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The verb „to be” Czasownik „być” w czasach gramatycznych prostych. The Present Simple - I am - We are - You are - You are
The verb „to be”Czasownik „być” w czasach gramatycznych prostych The Present Simple - I am - We are - You are - You are - He is - They are - She is - Itis The Past Simple - I was -We were - You were - You were - He was - They were - She was - It was The Future Simple - I will be- We will be - You will be- You will be - He will be - They will be - She will be - It will be
father son brother uncle grandfather cousin nephew mother daughter sister aunt grandmother cousin nice Members of the family.Członkowie rodziny.
Personal pronouns – subject caseZaimki osobowe w przypadku podmiotu I have got a dog. You have got an umbrella. He has got a pen. She has got an apple. It has got a tail. Wehave got a house. Youhave got a boat. They have got an animal.
Personal pronouns – object caseZaimki osobowe w przypadku dopełnienia It belongs to me. It belongs to you. It belongs to him. It belongs to her. It belongs to it. It belongs to us. It belongs to you. It belongs to them.
Possessive adjectivesPrzymiotniki dzierżawcze This is my pencil case. This is your car. This is his bike. This is her ruler. This is its tail. This is our country. This is your computer. This is their kitchen.
Possessive pronounsZaimki dzierżawcze This room is mine. This printer is yours. This video is his. This dress is hers. …… This alarm clock is ours. This radio is yours. This room is theirs.
Reflexive pronouns.Zaimki zwrotne I dress myself. You dress yourself He dresses himself. She dresses herself. It dresses itself. We dress ourselves. You dress yourselves. They dress themselves.
Emphasizing pronouns.Zaimki emfatyczne I must do it myself. You must do it yourself. He must do it himself. She must do it herself. It must do it itself. We must do it ourselves. You must do it yourselves. They must do it themselves.
January February March April May June July August September October November December The names of the months.Nazwy miesięcy
The seasons of the year.Pory roku. spring – wiosna summer – lato autumn – jesień winter – zima There are four seasons of the year.
1 – one 2 – two 3 – three 4 – four 5 – five 6 – six 7 – seven 8 – eight 9 – nine 10 - ten 11 – eleven 12 – twelve 13 – thirteen 14 – fourteen 15 – fifteen 16 – sixteen 17 – seventeen 18 – eighteen 19 – nineteen 20 – twenty Cardinal numbers 1 - 20.Liczebniki główne 1 – 20.
Cardinal numbers 20 – 100.Liczebniki główne 20 – 100. 20 – twenty 30 – thirty 40 – forty 50 – fifty 60 – sixty 70 – seventy 80 – eighty 90 – ninety 100 – a hundred
Cardinal numbers 100 - 1000000.Liczebniki główne 100 – 1000000 100 – a ( one ) hundred 1000 – a ( one ) thousand 1000000 – a ( one ) million 142 – one hundred and forty two 1058 – one thousand and fifty eight 260127 – two hundred and sixty thousand, one hundred and twenty-seven
1st – first 2nd – second 3rd – third 4th – fourth 5th – fifth 6th – sixth 7th – seventh 8th – eighth 9th – ninth 10th – tenth Ordinal numbers 1st – 10th.Liczebniki porządkowe 1st – 10th.
11th – eleventh 12th – twelfth 13th – thirteenth 14th – fourteenth 15th – fifteenth 16 – sixteenth 17th-seventeenth 18th-eighteenth 19-nineteenth 20th-twentieth Ordinal numbers 10th – 20th.Liczebniki porządkowe 10th – 20th.
20th – twentieth 21st – twenty first 22nd – twenty second 23rd – twenty third 24th – twenty fourth 25th – twenty fifth 26th – twenty sixth 27th – twenty seventh 28th – twenty eighth 29th twenty ninth 30th – thirtieth Ordinal numbers 20th – 30th.Liczebniki porządkowe 20th – 30th.
The possessive case.Dopełniacz rzeczowników żywotnych. Dopełniacz rzeczowników żywotnych tworzy się przez dodanie apostrofu ( ‘ ) i litery s; w liczbie mnogiej dodajemy tylko apostrof ( ‘ ). singular plural the boy’s room the boys’ rooms the dog’s name the dogs’ name Judy’s pencil the girls’ earrings
The possessive case.Dopełniacz rzeczowników żywotnych tworzących nieregularną liczbę mnogą. man’s shirt – men’s shirts woman’s dress – women’s dresses child’s toy – children’s toys
The possessive case.Dopełniacz rzeczowników nieżywotnych . The end of the lecture The name of the hotel. The first day of the weekend. The page of the book. The screen of the television set.
How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników • Liczbę mnogą większości rzeczowników tworzymy przez dodanie końcówki – s do rzeczownika w liczbie pojedynczej: • lamp – lamps • book – books • cup – cups • bike - bikes
How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników 2. Rzeczowniki zakończone na głoskę „syczącą” -s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -ch, -z w liczbie mnogiej mają końcówkę -es box – boxes bush – bushes watch – watches kiss – kisses Glass – glasses
How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników 3. Jeżeli liczba pojedyncza kończy się na y poprzedzone spółgłoską, to w liczbie mnogiej y zamieniamy na i oraz dodajemy końcówkę – es lady-ladies, story-stories, baby – babies, spy-spies, city-cities, fly – flies
How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników 4. Niektórerzeczowniki zakończone na – f lub – fe w liczbie mnogiej zamiast - f ( lub – fe ) mają w końcówce - v oraz es ( -ves ) wolf – wolveslife - lives shelf – shelveswife - wives loaf – loavescalf - calves knife – kniveshalf - halves leaf – leavesthief - thieves scarf – scarves
Singular man woman child foot tooth mouse ox goose Plural men women children feet teeth mice oxen geese Irregular pluralsNieregularna liczba mnoga
Singular a sheep a deer a series a means a species Plural sheep deer series means species How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników(rzeczowniki o tej samej formie w l. poj. i mnogiej).
