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GridPP – A UK Computing Grid for Particle Physics. GridPP 19 UK Universities, CCLRC (RAL & Daresbury) and CERN Funded by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) GridPP1 - 2001-2004 £17m "From Web to Grid" GridPP2 - 2004-2007 £15m "From Prototype to Production".
GridPP – A UK Computing Grid for Particle Physics GridPP 19 UK Universities, CCLRC (RAL & Daresbury) and CERN Funded by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council (PPARC) GridPP1 - 2001-2004 £17m "From Web to Grid" GridPP2 - 2004-2007 £15m "From Prototype to Production" www.gridpp.ac.uk ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Outline • Why? – The CERN LHC and the Data Deluge • What? - GridPP and the Grid • Applications • Middleware • Tier-1 and Tier2 Regional Centres • Future Challenges • How? - GridPP Management • Summary ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
The CERN Large Hadron Collider The world’s most powerful particle accelerator - 2007 4 Large Experiments ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
The LHC Experiments e.g. ATLAS Searching for theHiggs Particle and exciting new Physics Starting from this event Looking for this ‘signature’ • > 108 electronic channels • 8x108 proton-proton interactions/sec • 2x10-4 Higgs per sec • 10 Petabytes of data a year • (10 Million GBytes = 14 Million CDs – twice the height of Everest) ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
What is GridPP? A team that have built a working prototype Grid • hundreds of computers across 16 UK institutions • Allows scientists to access data and processing power seamlessly, wherever they are • No need for accounts at many different universities • No need for lots of passwords • ‘Middleware’ detects where the computing power and data is available and deals with security Working with other disciplines • e.g. UK e-Science (Grid deployment) medical researchers (Grid security) • BT (Grid Info. Services, networking) ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
CERN IT – PPARC funded £5.7m for staff and hardware prototype LHC Computing Grid went live in September 2003 in 12 countries UK sites among the first to join Grid Operations Centre based at RAL, UK EU DataGrid – PPARC one of 6 main partners GridPP software central to the project testbed at more than 40 sites across Europe with 1,000+ computer processors around 100,000 jobs successfully submitted via the UK to the prototype EU-wide grid 3 main areas high energy physics biology and medical image processing Earth observation GridPP International Collaboration ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
What is a Grid? I. Experiment Layer e.g. Portals II. Application Middleware e.g. Metadata "Hour Glass" III. Grid Middleware e.g. Information Services IV. Facilities and Fabrics e.g. Storage Services ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
GridPP Work Areas Grid Application Development LHC and US Experiments + Lattice QCD UK Tier-1/A Regional Centre Hardware and Manpower Management Travel etc LHC Computing Grid Project (LCG) Applications, Fabrics, Technology and Deployment European DataGrid (EDG) Middleware Development ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Application Development AliEn → ARDA BaBar GANGA Lattice QCD SAMGrid CMS ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Middleware Development Network Monitoring Configuration Management Grid Data Management Storage Interfaces Information Services Security Middleware is the Operating System of a distributed computing system ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
DataGrid Releases ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Real Time Grid Map LCG2 15 April 2004 ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
CMS LHCb BaBar ATLAS The UK Tier-1/A Centre • High quality data services • National and International Role • UK focus for International Grid development April 2004: • 700 Dual CPU • 80TB Disk • 60 TB Tape (Capacity 1PB) Grid Operations Centre ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
ScotGrid NorthGrid SouthGrid London Grid UK Tier-2 Centres ScotGrid Durham, Edinburgh, Glasgow NorthGrid Daresbury, Lancaster, Liverpool, Manchester, Sheffield SouthGrid Birmingham, Bristol, Cambridge, Oxford, RAL PPD, Warwick LondonGrid Brunel, Imperial, QMUL, RHUL, UCL ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
The Challenges Ahead Disk CPU Total Requirement: In International Context - Q2 2004 LCG Resources: ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Apps Dev Grid Support Centre GridPP CERN LCG Tier-1/A Middleware, Security, Networking GridPP in Context Experiments Tier-2 Centres Apps Int Institutes GridPP UK Core e-Science Programme EGEE Not to scale! ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
GridPP Management Project Map Collaboration Board (Production Manager) Project Leader Project Manager Dissemination Officer Project Management Board Risk Register EDG (EGEE) Leader Experiments (User) Board Technical (Deployment) Board CERN LCG Liaison GridPP1 (GridPP2) (Tier-2 Board) (Tier-1 Board) ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004
Summary BaBarGrid BaBar EGEE SAMGrid CDF D0 ATLAS EDG LHCb ARDA GANGA LCG ALICE CMS LCG CERN Tier-0 Centre CERN Prototype Tier-0 Centre CERN Computer Centre UK Tier-1/A Centre UK Prototype Tier-1/A Centre RAL Computer Centre 4 UK Tier-2 Centres 19 UK Institutes 4 UK Prototype Tier-2 Centres Separate Experiments, Resources, Multiple Accounts Prototype Grids 'One' Production Grid 2004 2007 2001 ATSE e-Science Visit April 2004