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An overview of the Makerere-Sida Bilateral Collaborative Research Program presented at the Annual Review Meeting on 18th November, 2013. The report highlights the program's strategic objectives, research agenda, collaborating institutions, and capacity objectives.
BUYINZA MUKADASIPresented at the Annual Review Meeting18th November, 2013 MAKERERE-sida BILATERAL COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH PROGRAMME (2010-2014)
. Mak’s Strategic Objectives 3
Strategic Research Agenda Health and Health systems Agricultural (crop & Livestock) transformation, Food Security, nutrition and value addition Sustainable environment, Natural Resources Governance and Climate Change Governance, Culture, Social Justice and Sustainable development ICT for development Cross-cutting areas Biotechnology Knowledge transfer Gender Human Resource Development 4
To assist Uganda in its endeavour to promote research To support Makerere University to build capacity for Ph.D training OVERALL GOAL
To produce qualified lecturers motivated to do more research and building research teams around themselves To increase the number of potential PhDs at supported units To enhance research throughout the whole university To enhance the capacity for research coordination and programme administration at Directorate of Research & Graduate Training Capacity objectives
Support to individual units Provide an environment conducive for research and research training Slogan: “To support the supervisor to supervise” through collaboration with universities in Sweden or elsewhere Approach
Directorate of Research & Graduate Training (formerly the School of Graduate Studies) Directorate of Information and Communication Technology Services (DICTS) Gender Mainstreaming (now Gender Mainstreaming Directorate The University Library Faculty of Agriculture (now College of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences - CAES) Faculty of Technology (now College of Engineering, Design, Art and Technology - CEDAT) College of Health Sciences (CHS) Faculty of Arts and Faculty of Social Sciences (now College of Humanities and Social Sciences) Supported units (2003-2009)
PhD training (tuition and research costs) Support to supervisors to link with their counterparts in Sweden Conference attendance by PhD students and supervisors Faculty research funds Supporting competitive research grants, cross cutting courses, Demographic surveillance site (DSS) Forms of support
Support to Geographical Information System (GIS) and Cross Cutting Biomedical Laboratory Support for ICT Infrastructure and Library resources Independent univ-wide research fund at DRGT Supporting dissemination strategies/ conferences, publications Admin & Coordination of the programme (DRGT) Supporting regional collaborations and networks Providing for an overhead of 6%. Forms of support (cont-d)
102 (61 Male, 41 Female) Ph.Ds (15 have graduated), 77 (67 graduated) Masters, 20 postdoc research teams Research projects by supervisors in partnership with Swedish Faculty ICT and Library services (email, internet, online journals) More quality publications coming out (Improved University Rankings) More linkages: CARTA, DRUSSA, CAPREX, Carnegie, NORHED, Wellcome (Competitive grants) Faculty small grants to support junior researchers from Social sciences, Agriculture, Technology and CHS. Supporting thematic research by providing for purchase of equipment, consumables, travel, subsistence and guest lecturers Promotion of research throughout the university
Mak Priority Areas • To improve the human resource capacity and the environment for conducting and disseminating the research findings • Human resource development (Masters, PhDs, post-docs, independent research, guest lecturers) • Infrastructure and facilities (ICT, library, labs, field sites • Research Management and Coordination (national and international networks, joint courses, administrative reforms, research Agenda & policy development in other universities • Strategies for dissemination of findings and adoption of technologies
Demographic Surveillance Site (DSS) -Site now fully operational and data collection continues in an area of over 72,000 people (old area) involving 16,000- households and another 90,000 people (new area for TB study) Biomedical Laboratory Dept of Pharmacology in CHS Laboratory now fully functional and can be accessed by students and researchers DSS and Biomedical lab
State of the art GIS unit set up in the CEDAT Laboratory now fully functional and can be accessed by interested researchers & students Geographical Information System Laboratory
Optical fibre network covers main campus, Medicine, MUARIK, MUBS 132 computers and LANS set up in supported faculties 12 student kiosks with 165 computers set up in various units All (100%) Colleges/units have web presence compared to 5% in 2000 More than 30,000 e-mail users registered on the local mail system compared to 50 in 2000 Internet connectivity is well maintained to provide a rich global research resource Information and Communication Technology
171 data points (computers) installed in the main library and 28 points at Albert Cook Library A functional Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) More than 15,000 (end of 2012) journals on-line giving countrywide access to recent literature Now (2013) 40 e-journals databases, 22,000 titles subscribed & 16 free ones accessed With Bergen University, Library staff and EASLIS have trained University of Juba staff and supporting library automation (spin off) LIBRARY
