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The NIH Roadmap for Medical Research nihroadmap.nih

The NIH Roadmap for Medical Research nihroadmap.nih.gov. Evolving Health Challenges. Acute to Chronic Conditions. Aging Population. Health Disparities. Emerging Diseases. Biodefense. Why was there a need for a Roadmap?. Position NIH to address evolving public health challenges

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The NIH Roadmap for Medical Research nihroadmap.nih

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  1. The NIH Roadmapfor Medical Researchnihroadmap.nih.gov

  2. Evolving Health Challenges Acute to Chronic Conditions AgingPopulation Health Disparities EmergingDiseases Biodefense

  3. Why was there a need for a Roadmap? • Position NIH to address evolving public health challenges • Accelerate the pace of discoveries • Develop more rapid translation from laboratories to patients and back

  4. NIH Roadmap Goals.. • Accelerate basic research discoveries and speed translation of those discoveries into clinical practice • Explicitly address roadblocks that slow the pace of medical research in improving the health of the American people

  5. NIH opportunities and challenges… • Revolutionary and rapid changes in science • Increasing breadth and growth of NIH mission • NIH is a complex organization made up of 27 institutes and centers, as well as multiple program offices, structured by Disease, Organ, Life stage, Discipline …. • Rapid convergence of science • Multi- and interdisciplinary research

  6. Multi- and Interdisciplinary Research will be Required to Solve the “Puzzle” of Complex Diseases and Conditions Genes Behavior Diet/Nutrition Infectious agents Environment Society ???

  7. How was the Roadmap developed? • Extensive consultations with stakeholders, scientists, health care providers • Discussions addressed: • What are today’s scientific challenges? • What are the roadblocks to progress? • What do we need to do to overcome roadblocks? • What can’t be accomplished by any single Institute but is the responsibility of NIH as a whole?

  8. What is the NIH Roadmap? • A framework of priorities that the NIH as a whole must address in order to optimize its entire research portfolio. • A set of initiatives that are central to extending the quality of healthy life for people in this country and around the world. • A vision for a more efficient and productive system of biomedical and behavioral research.

  9. Roadblocks to technology transfer Bench Bedside Public

  10. Three themes emerged….

  11. New Pathways to Discovery Bench Bedside Public Building Blocks, Biological Pathways, & Biological Networks Molecular Libraries & Molecular Imaging Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Structural Biology Nanomedicine nihroadmap.nih.gov/newpathways/index.asp

  12. New Pathways to Discovery Initiatives within this theme address technologies and approaches necessary to meet contemporary research challenges. • Grasping the emerging complexity of biology • Understanding biological systems • Accessing biological data, technologies, and other scientific resources • Promoting Multi-and Interdisciplinary research

  13. Bioinformatics and Computational Biology:National Centers for Biomedical Computing • Partnerships of: • Computer scientists • Biomedical computational scientists • Experimental and clinical biomedical and behavioral researchers • Focused on software rather than hardware • Each National Center to have Driving Biological Projects • Programs in preparation for partnerships between individual investigators and National Centers www.bisti.nih.gov/ncbc/index.cfm?

  14. The FY-2004 NIH Roadmap -National Centers for Biomedical Computing: • Physics-based Simulation of Biological Structures Russ Altman, M.D., Ph.D. Stanford University • National Alliance for Medical Imaging Computing Ron Kikinis, M.D. Brigham and Women's Hospital • Informatics for Integrating Biology and the Bedside Isaac Kohane, M.D., Ph.D. Brigham and Women's Hospital • Center for Computational Biology Arthur Toga, Ph.D. University of California at Los Angeles

  15. Research Teams of the Future Interdisciplinary Research Teams Pioneer Award Public-Private Partnerships Bench Bedside Public Building Blocks, Biological Pathways, & Biological Networks Molecular Libraries & Molecular Imaging Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Structural Biology Nanomedicine nihroadmap.nih.gov/researchteams/index.asp

  16. Research Teams of the Future Initiatives within this theme provides mechanisms for interdisciplinary research, high-risk strategies and public-private partnerships. • Encouraging Multi- and Interdisciplinary teams • Supporting larger, coordinated, resource sharing teams • Preserving investigator-initiated strategy • Promoting investigators to take creative, unexplored avenues of research

  17. NIH Director’s Pioneer Award • New program to support individuals with untested, potentially groundbreaking ideas! • Encourages innovation, high risk taking • Totally new application and peer review process • Expected to be highly competitive • Expanded eligibility – (not only traditional biomedical investigators) • Provides $500,000 per year for 5 years nihroadmap.nih.gov/pioneer/

  18. NIH Director’s Pioneer Award • Laurence F. Abbott, Ph.D., Brandeis University, Waltham, MA • George Q. Daley, M.D., Ph.D., Children's Hospital, Boston, MA • Homme W. Hellinga, Ph.D., Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC • Joseph McCune, M.D., Ph.D., J. David Gladstone Institutes, San Francisco, CA • Steven L. McKnight, Ph.D., UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX • Chad Mirkin, Ph.D., Northwestern University, Evanston, IL • Rob Phillips, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA • Steven R. Quake, Ph.D., California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA • Sunney Xie, Ph.D.. Harvard University, Cambridge, MA nihroadmap.nih.gov/pioneer/Recipients04.aspx

  19. Re-engineering the Clinical Research Enterprise Interdisciplinary Research Teams Pioneer Award Public-Private Partnerships Bench Bedside Public Building Blocks, Biological Pathways & Biological Networks Molecular Libraries & Molecular Imaging Bioinformatics & Computational Biology Structural Biology Nanomedicine Clinical Research Networks, & NECTAR Dynamic Assessment of Patient-Reported Chronic Disease Outcomes Clinical Research Policy Analysis & Coordination Clinical Research Workforce Training Translational Research nihroadmap.nih.gov/clinicalresearch/index.asp

  20. Reengineering the Clinical Research Enterprise Initiatives within this theme address the need for developing new strategies to enhance the infrastructure and capacity for clinical research and reenergize the clinical research workforce. • Promoting better integration of existing clinical research networks, including the National Electronics Clinical Trials and Research (NECTAR) network • Supporting translational research • Encouraging the development of technologies to improve the assessment of clinical outcomes • Harmonizing regulatory processes • Enhancing training for clinical researchers

  21. FY-2005 Request = $28,757 Million NIH Roadmap Percent of Total NIH Budget – FY-2004 Non-Roadmap 99.2% ($28,520 Million) Roadmap 0.8% ($237 Million)

  22. “How does the NIH Roadmap benefit research funded by NIH ICs?” • Speeding removal of major and fundamental roadblocks common to all diseases • Institutes working together to solve issues • This is a common trans-NIH pool of transforming investments open to all disease areas and all investigators for competition

  23. The NIH Roadmap:A Work in Progress nihroadmap.nih.gov

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