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Explore the European Forum for GeoStatistics (EFGS) as a key platform for advancing geostatistics in Europe, emphasizing GIS use in statistical mapping. Learn about EFGS history, conferences, projects, and global vision.
IntroductionIntroduction to EFGS and GIS. Mr Vilni Verner Holst Bloch MSc Resourcs Geography and Landscape Ecology Statistics Norway 460 Construction and service statistics Oterveien 23 N-2225 Kongsvinger NORWAY vvh@ssb.no Tel: +47 6288 5097 Mob. +47 9482 2532 ESTP course on Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Use of GIS in NSIs – Representing statistics on thematic maps Basic Level Statistics Norway, Kongsvinger, 5th to 7th of March 2013 Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Content European Forum for GeoStatisticsBackgroundWebsiteConferencesProjects Geographical Information SystemsOverall contextBusiness proces model
EFGS Background EFGS started as a voluntary cooperation between National Statistical Institutions (NSIs) in the Nordic countries in 1998, on use of geographic information systems (GIS) and statistics. Today EFGS has national contact persons from 32 European states and territories, having annual conferences and meetings. The Steering Committee consists of the national contact persons from the NSIs that participate in the ESSnet project GEOSTAT, mainly funded by Eurostat. Activities are concentrated on the development of the best practices in the production of geostatistics in Europe. EFGS aims at beeing a global forum and umbrella organisation from conference in Brazil in 2014. Fordrag et eller annet sted
EFGS Conferences 1998 - 2014 1998 Voss, Norway 2000 Stockholm, Sweden 2002 Oslo, Norway 2003 Helsinki, Finland 2004 Copenhagen, Denmark 2005 Stockholm, Sweden 2006 Kongsvinger, Norway 2007 Helsinki, Finland 2008 Bled, Slovenia 2009 den Haag, The Netherlands 2010 Tallinn, Estonia 2011 Lisboa, Portugal 2012 Prague, Czech Republic 2013 Sofia, Bulgaria 2014 Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Fordrag et eller annet sted
ESSnet GEOSTAT projects Recommendations 1: The GEOSTAT grid dataset …referenced to … Grid_ETRS89-LAEA… 2: … dataset should have a grid cell size of 1km².3: … cell code example ‘1kmN2599E4695’ …4: … Absolute counts of the statistical units (such as number of inhabitants, households, buildings, workplaces) should be disseminated without any restrictions… 5: … downloaded free of charge… 6: … dataset version 1 … reference year 2006. The next version … reference year 2011. 7: … quality … in the form of INSPIRE metadata encoded in ISO19139 .xml files. The production process should be documented per grid data source and country. Fordrag et eller annet sted
EFGS Recommendations 1: Datum and projection. Grid data for the European GEOSTAT dataset will be referenced to the European Grid Grid_ETRS89-LAEA_1K. 2: Cell size. The GEOSTAT grid dataset will have a grid cell size of 1km². 3: Cell code. The cell code is composed of the size of the cell and the coordinates of the lower left cell corner in ETRS89-LAEA. The cell code "1kmN2599E4695" identifies the 1km grid cell with coordinates of the lower left corner: Y=2599000m, X=4695000m. 4: Disclosure. The GEOSTAT project recommends that data protection measures should depend on the delicacy of variables. Absolute counts of the statistical units (e.g. inhabitants, households, buildings, workplaces) should be disseminated without any restriction, even for the smallest grid sizes. 5: Availability. The GEOSTAT dataset can be downloaded free of charge and without usage restrictions in a packagage of a csv file with the statistical data, a grid net shape file and an INSPIRE metadata file in ISO19139 encoding. The dataset can be downloaded from the EFGS website and from the Eurostat website. 6: Reference year. The GEOSTAT 1A dataset version 1 will have the reference year 2006. The GEOSTAT 1B dataset will have the reference year 2011. 7: Quality and metadata. The data quality of the GEOSTAT dataset version 1 will be in the form of INSPIRE metadata encoded in ISO19139 xml files. The production process will be documented per grid data source and country.
