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Introduction to Diabetes

Introduction to Diabetes. Homeostasis. Internal stability within the body Metabolic processes occur within normal ranges Homeostasis disrupted = disease or illness Example: Diabetes. What is Insulin ?. Very Important Protein (hormone) Regulates glucose entering cells

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Introduction to Diabetes

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Introduction to Diabetes

  2. Homeostasis • Internal stability within the body • Metabolic processes occur within normal ranges Homeostasis disrupted = disease or illness Example: Diabetes

  3. What is Insulin? • Very Important Protein (hormone) • Regulates glucose entering cells • Created by the Pancreas • Controls blood sugar • Lack of insulin function = Diabetes

  4. So What? • Without insulin, cells do not take in the glucose they need for energy. • If the cell becomes resistant to insulin (type 2 diabetes) it has the same effect as if there was not insulin present; the cells do not take in glucose from the blood.

  5. Who Gets Diabetes? • 20.6 Million Americans have it! • 1 in 250 Americans Pictures from Microsoft Clip Art: http://www.microsoft.com

  6. Answer? Anyone Can!! Pictures from Microsoft Clip Art: http://www.microsoft.com

  7. Types of Diabetes • Type 1:Insulin-Deficient Diabetes old name: Juvenile Diabetes • Type 2:Insulin-Resistant Diabetes old name: Adult Onset Diabetes

  8. Did You Know…. • Worldwide: 2002 - 171,000,000 known to be diabetic 2030- 371,000,000 expected to be diabetic 2005 – 1 million people died from diabetes http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics

  9. Did You Know… • In the U.S. • 2002 – 17,702,000 known to be diabetic • 2030 – 30,317,000 expected • 1/3 of adults do not know they have it • 2002 - $132billion health care cost • 2000-2005 – age of onset getting younger http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics/

  10. Did You Know… • 50% of diabetics will have heart disease • 12% of diabetics will suffer serious vision loss early on • 75% of diabetics will suffer serious vision loss after 15 years • 1/10 of U.S. health care dollars are spent to treat diabetes http://www.cdc.gov/diabetes/statistics

  11. The Good News • Better treatments • Earlier diagnosis • Proactive early intervention techniques • New Research • But:There is no cure.Yet!

  12. Understanding Diabetes • Look at role of: • Food • Macromolecules • Metabolism • Feedback loops • Blood sugar concentration • Insulin

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