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Christmas. At Christmas, the glory of heaven is shown in the weakness of the baby; the Epiphany is the manifestation of the Messiah King of Israel to all nations.

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  1. Christmas At Christmas, the glory of heaven is shown in the weakness of the baby; the Epiphany is the manifestation of the Messiah King of Israel to all nations. The Church calls the mystery of the union of the divine and human natures in the one divine Person of the Word, the “Incarnation”. To bring about our salvation, the Son of God was made “flesh” (John 1:14) and became truly human. Faith in the Incarnation is a distinctive sign of the Christian faith. As the Son of God, who is “begotten not made, consubstantial with the Father”, he was made truly human, our brother, without ceasing to be God, our Lord.

  2. Christmas Our key learning points for this unit are: Year R: Explores the story of the first Christmas. Year 1: Looks at how the birth of Jesus changed others. Shares the story of the Wise Men and the reasons they brought gifts. Year 2: Shows how we can get to know Jesus through the journeys of others. Looks at the journey of the Magi in detail and introduces the Flight to Egypt. Year 3: Through the shepherds, we reflect on the nature of Jesus’ Birth. Year 4: The role of angels in the story of Christmas as messengers of the Good News of Jesus’ birth is examined. The feasts associated with Christmas, such as the Annunciation and the birth of John the Baptist, are also explored. Year 5: Explores the difficulties faced by Mary and Joseph as revealed in Mathew’s Gospel, including the role of King Herod. The implications of the Christmas story for us today are also looked at. Year 6: Looks in detail at the Birth of Jesus, expressed as ‘The Word’ in St John’s Gospel. Explores the meaning of ‘Incarnation’.

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