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Now that we have seen how exercise can help in weight loss and as mentioned above exercise is going to help you in achieving 20% on your weight loss journey, the remaining 80% should be achieved through healthy food diet. Read our WEIGHT LOSS DIET blog to know about a diet that will help you to be successful in achieving desired weight loss.<br>https://truweight.in/blog/fitness-exercise/10-simple-weight-loss-exercises-home-men-women.html
10Simple Weight Loss Exercises Home forBoth Men &Women at
Yoga to ReduceWeight Yoga helps in buildingand maintaining a healthy body andsoul. • Padmasana • Bhujangasana • Balasana • Adasana • SethuBandhasana • Halasana • Utkatasana • BaddhaKonasana
Crunches to Reduce BellyFat 1000crunchesadaywillgetyoustrongabdominalmuscles.
Planks to Tighten upbelly Youholdyourselfinapush-upposition,restingyourforearmson theground.Try3or4setsholdingfor30secondseach.
Lunges Lungessuchasforwardlungesaregoodforweightlossasthey work on muscleseVectively.
CircuitTraining Circuit Training is found to be much more eVective than traditionalcardioforburningweightfromalloverthebody.
CardioActivities Likeswimming,jogging,spinningisalwaysgoodoptionsof weightlossexercisesforbothmenandwomen.
Walking Getting up and moving throughout the day by going for walks will also help as easy workouts for weight loss. Remember the key point is to do full bodyworkouts and short bursts of exercises which are best for weightloss.
BearCrawls Thisexerciseimprovesandaidshipmobility,activateknees andaidinweightlossforboysandgirls.
JumpingExercises Jumpingexerciseslikeboxsquatjump,step-upjumpare eVective exercises for ladies and gentsas well.
Running Running is a good eVective way of keeping your heart rate up, lose calories, and reduce bellyfatandoverallweight.Youmaynotethat running is an eVective weight loss exercise for both male andfemale.
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