Dissemination of results Fordrag et eller annet sted
EFGS and a global vision 27th of July 2011: UN Economic and Social Council sets up Committee on Global Geospatial Information Building the infrastructure for the gathering, validation, compilation and dissemination of geospatial information is … as important for countries as the building of roads and telecommunications networks... …UN take the lead role and serve as the coordinating entity of the global geospatial information community, hence the decision to create the committee… The committee is mandated, … with providing a platform for the development of effective strategies on how to build and strengthen national capacity on geospatial information, especially in developing countries. … compile and disseminate best practices and experiences of national, regional and international bodies on geospatial information related to legal instruments, management models and technical standards, thus contributing to the establishment of spatial data infrastructures. The committee will comprise experts from all Member States, as well as from international organizations, who will serve as observers. Fordrag et eller annet sted
Vision for a Global forum EFGS members 2013 – cover a population of > 1 000 000 000* ARGENTINAgacke@indec.mecon.gov.arAUSTRIAIngrid.Kaminger@statistik.gv.at BRAZILmaria.bueno@ibge.gov.br BULGARIAEAvramova@nsi.bgvangelova@nsi.bgCROATIAcrkvencicb@dzs.hr CZECH REPUBLICstepan.moravec@scitani.czDENMARKmbr@dst.dkECUADORgacke@indec.mecon.gov.ar ESTONIAkreet.masik@stat.ee EUROSTATEkkehard.PETRI@ec.europa.eu FINLANDmarja.tammilehto-luode@stat.fi FRANCEjean-luc.lipatz@insee.fr GEORGIAshavishvili@geostat.gezkevanishvili@geostat.ge GERMANYsusanne.schnorr-baecker@destatis.de GREECE (ELLADA)vagkotz@statistics.gr HUNGARYhttp://www.ksh.hu ICELANDAnna.Bjornsdottir@Hagstofa.is INDONESIApriyono@bps.go.idIRELANDDermot.Corcoran@cso.ie ITALYticca@istat.it KOSOVOidriz.shala@ks-gov.net LATVIApavels.onufrijevs@csb.gov.lv LITHUANIAjana.vanagiene@stat.gov.lt THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIAgoran.kirandziski@stat.gov.mk MEXICOElsa.Resano@Inegi.Org.Mx THE NETHERLANDSnlwe@cbs.nl NORWAYvvh@ssb.no POLANDr.jablonski@stat.gov.pl PORTUGALana.msantos@ine.pt ROMANIAdaniel.vardol@insse.ro SLOVAKIAzuzana.podmanicka@statistics.sk SLOVENIAIgor.Kuzma@gov.si SPAINignacio.duque.rodriguez@ine.es SWEDENmarie.haldorson@scb.se SWITZERLANDWerner.Meyer@bfs.admin.ch TURKEYseymaozcan@tuik.gov.tr UNITED KINGDOMandy.tait@ons.gsi.gov.uk ÅLANDiris.akerberg@asub.ax In addition good contact with Australia, New Zeeland, Japan and more countries in Latin America *UN 2010
EFGS in growth After 2010 2010 Before 2010 From a few small and homogenic to many and diverse Fordrag et eller annet sted
EFGS Task forces - voluntaires EFGS Dissemination Web editorDiana Makarenko-PiirsaluMere tee 15, SavirannaHarjumaaEstoniadiana.m.piirsalu@gmx.chPhone: + 372 556 19 636 EFGS Global ActionsExecutive Director Lars BackerValhallavägen 14511531 StockholmSwedenlars.backer@mdmapping.sePhone: + 46 86645215 EFGS Business Models Expert ConsultantErik SommerVitus Berings Alle 32930 KlampenborgDenmarksommer.erik@gmail.comPhone: +45 4117 3582 You are welcome to join
Geographic information system Geographic information system (GIS) is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present all types of geographical data. The acronymGIS is sometimes used for geographical information science or geospatial information studies to refer to the academic discipline or career of working with geographic information systems.In the simplest terms, GIS is the merging of cartography, statistical analysis, and database technology.
Use of common and open tools Open source (OS) Open format Open standards OS software
Parts of infrastructure. Examples. Geographic analysis and web presentation Statistical tools Data mining Geocoding services Office tools and front ends Operating Systems platforms Legal issues Standards etc Attribution (by) Licensees may copy, distribute, display and perform the work and make derivative works based on it only if they give the author or licensor the credits in the manner specified by these. http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
Specify needs 1 Develop and design 2 Build 3 Collect 4 Process 5 Analyse 6 Disseminate 7 Prepare data for dissemination database 7.1 Determine need for information 1.1 Outputs 2.1 Build and enhance process components 3.1 Establish frame and registers, select sample 4.1 Classify and code 5.1 Acquire domain intelligence 6.1 Integrate production system with other systems 3.2 Set up collection 4.2 Produce product 7.2 Consult and confirm need 1.2 Frame, register and sample methodology 2.2 Micro-edit 5.2 Produce statistics 6.2 Establish output objectives 1.3 Data collection methodology 2.3 Test production system 3.3 Run collection 4.3 Macro-control 5.3 Quality assure statistics 6.3 Release and promote product 7.3 Check dataavailability 1.4 Process and analysis methodology 2.4 Finalise production system 3.4 Finalise collection 4.4 Impute for partial non-response 5.4 Interpret and explain statistics 6.4 Manage user queries 7.4 Calculate weights and derive variables 5.5 Prepare business case 1.5 Production system 2.5 Prepare statistics for dissemination 6.5 Finalise content 6.6 Statistical production process #1 make a map of the infrastructure
GIS @ NSI Training courses Fordrag et eller annet sted