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Barrel SCT Material Budget

This document provides an overview of estimating the material budget for the SCT Barrel by Alessandro Tricoli from RAL. It covers procedures, documentation, modeling for simulation, on-barrel and off-barrel services, and comparison methods. Detailed information and raw data are accessible on the SCT Material Budget web page.

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Barrel SCT Material Budget

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  1. BarrelSCT Material Budget By Alessandro Tricoli RAL ATLAS Physics meeting, 18th March 2008

  2. R=3405 mm PPB1 PPF1 R=1150 mm PPB0 PPF0 PP1b PP0 PP1a Z = 0 ID gas barrier EC SCT Barrel SCT Overview • Procedure to estimate the SCT material budget • Documentation • Barrel • On-Barrel Services • comparison with weight measurements • Off-Barrel Services (radial & along inner cryostat wall) • End-Caps by Stephen Haywood Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  3. Collection of Material info • Bottom-up estimate: collect weights and compositions for each item including screws, washers, nuts etc. • Input information is collected from engineers who designed and built the detector: • using drawings and measured weights or CAD masses when no measurement is available. • When possible we compare our bottom-up estimate to measured weights of sub-detectors: • top-down estimate: weigh the whole sub-detector with extra temporary bits (i.e. support structures, trolley etc.) then subtract weight of extra bits. Barrel Thermal Enclosure HSP B6 Bearing Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  4. Modelling for Simulation • When raw data is collected materials are grouped into volumes to implement in GeoModel. • constraints: • balance between having fine granularity and minimising number of volumes to avoid slowing down simulation • have a realistic detector in the simulation avoiding clashes between sub-detector volumes (keeping also clearances for misalignments) • Material Volumes suggested by A. T. are passed to Pat W. and Vadim K. for coding into GeoModel • All materials shown today are included in G4 detector geometry CSC-03-00-00 Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  5. Documentation • Raw material data and simulation models are available on the SCT Material Budget web page http://hepwww.rl.ac.uk/atlas-sct/engineering/material_budget/ • Barrel Section with: • derived models: on-barrel and off-barrel services • link to taka Kondo web page for Modules (not discussed here) • X0 plots from Model: • using simplified geometries • X0 plots from Pat Ward using Geantino (geometry as in G4) • Comparison bottom-up mass estimate with top down measurement for barrel SCT • links to raw information from engineers • ATLAS note being written: common for barrel & end-cap services Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  6. On-Barrel ServicesBottom-up estimate • Modules done by Taka Kondo (not discussed here) • Tracking Volume Services for B3, B4, B5,B6: • Carbon Fibre Cylinders including flanges and end-clamps • Cooling Loops: pipes, inlet connectors, exhaust manifolds, U-bends, cooling blocks • Module support Brackets • Harnesses and Doglegs Example: excel sheet for CFRP Cylinder and Flange Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  7. B3 Cooling Inlet Cooling pipe Module Cooling Block Dogleg Optical Fibres LMTs Dogleg Bracket Cylinder Cooling Outlet (manifold) On-Barrel Services (pictures) Harness (LMTs, Dogleg, Fibers) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  8. On-Barrel Services (masses) All barrel layers are treated similarily: main differences in multiplicity of objects (no. modules, brackets, cooling loops, cylinder radii etc.) Taka Kondo Module Mass: • 24.74 g Average module’s mass • 52.26 Kg Total mass for the whole barrel SCT. modules are the largest single contribution X0 Plots vs h From Model: Simplified det. geometry (disks & barrels) h h Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  9. On-Barrel Services (X0 plots in G4) Smeared vertex Component-by-component Smeared vertex Stacked components By Pat Ward using geantino events Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  10. Off-Barrel Services (spread sheet) • Services outside the Tracking Volume • Interlinks • Cooling Capillaries and Spiders • Thermal Enclosure (TE): ITE,OTE, Bulkhead, End-Panels • Heat Spreader Plate (HSP) • Heat