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Augustan aureus , 28 BCE: Augustus seated on the sella curulis. LEGES ET IURA P(OPULI) R(OMANI) RESTITUIT “He restored the laws and the rights of the Roman people” (see Res Gestae 34). Augustan aureus post-23 BCE: corona civica (“civic crown”) made of oak leaves. OB CIVIS SERVATOS
Augustan aureus, 28 BCE:Augustus seated on the sella curulis LEGES ET IURA P(OPULI) R(OMANI) RESTITUIT “He restored the laws and the rights of the Roman people” (see Res Gestae 34)
Augustan aureus post-23 BCE:corona civica (“civic crown”) made of oak leaves OB CIVIS SERVATOS “for saving the citizens”
Coin of Augustus celebrating the triple triumph in 29 BCE: Dalmatia, Actium, Egypt
Livia 1st century CE
Augustus of Prima Porta (Livia’s villa), post-20 BCE Imperator in adlocutio pose (“addressing the troops”)
Details on the cuirass: Tiberius(?) receives the standards of Crassus and Antony from a Parthian Deities represented include Apollo / Sol Provinces represented include Hispania, Gaul Personfication represented: Tellus with cornucopia
Augustus’ Horologium (obelisk pointed towards Ara Pacis on his birthday, Sept. 23rd)
Augustus’ Mausoleum Res Gestae would have been displayed on the doorposts
Tomb markers of Marcellus and Octavia(Gaius Marcellus, son of Octavia, husband of Julia & son-in-law and nephew of Augustus,and Octavia, sister of Augustus) Marcellus s(on of) G(aius) Octavia d(aughter of) G(aius) nephew sister of Augustus Caesar of Augu[stus Caesar]
Res Gestae 12 on the Ara Pacis • When I returned from Spain and Gaul, in the consulship of Tiberius Nero and Publius Quintilius, after successful operations in those provinces, the senate voted in honour of my return the consecration of an altar to Pax Augustain the Campus Martius, and on this altar it ordered the magistrates and priests and Vestal virgins to make annual sacrifice.
FER(IAE) EX S(ENATUS) C(ONSULTO) Q(UOD) E(O) D(IE) ARA PACIS AUG(USTAE) IN CAMP(O) MAR(TIO) CONSTITUTA EST NERONE ET VARO COS.(Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum 12.24, in reference to July 14, 13 BCE)"Holiday, by decree of the Senate, because on that day the Altar of Augustan Peace was founded in the Campus Martius, in the consulship of Nero and Varus." FERIAE EX S(ENATUS) C(ONSULTO) QUO[D EO] DIE ARA PACIS AUGUSTA[E IN CAMPO ] MARTIO DEDICATA [E]ST DRUSO ET CRISPINO C[OS].(Inscriptiones Italiae 13.2.117, in reference to January 30, 9 BCE)"Holiday, by decree of the Senate, because on that day the Altar of Augustan Peace was dedicated in the Campus Martius, in the consulship of Drusus and Crispinus."
Left to right: Penates (ancestral spirits), Pater Aeneas, Iulus/Ascanius (son and progenitor)
Imperial Procession (compare the Panathenaic frieze on the Parthenon)