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A Machine Learning Approach to Programming

A Machine Learning Approach to Programming. Agenda. Overview of current methodologies. Disadvantages of current methodologies. MLAP: What, Why, How? MLAP: An example. MLAP: Design MLAP: Advantages/Disadvantages Scope Conclusion. Overview of software methodologies.

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A Machine Learning Approach to Programming

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  1. A Machine Learning Approach to Programming

  2. Agenda • Overview of current methodologies. • Disadvantages of current methodologies. • MLAP: What, Why, How? • MLAP: An example. • MLAP: Design • MLAP: Advantages/Disadvantages • Scope • Conclusion

  3. Overview of software methodologies • SSAD: Here programming is procedural. The mapping between a real life object n its representation in a program is ambiguous. • OOAD: Here real life objects are mapped as classes in a program. Each class consists of attributes n methods.

  4. Disadvantages of other Methodologies • Testing n error fixing takes a very long time. • Enhancements are based on user feedback n usage. Collecting this information is a cumbersome process. • Usability issues are not given enough importance because of lack of information. • Optimization is difficult because of inadequate information.

  5. What is MLAP? In MLAP, a program encodes information about itself i.e. it is aware of its own design. It is a natural consequence of the Object Oriented Methodology wherein real-life objects are represented as classes. In MLAP, each class is also aware of its construction n purpose. This is an effort to take programming to a higher level wherein the program can fix its errors on its own n provide a better user experience i.e. minor defects r fixed by the program n the program helps a user make the best use of the application n runs based on the user’s preferences.

  6. MLAP- An Example class A { private: attribute1; attribute2; classinfo; //encodes functionality details //of class A public: method1(); method2(); getclassinfo(); //retrieves details of class A };

  7. MLAP- An Example Each class contains information about itself which is encoded as an attribute. This information can be stored in predicates to record functionality.

  8. Design

  9. Design • EBL Engine: This will learn how it is used in the execution environment. The engine uses Explanation Based Learning. Domain theory will be specific to the application. • Knowledge Base: This will store domain theory n any rules that the EBL generates. • ES for Error Processing n Optimization: This can be added for real-time error processing n fixing.

  10. Advantages • Error fixing: Recording error info (steps traversed at the time of the error, point in code where error took place), real-time error processing will reduce time required to fix defects immensely. • Functionality/design enhancements: Recording code coverage n class usage for optimization n accurate error information will speed up development of new releases.

  11. Advantages • Usability: Various aspects of usage will be recorded by different users for usability studies. • Customization based on user preferences: UI preferences ,order of functions, batch processing based on user preferences n providing help whenever a user needs it will provide for a better user experience.

  12. Disadvantages • Higher memory usage. • An enhancement to a Basic implementation. • Higher costs. • Performance overhead due to additional functions.

  13. Scope • Project is still in its implementation stage. • The idea is to build an EBL engine with a knowledge base to support the application. • An expert system shell can be developed at a later stage for error processing.

  14. Conclusion • In MLAP, a program encodes information about itself n can enhance its own performance. • It can improve n speed up the process of error fixing. • It is aware of its functionality n design and works towards its enhancement. • It can provide a better user experience.

  15. References • Artificial Intelligence-”Nilsson” • Expert Systems-”Peter Jackson”

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