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Forebrain, diencephalon. Meninges of the brain. Cerebro-spinal fluid.

Forebrain, diencephalon. Meninges of the brain. Cerebro-spinal fluid. The diencephalon.

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Forebrain, diencephalon. Meninges of the brain. Cerebro-spinal fluid.

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  1. Forebrain, diencephalon.Meninges of the brain.Cerebro-spinal fluid.

  2. The diencephalon • The diencephalon is the region of the embryonic vertebrate neural tube that gives rise to posterior forebrain structures including the thalamus, hypothalamus, posterior portion of the pituitary gland, and pineal gland. • The hypothalamus performs numerous vital functions, most of which relate directly or indirectly to the regulation of visceral activities by way of other brain regions and the autonomic nervous system.


  4. Diencephalon • Hypothalamus • Command for the • control of autonomic • functions such as heart • rate, blood pressure, • hunger, thirst. • Role in emotions and • motivation (e.g., thoughts • about fear get translated into • arousal through hypothalamus.) • Thalamus • Chief relay centre for • directing sensory messages • Helps regulate awareness • Relays commands going • to the skeletal muscles • from the motor cortex.

  5. No discrete nuclei Regulation of food and water intake Tuberal region (middle reg.) VM – satiety center (lesion produces hyperphagia + obesity) Arcuate nc. - delivers peptides to the portal vessels Mamillary region (posterior reg.) Posterior nc.- elevating of blood pressure, pupillary dilatation, body heat conservation Mammillary ncc. – memory formation (fornix) THE HYPOTHALAMUS • Lateral zone • Medial zone • Well defined nuclei • Chiasmatic region (anterior region) • hormone release- • SO,PV) • Cardiovascular function (Ant.) • Circadian rhytms (SCH) • Body temperature (Preoptic nc.)

  6. Vasopresin (Antidiuretic h.), Oxytocin (uterus,ejection of milk) Somatotropin, Prolactin, Folitropin, Lutropin, thyrotropin, ACTH

  7. Diencephalon Thalamus Intermediate mass Pineal body Hypothalamus Pituitary gland Mammillary body 3rd ventricle Surrounded by cerebrum Epithalamus

  8. epithalamusLocated at dorsal part of the diencephalons, it includes the pinieal body. It secretes melatonin which signals the nighttime stage of the sleep-wake cycle. pineal body — internal secretion gland habenular triangle— habenular nucleus habenular commissure thalamic medullarystria posterior commissure

  9. subthalamus subthalamic nucleus participate in the function of extracorticospinal tract

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