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We all want to live healthy and longer. But a healthy living doesn't only depend on healthy food habits but also on right living choices. Here we bring to you some healthy lifestyle tips that you can follow in order to lead a healthy life.
INTRODUCTION Browse anywhere and you’ll find that healthy diet and healthy lifestyle are the two significant pillars of good health tips. While youmaybehavingvagueideaslikeeatingbreakfast,sleepingearly, being physically active for a healthy life; we are here enlisting all thequalitiesthatmakeupforacompletehealthylifestyle. Forahealthydietthatisspecificallystructuredaccordingtoyour metabolism,youcanhaveaFREECONSULTATIONwithaTruweightNutritionist!
HOW DO YOU LIVE A HEALTHYLIFESTYLE? Simple, by following these 5 expert-backed tips for starting a healthylifestylewhichwillensurethatyoustartthemorning right! Startyourdaybydrinkingaglassofwater. Consumeyourbreakfastwithinanhourofwakingup.Makesureit is high inprotein. Include a daily morning exerciseroutine. Neverskipanyfoodgroup.Eatmorefruitsandvegetables. Eathealthysnacksevery2-3hoursaday.
WHY IS IT IMPORTANT TO HAVE A HEALTHYLIFESTYLE? Following a healthy lifestyle now will be a backbone for a healthy body, even during the later stages of your life. Healthy lifestyle habits can help prevent life-long diseases like diabetes, hyperten- sion,heartailmentsamongmany.Ahealthylifestylecanevenhelp manageanalreadyexistingcondition!Soinculcatingafewhealthy lifestyletipscangoalongwayinimprovingyouroverallhealthand mentalwell-being. HEALTHYLIFESTYLE
HEALTHY LIFESTYLE TIPS TO START YOUR DAY FOR GOODHEALTH Tip no.1 Startthedaywithaglassofwater. Make this a default morning routine, for a healthy lifestyle. Water helps in proper circulation of nutrients in the body, therebygiving you a healthy head start for the day. Water also serves as the body’s transportationsystem.
FLUSHES OUT TOXINS EARLYON It is an open secret that drinking water as soon as you get up, i.e. before eating anything, is a good way to purify your internal system. This practice helps to flush out the toxins from our body and cleanses the colon thus it enables better absorption of nutri- ents from variousfoods.
TRUWEIGHT TIP “ Truweight’s tip to start aheathy day: After 20 minutes ofdrinking “ water, have some healthyfoods like nuts, fruitetc.
DRINK WATER AS A MORNINGROUTINE IF YOU WANT A GLOWING SKIN, THROUGHOUT THEDAY. Drinking water before eating anything else in the morning, gives glowing skin by flushing off the toxins from the body. It alsohelps the skin do its job of regulating the body’s temperature through sweating, renewing the bodycells. You can also twist the plain water by adding a dash of lemon to it. The benefits of having lemon water in the morningarethat,ithelpsindetoxificationandalsotastes good.Remembernottoaddsugar!Needmorereasonsto drink morewater?
Tip no.2 Consumeahealthybreakfastwithinthefirsthourof wakingup Best time tohave breakfast: The optimum time to have breakfast is 7 am, or within the first hour of wakingup. Qualities of thebreakfast Breakfast should always be healthier, heavier, and eatenattheearliest.Remember,almost60%ofour total calories should come from ourbreakfast.
START THE BREAKFASTWITH: Afreshfruitorvegetablejuiceafteraglassofwaterisadvisable.If youplantoconsumeboth,youcoulddothattoo.Itisanutritional double whammy. Moreover, eatingfruits, thefirstthinginthemorning,afteraglass of water is highly advisable. That is because, fruits may not bedigested and absorbed properly if eaten right after a meal. Eating fruits/ drinking vegetable juice can also reduce the number of carbs consumedin breakfast.
FOLLOW UP BREAKFASTWITH: You can then add protein-rich items like egg or sprouts. Studies show that including eggs in breakfast can help you eat fewer calories for the next 3 hours. Which in turn will make you lose more weight and body fat. If you can’t or don’t eat eggs for some reason, then any other source of good quality protein should do thetrick
SOME BREAKFASTSUGGESTIONS: After a protein-rich food, you can consume a regular breakfast item consisting of complex carbs or healthy carbs such as pesarattu (moong dal chilla)/ idly/ wheat vegetable upma/ vegetable dosa/ red pohawith vegetables etc.
Tip no.3 Makesometimeforamorningexerciseroutine We know morning could be hectic but try taking out time for at least 15 minutes of morning exercise for weight loss. It could be something simple like spot jogging, planks, squats, or even a few Surya namaskars. Try doing it every alternateday.
TRUWEIGHT TIP What is a healthyliving? Confused with leading a healthy lifestyle and healthy living? Healthy living is a state in which you are mentally, physically, and spiritually healthy. Guess what, leading a healthy lifestyle is the first step towards a healthyliving!
Tip no.4 Neverskipanynutrientgroupthroughouttheday Areyouthinkingaboutazerocarbdiet?Well,youmustknowthat carbohydratesarenotjustrichsourcesofenergybutalsoprovide minerals and vitamins, which are pretty essential for our body. Hence, we should never avoid this food group as a part of a healthy daily diet. Carbohydrates are found in foods like fruits, grains, bread, and dairyproducts.
WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOU COMPLETELY SKIPCARBOHYDRATES? If you stop eating carbohydrate, you rapidly lose water weight as your body breaks down the stored carbohydrates,” explains Darwin Deen, MD, Senior attending physician at MontefioreMedi- cal Centre’s Department of Family and Social Medicine in the Bronx, New York. ” A low carbohydrate diet can disrupt the very balanceofyourphysiologicnutrition.Andwhenyoustartconsum- ing carbohydrates again, your body replenishes your carbohy- drate stores and your weight comes back. Therefore, it is veryim- portanttoincludeallthefoodgroupsinyourdiet..”
CONSUME MORE OFFRUITS ANDVEGETABLES: Try to include at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables in a day becausethatistherecommendedamounttokeeplifestylediseas- es atbay.
Tip no.3 Consume healthy snacks every 2-3hours You may have a healthy diet plan but as long as you don’t keep a check on your snacks, you may fail at leading a healthy lifestyle. So, counterthis?Always how do you have healthy, non-fried but baked snacks handy. If possible, you can make someyourself at home! This will keep you from the unhealthysnacking.
HOW DO YOU MAINTAIN A HEALTHYLIFESTYLE? Drinking about 8 glasses of water a day; eating foods that include all the various food groupslike protein, carbs, vitamins, minerals and good fats; following an early morning exercise routine, and eating healthy snacks can ensure that you lead a healthylifestyle.