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What are the Top Antioxidant Containing Foods? Truweight Tips

Antioxidants are pretty important substances that help our bodies to fight free radicals. These substances can also protect your bodies from many diseases. One of the antioxidants benefits are that they can be found in certain food sources. So, you can include natural antioxidant rich foods in your diet. Some of the foods that are good sources of antioxidants are like green tea, red rice, whole wheat flour, beans and pulses, onion, garlic, seafood etc.

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What are the Top Antioxidant Containing Foods? Truweight Tips

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  1. The Ultimate Antioxidant FoodList: 12FoodsYouMustIncludeintheDiet! The foods that can surely fulfillyour antioxidantrequirements.

  2. Introduction The goodness of antioxidants is no myth! They are everywhere; not just in the diet but also in anti-aging creams, oils, lotions, soaps etc! Butwhileyoumayhaveknowntheantioxidantfoodstoconsumefor a good skin, there is so much more to these nutrients! Here we will speak about what are the antioxidant foods to eat, antioxidant food benefits, and how tomaximiz e it, amongothers!

  3. What are Antioxidantsand Where are theyFound? • Antioxidantsarethenaturalsubstancesthatrestricttheoxidationof othermolecules.Oxidationcanproducefreeradicalswhichmaylead to cell damages in the body. Antioxidants are nothing but vitamins, mineralsorevenenzymeswhichneutralizethesefreeradicals. • There are many sources of antioxidants but we are listing downthe top 12 antioxidant foods available in India that you can include in yourdiet!

  4. Berries like blueberries, gojiberries • Nuts and seeds likealmonds, • Dark green leafyveggies • Brightcoloredvegetableslikesweetpotatoes, carrots, beets, tomato,pumpkin • Greentea • Certain herbs like clove,cinnamon • Wholegrains • Seafood andFish • Beans andpulses • DarkChocolate • Onion andgarlic. • Cruciferous vegetables likecabbage, • broccoli,cauliflower.

  5. Berries • Berries like blueberries, strawberry, mulberry, goji berry areamong the highest antioxidant foods in the world! Berries come with a host of antioxidant vitamins and minerals that help lower inflammation andstrengthentheimmunesystem.Toknowmoreabouttheantioxi- dantbenefitsofberries,readourdetailedblogonthem.

  6. Nuts andseeds • The vitamin E in nuts and seeds along with the fiber make for a powerhouse of nutrient combination. Seeds are often ignored but theycanbetheultimatesourcesofnutrientstoo.Herearesomemore reasons you should eat seeds if you are looking for weightloss. Here isatastyandhealthyyogurtparfaitrecipewithfruit,nutsandseeds!

  7. Darkgreenleafyveggies • Darkgreenleafyvegetableslikespinach,methi,dillleaveshavebe- ta-carotene along with providing vitamins A, C, E, and evencalcium. They are also a rich source of potassium and magnesium. Here isthe recipeforatastyspinachchickpeasoupjustforyou.

  8. Bright coloredvegetables • Look for the colored foods like carrots, sweet potatoes, beets, tomato,pumpkinetc.TheseareallrichinvitaminA,whichisthevita- min that imparts the rich color. Not just that, they are rich invitamin C,B6,andfiber.Youcanincludetheseveggiesinsoups,regularsubjis orevenjuicethemtomakehealthyantioxidantdrinks!

  9. Greentea • Greenteaisoneofthemosthealthydrinks.Itisrichinantioxidants namely flavonoids and polyphenols like epigallocatechin gallate. Theseantioxidantcocktailactaspowerfulanti-inflammatoryagents. What if this green tea is further fortified with antioxidant Indian herbs? Well, Truweight’s Teatox is just that. Here is why Teatox is better than regular greentea.

  10. Certain herbs likeoregano, clove,cinnamon • Now isn’t spice the variety of life? But did you know that spice can also provide you with many antioxidants? Researchers turned their attention to spices and were pleasantly surprised. They foundspices tobeaconcentratedsourceofantioxidants;surpassingevenvitamin E,somefruitsandvegetables.Oreganostandsouttobetheherbwith the highest antioxidant activity. But there is a rider, use them fresh becausetheirantioxidantactivityisthehighest.

  11. Wholegrains Wholegrainscanbeveryimportantsources of antioxidants. Replace refined grains like white rice or maida with red rice or whole wheat flour, you can significantly increase the antioxidant quotient in your diet. They provide you with the antioxidant nutrients selenium and zinc. Moreover, they are also rich inphytochemicals.

  12. Seafood andfish • Seafoodsandfishesarealsogoodfoodsourcesofantioxidants.They are often considered as superfoods because of their omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, good lipids content. To gain maximum benefits, try toincludefishandseafoodatleasttwiceaweek.

  13. Beans andpulses • Haveyoubeenavoidingpulsesfromyourdiet?Ifyes,letustellyou that they provide not just protein but also antioxidants. They are a rich source of the antioxidant (even fiber) lignan. Apart from that, theyalsoprovidevitaminC,folate,calcium,zinc,andselenium.

  14. Darkchocolate • Holadarkchocolatelovers!DidyouknowthatDarkChocolateisamong the highest antioxidant foods in the world?It contains antioxidants namelypolyphenols,flavonols,andcatechins.Itevenprovidesyouwith iron, magnesium, copper, selenium, and zinc. So it may not be all that badtoinclude1smallpieceofdarkbitterchocolatewhencravingscome calling. You can also add some dark chocolate gratings on your antioxi- dantdrinks.

  15. Onion andgarlic • Nokitcheniscompletewithouttheonion-garlicduo.Andthebest partis,theyarerichinantioxidants.Theycontainsulfurcompounds that prevent the oxidation of fatty acids in the body. In addition, garlicisalsorichinquercetin,anotherpowerfulantioxidant.

  16. Cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli,cauliflower. • Thiscategoryofvegetableshasmanynutrients.Thesevegetablesare rich in vitamin A-carotenoids, vitamin C, folic acid, and fiber. Indoles are the active antioxidants that are present in cruciferous veggies. TheseantioxidantsareresponsibleforprotectingtheattackonDNA.

  17. So, these are the 12 food sources of antioxidantsfor you. With a properincorporationofthesefoodsinyourdiet,youcanenjoyallthe health benefits of antioxidants. After all, these are the best natural antioxidantsupplements!

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