed to implement the Bill of Rights.

  3. 2. Hamilton's multiple-part program to revive the finances of the United States involved the paying off of old government securities, the chartering of a national bank, and what action regarding state debts? a. Their assumption by the federal government b. Their repudiation by the states c. Their discounting to 50 percent of face value d. Their prompt payment by the states

  4. 3. Why did the economies of Georgia and South Carolina boom in the 1790s? a. The constitutional ban on the international slave trade encouraged European immigrants to settle there. b. Freed from the shackles of the British Empire, southern planters prospered in the global free market. c. A cotton boom stimulated the expansion of cotton plantations there. d. Tariff reductions in the U.S. Constitution aggressively stimulated southern trade and development.

  5. 4. Why was the Whiskey Rebellion especially frightening to Federalists? a. The rebels refused to pay taxes. b. The rebels threatened to overthrow the government. c. The rebels threatened to form a new government of their own. d. The rebels looked to the French Revolution for inspiration.

  6. 5. Which document set forth a "states' rights" interpretation of the U.S. Constitution? a. Hamilton's Report on Credit b. The Sedition Act of 1798 c. The Virginia and Kentucky Resolutions d. The Proclamation of Neutrality

  7. 6. What was the name of the diplomatic incident in which President John Adams charged that France had insulted America's honor by soliciting a loan and a bribe from American diplomats to stop the seizures of American merchant ships? a. The Whiskey Rebellion b. The French Revolution c. Shays's Rebellion d. The XYZ Affair

  8. 7. What was the major cause of Indian-white conflict during the late 1700s and early 1800s? a. U.S. religious missions b. Indian support by Britain c. Expansion of white settlement d. African American slavery

  9. 8. Which trend characterized Thomas Jefferson's presidency? a. A massive government bureaucracy to provide work for unemployed Americans b. Smaller government and a decrease in the national debt c. Removal of all Federalist officeholders d. Neutrality with France and Britain, reinforced by laws that restricted the naturalization of foreigners and punished critics of the government

  10. 9. What was the significance of the trip west by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark? a. Their descriptions of western lands convinced Thomas Jefferson to make the Louisiana Purchase. b. They discovered gold and silver in the Rocky Mountains, prompting massive migration to the area. c. Their maps and journals provided valuable information. d. They forged a strong alliance with the Sioux Indians.

  11. 10. Why did the United States officially declare war on Great Britain in 1812? a. The war hawks wanted more land in the West and Britain out of the way. b. The British refused to alter their policy of ignoring American neutrality and continued the impressment of Americans. c. Americans felt that Great Britain did not respect them as an independent country. d. The British had blockaded American ports, causing economic distress throughout the country.

  12. Answer Key 1. The answer is c. 2. The answer is a. 3. The answer is c. 4. The answer is d. 5. The answer is c. 6. The answer is d. 7. The answer is c. 8. The answer is b. 9. The answer is c. 10. The answer is b.

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