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Join us for the Physics Department Meeting on January 26, 2012 to discuss important safety matters, department news updates, and welcome new members to our team. Get insights from Mike Zarcone on safety, Tom L. on department news, and participate in a Q&A session.
Physics Department Meeting January 26, 2012 • Safety matters: Mike Zarcone • Department news: Tom L. • Q & A
Welcome to our new Department members RBRC Chin-Hao Chen Research Associate Administration Xiaofeng Guo Physics Associate II Nuclear Theory Vladimir Skokov Research Associate Lattice Gauge Theory Yu Maezawa Research Associate RACF Guangwei Che Adv. Technology Engineer Electronic Detector Grp. Elizabeth Worcester Research Associate Harry Themann Assistant Physicist RHIC Spin Kjeld Oleg EyserAssistant Physicist Advanced Accelerator Grp. Holger Witte Assistant Physicist
Awards and honors since our September meeting Craig Woody IEEE Fellowship For development of radiation detectors for HEP, NP, and Medical Imaging Ruth Van de Water Finalist: New York Academy of Sciences Blavatnik Award for young scientists Raju Venugopalan Fullbright Senior Specialist Award: Lectures at Univ. of Cape Town, S. Africa
International Awards and Honors Larry McLerran Liu Lianshou Chair, Central China Normal Univ. Honorary Ph. D., Peoples Republic of China Yasuyuki Akiba RBRC/RIKEN 2011 Nishina Memorial Prize, Japan
DOE Secretary’s Achievement Honor Award: BNL RHIC/ATLAS Computing Facility Presented by Secretary Chu in Washington DC October 27, 2011 “Your accomplishments have allowed scientists to perform computations of unprecedented scope.”
U. S. ATLAS Hand-off Howard Gordon U.S. ATLAS Project Manager: 2005-2008 Deputy Research/Operations Manager: 2003-2012 Srini Rajagopalan Beginning September 1, 2012: U.S. ATLAS Deputy Operations Manager
Big Picture Outlook: Challenging times • Not long ago, Congress passed legislation aimed at doubling the funding for NSF and DOE Office of Science over a period of ~ 10 years. • Recent Congressional action puts such plans on hold, at best. • Flat budgets are the new normal. • Meanwhile, BNL has moved ahead with the Blueprint strategy: • A vision for substantial growth of the Laboratory • New directorates, with emphasis of “Discovery to Deployment” • Re-organized, expanded support and infrastructure activities • (e.g. IFM, deployed services in HR, finance, ESH) Near-term result: costs for support activities and new start-ups exceed revenues from overhead charges. This has precipitated the recent call for voluntary retirements. This was not meant to be a precursor to further layoffs. BNL 10-year strategic plan: http://www.bnl.gov/10yr-plan/
BNL’s Revenue Sources Photon Sciences GARS NPP ELS
Nuclear Physics outlook: FY 2012 - 2013 • RHIC Run 12 is now starting, expecting ~20 cryoweeks (optimal would be ~26 cryoweeks) • 200 GeV and 500 GeV spin runs • Heavy ion runs with first use of EBIS as pre-injector for RHIC • [Uranium-Uranium or Cu-Au collisions] • First data with PHENIX FVTX; STAR FGT engineering run; MTD prototype Very difficult budgets for the Nuclear Theory groups, despite world-class ranking in recent reviews. We are working with DOE to ameliorate this. Final push to prepare eRHIC designs and science case for the Nuclear Physics Long Range Plan discussion. But, see next item… The President’s FY 2013 budget – to be presented next month – is thought to be “Challenging” for both Nuclear and High Energy Physics. Tim Hallman (ONP Director) may be compelled to initiate a community-wide discussion of priorities if budget constraints preclude going ahead with all of the present plans for this decade: JLab 12 GeV operations + RHIC operations + FRIB construction
Far site Tunnel length: ~2700m Ling Ao Near Daya Bay Near Ling Ao-ll NPP Water hall Ling Ao NPP LS hall Daya Bay NPP High Energy Physics outlook We are in a good position with ATLAS and Daya Bay Operations. The CERN LHC continues to operate with record-setting luminosities, and should finish this year with data samples providing definitive statements on the existence of the Higgs or other exotic particles. BNL plays a central role as host lab for the U.S. ATLAS collaboration, and the U.S. Tier 1 computing facility. The Daya Bay experiment has begun taking data: studying neutrino fluxes with big new underground detectors from nuclear reactors at a Chinese power plant complex. Expect important results soon on the critical neutrino mixing paramterθ13
High Energy Physics outlook - 2 Much of our present and planned support is dependent on projects that are still in the formative stages, for which there is considerable uncertainty. • The timing and scope of ATLAS upgrades remains uncertain. • The development of the Long Baseline Neutrino Experiment (LBNE) remains tumultuous. • The technology decision in favor of a liquid argon detector over the mainstream water cherenkov technique has just been made this month. A major change in the scope and organization of this project. We expect BNL to maintain a strong leadership presence. • Details of funding and time-scale of this ~$1B project still await high level DOE decisions. • LSST has had successful preliminary reviews by NSF and DOE, but still needs construction approval, and significant funding, from both NSF and DOE
New Business: upcoming things for the Department Physics Planning: In view of the many Big Picture issues to be resolved nationally in the next year or so, we will organize “Town Meeting” style workshops in both Nuclear and High Energy physics to discuss the Department’s plans and priorities. Probably in March or April. Spotlight Awards: A change in our procedures for Spotlight Awards: At present, awards are considered one-by-one during the year as nominations arise. For the future, a Department committee is being formed that will consider nominations on a twice-yearly basis.
RSL-2 construction The project is moving along on schedule Phase I: Clean Room Large Seminar Room Demolition and asbestos abatement should be done this month. Expect completion of Phase I in late May or June. Phase II: 3-story wing Demolition and asbestos abatement is now beginning. Expect some interruption of A/C this spring, when chilled water plumbing is done.