Gender Increased visibility, acceptability and upward movement of women into leadership positions 5 full professors cf to 1 in 2000 (as of April 2011) Commitment to Gender Mainstreaming by the university e.g. increased representation on various committees, transformed to a Directorate Continued implementation of Gender plan in the new strategic plan (2008/09-2018/19) Gender Policy and Policy & Regulation on sexual harassment, and to engender the human resource manual Makerere is still recognised as a pace setter in gender mainstreaming in Universities in sub Saharan Africa 20
Modern equipment (GIS lab, Biomedical Lab, Technology, Agriculture, Medicine) Facilitation to attend meetings/Conferences and present findings Research Policy and IPM Policy approved by Council (2008) Improvement of research environment
Units writing proposals and winning grants Biology of Malaria parasites (5 African countries and 20 European institutions by EU) Development of capacity for conducting Malaria Vaccine trials (AMANET) in DSS Improving new born health and survival through a community based intervention linked to health facilities by Bill Gates Foundation in DSS EU grant for strengthening Ethics committee, TB Vaccine trials MSI funding WHO-TDR grant, Wellcome Trust grant Enhanced research culture (Med &PH)
Enhanced research culture (Technology) Innovative clusters by Rockefeller Foundation Up scaling of Innovation systems and Innovative clusters program East Africa into a Pan African Competitive Forum (PACF) Single wire electrification programme by GTZ Masters programme in Renewable Energy by NORAD Regional Programme in Urbanitization by NORAD Establishment of the GIS Institute and a Masters programme in GIS Projects under MSI funding by UNCST Presidential Innovation Initiative fund Six thematic areas (Infrastructure and land management, Architecture urbanism, Water resources, Eng materials, Renewable energy, ICT GIS Cross cutting – Regional Collaboration 27
More partnerships developed and funded CARTA, CAPREX, DRUSSA partnerships NORHED grant to 8 projects (Appx. $25m) to strength training Nurturing & Retention of Next generation of Academics – CCNY ($2.6 million) Carnegie Corporation of NY - Ph.D in Social Sciences and competitive grants Benchmarking best practices from the collaboration Ph.D now by public defence Ph.D supervisors cease being examiners Candidates can publish their work before graduation Thesis can be submitted in form of papers/monographs Enhanced research Culture(DRGT)
Health Malaria, TB, HIV, Mental health, Reproductive health Technology and engineering Centre for research in energy and energy conservation (CREEC) Innovative systems and Clusters Agriculture: Centre for Crop Waste Management ICT – regional center Library – e-resources Creation of centers of excellence
Sida support to Makerere IDP has Strengthened the position of Makerere as a leading provider of Science education and research Enabled the development of centres of excellence in health, agriculture, technology, social sciences Research influenced Gov’t policies (malaria, energy, waste, land, conflict) Impact
Contributed to the modernisation of Mak through ICT and library facilities hence increased transparency in governance and efficiency in university operations (national benefit) Improved the quality of academic staff and graduates through support for PhD training, enhanced capacity to supervise, to conduct research and to publish (national benefit) Contributed substantially to the attainment of NDP hence reduce poverty levels and attainment of MDGs (nat. & Intern benefit). Reduced the degree of brain drain (national benefit) Impact (cont—d)
Collaboration with other public universities in Uganda • Support through Makerere University • Institutional collaboration based on MoU’s between Mak and collaborating university • Support to Masters and/or PD training of university staff at Mak through “sandwich” • Support to development of research policies
Request (cont...d) • Supporting competitive research grants, cross cutting courses, field sites (DSS) • Providing for ICT and Library resources • Supporting regional collaborations and networks • Supporting dissemination strategies/conferences, publications • Providing for an overhead of 6%.
Challenges • Procurement process delays • Decentralisation may expedite the process • Scholarship applicants from women • Sensitization of women • Audit delays by Auditor General • Early appointment of auditors • Consumption of funds by some units • Delays in submission of Reports
Underfunding by the govt hence difficult to recruit and retain staff (50% establishment) Inadequate infrastructure including limited bandwidth Limited research funds to generate innovations and policies for poverty alleviation Challenges
Procurement process delays Decentralisation may expedite the process Scholarship applicants from women Sensitization of women Slow consumption of funds by some units Delays in submission of Reports Challenges
Sourcing for more research funding and to build a strong environment to support innovations and knowledge translation Engage in multidisciplinary research teams/themes with greater focus on postdoctoral training, mentorship and innovations. Strengthen scientific corporation with Swedish institutions to compete for research funding Way forward
Following reforms, university transformed into 9 Colleges (headed by Principals) and 1 School (Dean) Natural Science Business and Management Sciences Computing and Information Sciences Engineering, Design, Art and Technology Humanities and Social Sciences Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Education and External Studies Health Sciences Veterinary , Animal Resources & Bio-security School of Law Collegiate System
Governance Council (Grants Committee) Steering Committee Implementation Committee Coordination Unit (Secretariat) Sub-program Sub-program Sub-program