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Mrs. Evans’ Bunch

March 31 – April 4. Unit 5 Week 2 Reading/Language Arts Skills:. Math : Unit 8 Addition/Subtraction strategies; fact drill Science : Soils. Red denotes a tested item. Mrs. Evans’ Bunch. Announcements:.

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Mrs. Evans’ Bunch

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  1. March 31 – April 4 Unit 5 Week 2Reading/Language Arts Skills: Math: Unit 8 Addition/Subtraction strategies; fact drill Science: Soils Red denotes a tested item. Mrs. Evans’ Bunch Announcements: • I would like to meet with the parent(s) of each student to discuss their progress and what you can be working on for 3rd grade. Please use the link below or scan the QR code to register on my calendar for a date/time to meet with me. I have given dates/times. Thank you! • http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0B4EAFA922A1F85-2014 • The 2014 – 2015 school calendar is available on the Jefferson County website. www.jefcoed.com • Please be aware that the first day of school for next year is August 6th. Email: aevans@jefcoed.com Phone: 205-379-5050 Website: http://pinsonel.jefcoed.com/?PageName=TeacherPage&Page=1&StaffID=250626&iSection=Teachers&CorrespondingID=250626

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