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Representations of the Other. Rita Sebestyén, PhD. Representations of the Other: Language, Body and Space in Cross-cultural performances. C O UNTRI E S: Romania, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Uganda, the USA, the UK, Hungary, Malta – and maybe India
Representations of theOther Rita Sebestyén, PhD
Representations of the Other:Language, Body and Space in Cross-cultural performances
COUNTRIES: Romania, Hungary, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Canada, Uganda, the USA, the UK, Hungary, Malta – and maybe India • INDIVIDUALS: theatreprofessionals – actors, directors, critics, producers; researchers– intheatrestudy, sociology, philosophy • NGOs, theatrecompanies, universitydepartments Representations of the Other:Language, Body and Space in Cross-cultural performances
Main aims of the project: yearly 2 international workshops/ meetings/ symposia – for both theoreticians and practitioners yearly one study volume on research outcome artist exchange to foster participatory theatre in Eastern European countries shorter/ smaller glocal workshops and meetings Questionsraised: theconcept of Othernessindifferentsocieties theatricallanguageand ways of representation theatreasobject and subjectof research theatreastoolforsocialtransformation Represenataions of the Other: Language, Body and Space in Cross-cultural Performances
In 2012: Romanian majority (75.9%), and: Hungarian (19.6%), Roma (3.3%), German (0.7%),Serb (0.1%) , Slovakian, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech and Rusin. Transylvania(Transilvania/Ardeal, Erdély/Siebenbürgen, Transsilvania /Transsylvania /Siweberjen /Erdelistan)
peripheral • no economic, cultural and political representation (or weak) • tainted by extremist activities • Connection and communication • with both majority cultures: Romanian and Hungarian • with further small cultures • representation through self-expression: art, literature • foster social change
Theatre: do it, talk about it, get international Around 20 Hungarian theatres and theatre institutions in Romania: • state subsidized or supported by the local government • independent/ alternative/ private groups and companies • 2 universities Játéktér/Spatiu de joc/ Playing Area: www.jatekter.ro Periodical and site: around 50 contributors - from 19 to 75 years old: critics, researchers, theatre professionals (dramaturges, actors, stage directors), philosophers, sociologists, writers, and even a priest! Representation through arts Representations of the Other: http://representationsother.wordpress.com/
Representations + Gogol InterPlayground + Aarhus University + PaintbrushFactory + Cardiff University glocal, interdisciplinary, cross-cultural event (workshop+symposium+open discussion) fostering participatory culture, drama/theatre as tool for social transformation 21-23 March, 2014 GOGOL in CLUJ/CARDIFF
WHAT WE ARE LOOKING FOR? • partners: theatrecompanies, NGOs, artists, researchers, universitydepartments • touringperformances • locations: theatrical + conferencevenues • trans-sectorialcollaborators (mostly IT)
Thank you for your attention! Rita Sebestyén, PhDwww.sebestyenrita.comrita.julia.sebestyen@gmail.com