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Quality Management Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Chapter 13

Quality Management Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Chapter 13. Achieving Organizational Success. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques. If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. Laurence J. Peters Author and business theorist.

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Quality Management Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Chapter 13

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  1. Quality ManagementProblem Solving Tools and TechniquesChapter 13

  2. Achieving Organizational Success

  3. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • If you don’t know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. • Laurence J. Peters • Author and business theorist

  4. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • Dr. Deming’s Plan-Do-Study-Act Cycle

  5. Comparing PDSA with DMAIC

  6. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • Seven Tools of Quality • Flow Chart • Control Chart • Check Sheet • Histogram • Pareto Diagram • Cause and Effect Diagram • Scatter Diagram

  7. Problem-Solving Steps with Tools

  8. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • Seven Tools of Quality

  9. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • Seven Tools of Quality

  10. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques Creating a flow chart • Define the Process Steps by Observing the Process • Sort the Steps into the Order of their Occurrence in the Process • Place the Steps in Appropriate Flow Chart Symbols • Create the Chart • Evaluate the chart for completion

  11. Problem Solving Tools and Techniques • Flow Chart Symbols Activity ? Inspection Transportation Delay Storage

  12. Decide to get a job Phoneinterview? Accept position? Schedule phone interview Yes No Yes No Decide what type of job to get Maybe Schedule interview Practice interviewing Wait allotted time for other offers Create resume Practice interviewing Have phone interview Make counter offer Research companies Go to interview Send “Thank You” note Did they Accept? Yes Decide where to apply Send “Thank You” note Realinterview? Yes No Send out resumes and cover letters No Continue to negotiate? Contact other Companies And inform Them you are No longer available Wait For Responses Yes Made an offer? Yes Wait For Responses No No More Interviews scheduled? Follow-up interview? Yes No Start new job! Yes No

  13. Corrective Action Request Form (Example)

  14. Partially Completed Data Recording Check Sheet for Warranty Panel Information (Example)

  15. Pareto Chart of Problems Related to the Instrument Panel

  16. Costs of Instrument Panel Problems

  17. Glove Box Assembly Flowchart

  18. Glove Box

  19. Pareto Chart of Problems Related to the Glove Box Latch

  20. Variables Associated with the Glove Box Glove

  21. Cause-and-Effect Diagram

  22. WHY-WHY Diagram for Plastics and Dashes Instrument Panel, Work-in-Progress

  23. Tally Sheet for Thickness of Clutch Plate

  24. Histogram Cell Description

  25. Clutch Plate Thickness Histogram

  26. Shape, Location, and Spread

  27. Skewness

  28. Leptokurtic and Platykurtic

  29. Bimodal Distribution

  30. A Control Chart, Showing Centerline, Upper Control Limits, and Lower Control Limits

  31. Chart with Histogram

  32. Typical X and R Chart

  33. Cause-and-Effect Diagram (Example)

  34. Values for a Day's Production

  35. Values for a Day's Production(continued)

  36. X and R Control Charts for Roller Shaft Length (Example)

  37. Zones on a Control Chart

  38. Trend Showing a Decrease in Variation

  39. An Oscillating Trend

  40. Change in Level

  41. Runs

  42. Cycle in Part Thickness

  43. Two Populations

  44. Future Predictions

  45. Case I: 6, < USL -- LSL

  46. Case II: 6 = USL -- LSL

  47. Case III: 6 > USL -- LSL

  48. Shifts in Process Centering

  49. Process Centering: Cp versus Cpk

  50. Pareto Chart of Instrument Panel Problems

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