Exchangers (HEX) including Heaters (“as built”, i.e. with dummy heaters) • PPB1 • Power Cables including Cable Trays Example: Excel sheet for Inner TE (ITE) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  11. Thermal Enclosure (TE) End Panels Side Panels OTE Cooling Spiders ITE HEX (green) Heater Spreader Plate (HSP) Off-Barrel Services (pictures) B6 Bearing (with Interlinks are part of the barrel holding structure) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  12. Off-Barrel Services (masses & X0) Includes all materials that run through HSP (HEX excluded): Off-barrel opto-harness, cooling and N2 pipes, DCS wires cables and cable trays are the largest single contribution X0 Plots vs h From Model: Simplified det. geometry (disks & barrels) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  13. Off-Barrel Services (X0 plots in G4) Smeared vertex Component-by-component Smeared vertex Stacked components By Pat Ward using geantino Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  14. Mass and Radiation Length • Mass of on-barrel services 20% higher than previous estimates • Mass of off-barrel services 50% higher than previous estimates • X0 calculated analytically assuming simplified geometries • In agreement with Pat’s plot, using geantino events G4 • For |h|<0.5 on-barrel services and modules dominate • modules are the largest single contribution • For 0.5< |h|< 1.9 off-barrel services dominate • cables and cable trays are the largest single contribution Simplified Model Simplified Model Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  15. ComparisonBottom-up vs Top-down estimates… • Top-down: measurements after installation • SCT Barrel not weighed, can only be inferred: • TRT weighed and ID barrel • ID Barrel (weighed) = SCT + TRT + Extra Temporary Bits (Trolley+…) • SCT weight inferred from: ID Barrel – TRT – Extra Temp. Bits • Bottom-up: sum up masses of Modules, On-Barrel Services and some Off-Barrel services to be consistent with the measured object Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  16. Poor Accuracy due to TRT weight measurements (~20 Kg): • 727 Kg[=714 (measured) – 0.5 (St. St Manifold) + 8 (active gas manifold) +5.6 (cooling manifold) ] • 709 Kg[=699.5 (measured) + 6 (active gas manifold) +4.2 (cooling manifold) ] • Bottom-up estimate 691 Kg[=702.9 – 11.9 (cooling fluid)]by M. Goulette et al. M. Goulette (ATL-COM-INDET-2006-006) SCT= 175 (727Kg TRT) , 184 (av. 718Kg TRT) , 193 (709Kg TRT)Kg Top-down estimate SCT = (SCT+TRT+Extra Bits) – TRT – Extra Bits (Trolley, ISSS etc.) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  17. Bottom-Up: SCT = 186Kg Bottom-Up - Top-DownDifference: +11(727Kg TRT), +2 (av. 718Kg TRT),-7(709Kg TRT)Kg Comparison with Bottom-up estimate • Trying to be consistent with measurement (very difficult!!): • SCT= Modules + B(3,4,5,6) services – Cooling Fluid + Capillaries&Spiders + Interlinks + TE SCT-Pixel Attachment & on-barrel FSI missing (light anyway) Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  18. Conclusions and Plans • Mass computation of SCT Barrel and close to completion in the volume within the cryostat wall • FSI to be added soon (only known bit missing) • Substantial increase in mass and X0 w.r.t. previous estimates/simulation (+20% on barrel services, +50% off-barrel services), especially at higher |h| due to more accurate computation of service contribution • Models implemented in GeoModel by Pat Ward. (available in Athena rel. 13) • Comparison between mass estimate and measurements: • Limited accuracy due to large uncertainty on TRT weight measurement: ~20Kg • Good Agreement within experimental accuracy • Documentation • Complete web page with raw info, pictures, model destricptions, plots • ATLAS Note write-up on going Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  19. EXTRAS Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  20. On-Barrel Services (X0 plots in G4) Un-smeared vertex (0,0,0) Stacked components Un-smeared vertex (0,0,0) Component-by-component By Pat Ward using geantino events Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  21. Off-Barrel Services (X0 plots in G4) Un-smeared vertex (0,0,0) Component-by-component Un-smeared vertex (0,0,0) Stacked components By Pat Ward using geantino Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

  22. Inner Detector Volumes – from Grant, July 2006 Alessandro Tricoli, RAL

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