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This program aims to promote the social and academic well-being of Ethiopian students in Israeli educational institutions, preventing dropouts and ensuring their success. It incorporates personalized education, advanced technologies, and collaborative efforts between parents, community, and educators.
מדינת ישראל משרד החינוך התרבות והספורט המינהל לחינוך התיישבותי ועליית הנוער "כל תלמיד בית-ספר" "הולום טמרי תמהרת בת נאו" דר' אלי מנברג, מר יעקב מלקמו
כפרי הנוער המשתתפים בתוכנית בשנה"ל תשס"ז
מטרת על • קידום מצבם החברתי ותפקודם הלימודי של תלמידים יוצאי אתיופיה ומניעת נשירתם (הגלויה והסמויה) ממוסדות החינוך
דגם בסיסי לתוכנית הכוללת להפעלת"כל תלמיד – בית ספר" משק כפר הנוער פנימייה בית ספר תוכנית חינוכית אישית כוללת תל"א תקשוב אתר התכנית ישוב [רווחה / חינוך / נוער] בית הורים קהילה [מועדון] [תל"א]
שימוש בטכנולוגיות מתקדמות דידקטיקה ממוקדת תלמיד איגום וריכוז משאבים אירגון לימודים גישה מערכתית מאפייני הפעילות • כפר הנוער - תכנית חינוכית אישית כוללת • בית הספר - תל"א • בבית הספר • בכפר הנוער • בסביבה הקהילתית • עבודת מורים עמיתים (שותפות בשונות) • כפר נוער כמערכת תומכת הצלחה • תכניות פעולה מבוססות מטרות • מדדי הצלחה כמותיים • תיקשוב - עבודה ברשת ובסביבות אינטרנטיות • מיחשוב (חומרה) • יישומי מחשב • למידה מקוונת (מורים, תלמידים) • אתר לניהול ידע • תקציבים • השתלמויות והדרכה • כ"א בכפר הנוער ובמטה • פעולות חינוכיות
Team work is a must • Everyone involved must look closely at the students’ unique needs and work together to improve their academic and functional performances.
What is an Individualized Education Program? • An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a written statement of the educational program designed to meet a child's individual needs. Every child who receives special education services must have an IEP. • The IEP has two general purposes: (1) to set reasonable learning goals for the child; and (2) to state the services that the school district will provide for the child • IEP must include a plan to meet ALL the child’s unique needs. The IEP should tell us exactly what the school will do to address the child’s needs. Finally, the IEP should give you a way to know if the IEP is working.
Definition of individualized • The IEP must be tailored to the individual student’s needs and must help teachers understand the student and how best to work with that student. • The IEP should describe how the student learns and how the school staff and student will work together to help the student learn better.
Steps in writing IEP 1. present levels of performance (strengths and needs by observation, tests). 2. setting annual goals. 3. short term objectives. 4. reviewing and revising the IEP.
Smart IEP • A smart IEP is based on the child’s present levels of performance, includes measurable goals and objectives and ways to monitor the child’s progress during instruction.
שלב א' - מיפוי מיומנויות באנגלית לקראת כתיבת תל"א
שלב א' - מיפוי מיומנויות באנגלית לקראת כתיבת תל"א - המשך
שלב א' - מיפוי מיומנויות באנגלית לקראת כתיבת תל"א - המשך
שלב ב'- פרופיל תלמיד על פי: תחומי כוח ומוקדים לחיזוק באנגלית- לקראת כתיבת תל"א
SMART GOALS • What are they? • Why use them? • How do you write them?
Smart goals – what are they? Specific Measurable Action words Realistic and relevant Time limited
Specific – cont’ A specific goal has a much greater chance of being accomplished than a general goal. To set a specific goal you must answer the six "W" questions: *Who:Who is involved? *What:What do I want to accomplish? *Where:Identify a location. *When:Establish a time frame. *Which:Identify requirements and constraints. *Why:Specific reasons, purpose or benefits of accomplishing the goal
Measurable To determine if your goal is measurable, ask questions such as...... How much? How many? How will I know when it is accomplished?
Why SMART Goals? • Goals are something that you want to achieve in the future • SMART goals assist in “getting focused” on what to focus efforts toward • SMART goals help define exactly what the “future state” looks like and how it will be measured • SMART goals show others how their work “aligns” and relates to the focus of the school
Effective teaching • How the “process” of teaching influences the “product” student learning.
The Four Aces of Effective Teaching • OUTCOMES • Let students know where they are going and why. • Drive hard towards clear goals • CLARITY • make the contents as clear and simple as possible. • build on what studens already know. • ENGAGMENT • don’t lecture for more than 30 minutes before running and activity that involves all students. • people learn what they DO, so have students do everything that you want them to learn. • A ENTHUSIASM • if you hate to teach it, your students will hate to learn it. the only key to motivation is success. Journal of Effective Teaching, Vol. 5, No. 2, 2002
Effective teaching - outcomes What were the desired student outcomes for your last class meeting? Were the outcomes directly stated or implied? What did your students actually learn, and how was that learning documented? Did the employed instructional strategies effectively contribute to each student’s ability to accomplish the stated outcomes?
Effective teaching - clarity During your last class meeting, what instructional techniques did you employ to provide the students with a clear explanation of the lesson content? Were there any concepts and/or skills that you were able to incorporate from previous lessons and courses? Did you allocate sufficient time for your students to ask questions so that you could clarify information? Did you make complex subject matter clear and easy to learn?
Effective teaching - Engagement In your last class, how much time were your students engaged in learning activities other than note taking? On how many occasions during your last class did students have the opportunity to be actively engaged in the learning process? How many of your students are asleep or off-task at any point in a given lesson?
Effective teaching - enthusiasm Were your students excited about attending your last class? Were you excited about teaching your last class? What have you done to effectively communicate your passion for the subject matter that you teach to your students? How have your past teaching, research, and service been used to positively impact the teaching-learning environment for your students?
Effective learning – summary • Teenagers bring a variety of experiences to the classroom which can serve as a springboard for new exploration that enrich everyone’s experience. • In effective classrooms, teachers and students together construct a culture that values the strengths of all participants and respects their interests, abilities, languages and dialects. • Students and teachers shift among the roles of expert, researcher, learner and teacher supporting themselves and each other.