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Transforming Education with Technology Trends

Explore how Wolcott High School uses technology for data-driven learning and how scanning scenarios open up unimaginable possibilities in education. Discover the benefits and challenges of learning analytics, economic factors, and demographic trends affecting modern education.

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Transforming Education with Technology Trends

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  1. Vision for Education – 2017 Sarah Stabile Post University – EDU505 Jennifer Wojcik

  2. Wolcott High School • Public high school founded in 1958 • Mission: “Wolcott High School provides a positive learning environment to engage students in meaningful learning for success in the 21st century.” • 2012 Wolcott implemented the New Common Core State Standards • Increased rigor • Capstone project with career developed pathways • 2012 Wolcott implemented a modified-block schedule • In-depth student collaboration projects • Effective technology used • Discovery-based learning

  3. Technology Used In (and For) the Classroom • Analytic Learning • Data teams organized by subject • Compare data to improve student learning • Mimio Software and Clickers • Tablets • Individualized learning experience • Apps • Cost effective • Immediate resources

  4. Scenarios and Scanning Scenarios Benefits Opens up the mind to unimaginable possibilities and challenge long-held internal beliefs of an organization; …compelling its managers to rethink radically” (Mietzner & Reger, 2005, p. 235). Newly adapted ideas instead of pre-existing ones; corporations are no longer focusing on "black and white scenarios or the most-likely scenario” (Mietzner & Reger, 2005, p.236). Consequences A surprise event can collapse society’s productivity (Clardy, 2011, p.43). Data and other sources have to be collected and interpreted making scenario building time-consuming (Mietzner & Reger, 2005, p. 236). Scanning Benefits Supports from concrete evidence of how these trends have succeeded or failed previously, which allows people to slightly modify these trends for a better tomorrow Learning analytics personalizes education for each student to achieve a measure of success. Challenges Economics and financial distress Some of the modern technology does not have many trends to base a premise off of to predict future behaviors

  5. Technological Trends Web 2.0 Technologies Mobile, Ubiquitous and Contextual Computing Both • Allows people to communicate with others and share ideas, videos, opinions, and more online • “Enhances and increased the quality of student work” (Pritchett, Wohleb, & Pritchett, 2013, p. 2) • Leads to individualized learning experiences • Collect Data to better understand areas of weakness • Analytic learning • Shows “increased motivation and self-directedness, accessibility and portability as a personal learning tool” (Klopfer, Yoon, & Perry, 2005, p. 2). • Instant access to information which leads to “just-in-time” learning

  6. Budgeting Trends • Hiring freezes or restrictions, laying off of [full-time and] part-time faculty members, and reducing academic programs (Betts, Hartman, and Oxholm, 2009) • Learning journeys provide futuristic ways of learning that can be cost effective; yet, provide an eclectic collection of resources. • OER (open educational resources), are free for students to use • “help[s] learners connect with people, resources, and activities that can propel them along their chosen learning pathways” (Zimmerman, 2011, p. 1) • Allow students to engage in meaningful learning by making learning connections in and out of the classroom, in the community or online (Zimmerman, 2011)

  7. Demographic Trends • Immigration students • Legalization may help close the achievement gap • Higher rate of success because of a sense of community (Hao & Woo, 2012) • Networking and collaboration skills • Tablets may improve learning with one-to-one assistance • STEM-related jobs • More males than females • More STEM than non-STEM jobs (Milgrim, 2011) • Females involved with technology at a young age may develop an interest to pursue career at an older age • Females provide a different perspective

  8. 5 Ways to Prepare • Invest in classroom sets of tablets • Further research online educational apps, softwares, and other programs • Participate in professional development to learn how to appropriately assist students in content specific areas of virtual learning • Budget for new technologies • Provide more STEM-based elective classes for students to develop a further interest in these areas

  9. Call to Action • Purchase a set of tablets for students to easily connect to the world around them and have access to several educational online resources. • Budget for the purchase of these tablets and apps • Participate in content specific professional development on how to properly use the technologies that are going to be implemented within a classroom (Davis & Rose, 2007). • Several apps should be researched • Collaborate online in a discussion forum concerning the pros and cons of each app or software. • Collect data from the use of these programs on each tablet. • Collaborate with their content specific colleagues to discuss teaching methods • Administration should designate common preps to teachers

  10. References • Betts, K., Hartman, K., & Oxholm III, C. (2009, December). Re-examining and re-positioning higher education: Twenty economic and demographic factors driving online and blended program enrollments. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks, 13(4), 3-23. Retrieved from http://sloanconsortium.org/jaln/v13n4/re-examining-amp-repositioning-highereducation-20-economic-and-demographic-factors-drivi • Clardy, A. (2011) Six Worlds of Tomorrow: Representing the Future to Popular Culture. [Article] World Future Review, 3(2), p.37-48 • Davis, N. & Rose, R. (2007, November). Research committee issues brief: Professional development for virtual schooling and online learning. North American Council for Online Learning. Retrieved from http://www.inacol.org/resources/publications/inacol-reports/2/ • Groff, L. & Smoker, P. (1996). Global Options: Introduction to Future Studies Topics. Retrieved from http://www.csudh.edu/global_options/IntroFSTopics.HTML#FSMethodols • Hao, L. & Woo, H. (2012). Distinct trajectories in the transition to adulthood: Are children of immigrants advantaged?. Child Development, 83(5), 1623. DOI: 10.1111/j.146786 24.20 12.01798.x

  11. References cont. • Johnson, L., Adams Becker, S., Cummins, M., Estrada, V., Freeman, A., & • Ludgate, H. (2013). NMC Horizon Report:  2013 Higher Education • Edition.  Austin, Texas:  The New Media Consortium. • Klopfer, E., Yoon, S., & Perry, J. (2005, September). Using palm technology in • participatory simulations of complex systems. Journal of Science Education & • Technology, 14(3), 285-297. doi: 10.1007/s10956-005-7194-0 • Mietzner, D., & Reger, G. (2005). Advantages and disadvantages of scenario • approaches for strategic foresight. International Journal of Technology • Intelligence and Planning, 1(2), 220-239.Retrieved from • http://www.lampsacus.com/documents/stragegicforesight.pdf • Milgram, D. (2011, November). How to recruit women and girls to the science, • technology, engineering, and math (STEM) classroom. Technology & • Engineering Teacher, 71(3), 4-11. Retrieved from • http://ehis.ebscohost.com/ehost/detail?sid=a2947163-d415-40e2 ae193da80b1e0cd5%40sessionmgr14&vid=5&hid=8&bdata=JnNpdGU9ZWhvc3QtbGl2ZQ%3d%3d#db=a9h&AN=67074361

  12. References cont. • Pritchett, C., Wohleb, E., & Pritchett, C. (2013, February). Educator’s • perceived importance of Web 2.0 technology applications, Tech Trends, 57(2), • 33-38. doi: 10.1007/s11528-013-0643-3 • Zimmerman, G. (2011). Learning journey mentor. KnowledgeWorks. • Retrieved from http://www.knowledgeworks.org/learning-in-2025

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