How plurals are formed?Tworzenie liczby mnogiej rzeczowników 5. Rzeczowniki zakończone na – o w liczbie mnogiej przybierają w większości końcówkę – es tomato – tomatoes potato – potatoes hero – heroes Wyjątki to: radio – radios, auto – autos, photo - photos
The verb „to be” (The Present Simple)Czasownik „być” w czasie teraźniejszym. I am a schoolboy. You are a schoolgirl. He is a doctor. She is a teacher. It is an animal. We are boys. You are girls. They are mechanics.
The verb „to be” (The Present Simple)Czasownik „być” w czasie teraźniejszym. AmI a schoolboy? Areyou a schoolgirl? Is hea doctor? Is she a teacher? Isit an animal? Arewe boys? Areyou girls? Arethey mechanics?
The verb „to be” (The Present Simple)Czasownik „być” w czasie teraźniejszym. I am not a schoolboy. You are not a schoolgirl. He is nota doctor. She is not a teacher. It is not an animal. We are not boys. You are not girls. They are not mechanics.
The verb „to have „ (The Present Simple)Czasownik „mieć” w czasie teraźniejszym. I have (got) a book. You have (got) a computer. He has (got) a clock. She has (got) an apple. It has (got) stripes. We have (got) rubbers. You have (got) photos. They have (got) a swimming pool.
The verb „to have „ (The Present Simple)Czasownik „mieć” w czasie teraźniejszym. Have I (got) a book? Have you (got) a computer? Has he (got) a clock? Has she (got) an apple? Has it (got) stripes? Have we (got) rubbers? Have you (got) photos? Have they (got) a swimming pool?
The verb „to have „ (The Present Simple)Czasownik „mieć” w czasie teraźniejszym. I have not (got) a book. You have not (got) a computer. He has not (got) a clock. She has not (got) an apple. It has not (got) stripes. We have not (got) rubbers. You have not (got) photos. They have not (got) a swimming pool.
The Present SimpleCzas teraźniejszy prosty I learn English. You speak French. He writes a letter. She looks at the picture. It runs in the park. We paint pictures. You take photos. They cook dinners.
The Present SimpleCzas teraźniejszy prosty Do I learn English? Do you speak French? Does he write a letter? Does she lookat the picture? Does it run in the park? Dowe paint pictures? Doyou take photos? Do they cook dinners?
The Present SimpleCzas teraźniejszy prosty I do not learn English. You do not speak French. Hedoes not write a letter. Shedoes not lookat the picture. It does not run in the park. We do not paint pictures. You do not take photos. They do not cook dinners.
The Simple Past Tense „to be”Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasownika „być” Zdania orzekające: I was in London. You were at the cinema. He was at the seaside. She was in the wood. It was in the cage. We were on the train. You were at home. They were at the bus stop.
The Simple Past Tense „to be”Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasownika „być” Zdania pytające: Was I at home? Were you in the bathroom? Was he at school? Was she in prison? Was it in the park? Were we in France? Were you in the library? Were they in the wood?
The Simple Past Tense „to be”Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasownika „być” Zdania przeczące: I wasnot in London. You werenotat the cinema. He wasnot at the seaside. She was not in the wood. It was not in the cage. We werenoton the train. You werenotat home. They were not at the bus stop.
The Simple Past Tense – regular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników regularnych I walked in the park. You watched television. He played the piano. She dusted the dressing table. It barked in the garden. We visited the museum. You filled the form. They looked out of the window.
The Simple Past Tense – regular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników regularnych Did I walk in the park? Did you watch television? Did he play the piano? Did she dust the dressing table? Did it bark in the garden? Did we visit the museum? Did you fill the form? Did they look out of the window?
The Simple Past Tense – regular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników regularnych I did notwalk in the park. You did notwatch television. He did notplay the piano. She did notdust the dressing table. It did notbark in the garden. We did notvisit the museum. You did notfill inthe form. They did notlook out of the window.
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników nieregularnych I went to the cinema. You drew the picture. He spoke to an Englishman. She ate breakfast. It drank its milk. We saw the film. You read the book. They heard the noise.
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników nieregularnych. Did I go to the cinema? Did you draw the picture? Did he speak to an Englishman? Did she eat breakfast? Did it drink its milk? Did we see the film? Did you read the book? Did they hear the noise?
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs.Czas gramatyczny przeszły prosty czasowników nieregularnych. I did notgo to the cinema. You did notdraw the picture. He did notspeak to an Englishman. She did noteat breakfast. It did notdrink its milk. We did notsee the film. You did notread the book. They did nothear the noise.
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs. be (am, is, are) was, werebeen być break brokebroken łamać bring broughtbrought przynieść build builtbuilt budować come camecome przyjść, przyjechać cost costcost kosztować do diddone robić
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs. drink drankdrunk pić drive drove driven prowadzić pojazd eat ateeaten jeść find foundfound znależć get gotgot dostać, stać się give gavegiven dawać go wentgone iść
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs. have hadhad mieć know knewknown wiedziec, znać make mademade robić, produkować read readread czytać see sawseen widzieć sing sangsung śpiewać
The Simple Past Tense – irregular verbs. swim swamswum pływać take tooktaken zabierać win wonwon wygrywać write wrotewritten pisać meet metmet spotkać, poznać buy boughtbought kupić
Demonstrative pronounsZaimki wskazujące This pencil. That board. These books. Those trees.
The „ing” form of the verb.Forma „ing” czasownika. paint + ing = painting look + ing = looking watch + ing = watching write + ing = writing drive + ing = driving put +ing = putting swim + ing = swimming run + ing = running