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The American Revolution

The American Revolution. Rules I will call on the first team to raise their hands. Last team to get an answer right chooses the next category. Team must discuss with one another BEFORE anyone raises their hand. (I could call on anyone on your team.)

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The American Revolution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. The American Revolution

  2. Rules I will call on the first team to raise their hands. Last team to get an answer right chooses the next category. Team must discuss with one another BEFORE anyone raises their hand. (I could call on anyone on your team.) If one team gets it wrong, the other team gets a chance to answer. You have five seconds to give your answer once I have called on your team. If neither team knows the answer, I will let teams check their notes.

  3. Vocabulary - 10 This is an effort by many people to change the government or leader of a country.

  4. Vocabulary - 20 This is a reason to be unhappy or dissatisfied with current conditions.

  5. Vocabulary - 30 This is a type of civil disobedience where you stop using the goods and services of a company or country until changes are made.

  6. Vocabulary - 40 This is an economic system in which a country accumulates wealth through exporting more than it imports and through accumulating gold and silver.

  7. Vocabulary - 50 This term expresses a belief in the equality of all people.

  8. Action/Reaction - 10 Colonial Reaction: Colonists harass stamp distributers, boycott British goods, and prepare a Declaration of Rights and Grievances.

  9. Action/Reaction - 20 Colonial Reaction: Colonists in Boston rebel, dumping 18,000 pounds of East India Company tea into Boston Harbor.

  10. Action/ Reaction - 30 Colonial Reaction: Colonial agitators label the conflict a massacre and publish a dramatic engraving depicting the violence.

  11. Action/Reaction - 40 Colonial Reaction: Colonists protest “taxation without representation” and organize a new boycott of imported goods.

  12. Action/Reaction - 50 Colonial leaders form the First Continental Congress and draw up a declaration of colonial rights.

  13. Battles - 10 This was the last major battle of the American Revolution.

  14. Battles - 20 Before this battle began, George Washington crossed the Delaware River and snuck up on the Hessian soldiers working for the British Army.

  15. Battles - 30 These were the first two battles of the War for for Independence. The “shot heard ‘round the world” occurred at one of these battles.

  16. Battles - 40 This battle was an American victory that ultimately led to an important alliance with France.

  17. Battles - 50 While this battle in Boston was a British victory, the number of casualties in the British Army proved that the Americans were a legitimate threat.

  18. British Laws - 10 This British law established a line along the Appalachian mountains that colonists were not allowed to cross.

  19. British Laws - 20 These laws enforced the mercantile polices of England.

  20. British Laws - 30 This law requires colonists to purchase special stamps to prove payment of tax.

  21. British Laws - 40 This British law taxed certain colonial imports and stationed troops at major colonial ports to protect customs officers.

  22. British Laws - 50 This is what colonists called the laws that tightened control over Massachusetts by closing Boston Harbor and quartering troops.

  23. Potpourri - 10 This was the name of George Washington’s army.

  24. Potpourri - 20 According to the principles of mercantilism, this is why colonies exist.

  25. Potpourri - 30 The French Empire allied itself with many Native American groups to fight the British Empire during this war.

  26. Potpourri - 40 While many colonists found the policies established by the Navigation Acts oppressive, this is why the colonists didn’t rebel right after they were passed.

  27. Potpourri - 50 This was the site of the army camp in which 2,500 soldiers in the Continental Army died due to harsh conditions of the winter of 1777-1778.

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